Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1300 matches similar to: "Calling ActionView from uninheriting class"
2009 Sep 24
Drop down list ?
Hi Gurus, I''m trying to tackle a drop down list. I have category and
item dbs, and they''re wired up with category has_many :items and item
belongs_to :category, and an item has a category_id. I have this code
in my new/edit.html.erb for item:
<%= f.collection_select :category_id,
Category.find_main, :id, :header, {}, :multiple => false %>
And a pretty drop down list
2009 Jul 24
number_to_currency not working since 2.1.1
Back in 2.1.1 everything was sweet:
Loading development environment (Rails 2.3.3)
>> include ActionView::Helpers::NumberHelper
=> Object
>> number_to_currency(12.3)
>> "$12.30"
Then I upgraded to 2.3.2 and:
Loading development environment (Rails 2.3.3)
>> include ActionView::Helpers::NumberHelper
=> Object
>> number_to_currency(12.3)
>> 12.3
2006 Apr 05
number_to_currency inside model
I was wondering if this is possible.
I have a model (Item) that contains products. These products have prices
that I''d like to format using number_to_currency. Rather than doing this
several times inside the view, I thought it might be nice to do it once
inside the model.
The item table has an field called regular_price which holds a currency
amount. I would like to do something
2006 Apr 08
Cannot use view helpers in RJS helpers
Any ideas why I would get an error in a RJS helper on view helpers
such as number_to_currency.
# my_template.rjs
# my_helper for my_controller
def help_me
I have also tired page.number_to_currency but that doesn''t work either.
2009 Aug 26
Noob DRY method question
Hi Gurus, I''m learning the Rails framework, and I have this exact
block of html/javascript in two places in an if/else construct in
<body onload="Modalbox.show(''<div class=\''warning\''> <p> <center> <%=
flash[ :notice ] %> </center> </p> <p> <center> <input
2005 Jul 24
international version for number_to_currency ?
bryce benton wrote:
> number_to_currency(1234567890.506) => $1,234,567,890.51
BTW agile book does mention this ..
will this number_to_currency(x) be internationalized ? or i can set it
to Indonesian for example (or to any other languages rather than just
English) ?
Salam hangat,
<%= Arie %> | http://blog.riyari.com | Y!: riyari3
email: ariekusumaatmaja_at_riyari_dot_com
2009 Sep 25
uniqueness validation perplexity
I want to write a validate routine to check to enforce that a position
must be unique in a category. (In another category, it doesn''t have
to and shouldn''t need to be unique.) I write this code which works
happily for new items:
def position_in_category_not_unique
@items = Item.find( :all, :conditions => [ "category_id = ? AND
position = ?", category_id,
2010 Oct 16
Doubt with symbols in Rails
I was trying to write a wrapper for number_to_currency to return
currency in pounds. I used a helper class to do this.
def number_to_pounds(amt)
number_to_currency(amt, :unit => "£")
This works fine, but I am trying to understand why I can''t use a
symbol to pass the values. I thought symbols were like pointers. (you
now know I am a newbie).
2006 Jun 23
float calculation error
I have the following values
pActualCost = 33.00
pPaymentCost = 29.99
So this calculation should leave me with 0.01
pPaymentDifference = pActualCost - pPaymentCost
however when doing this in rails, it returns 0.00999999999999801
has anyone got any suggestions to whats going wrong and how I can
correct this
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
2006 Mar 03
number_to_currency() helper == non DRY == could be improved
Hi all,
Apologies in advance if I got this one wrong, I''m still just a
newbie ;-)
Going through the Apple ADC RoR tutorial it suddenly occurred to me
that the ''number_to_currency()'' helper method was not DRY streamlined.
The "number_to_currency()" methods options hash works great when I
need to dynamically display different currencies when I
2006 Aug 18
HELP!!!! - number_to_currency in model?
I''m trying to use number_to_currency in one of my models, but i''m
getting the
following error:
undefined method `number_to_currency'' for #<Product:0x396d680>
Obviously, my Product model can''t access number_to_currency -- is there
something I need to do to make it available?
Thanks so much for your assistance.
Posted via
2006 Apr 24
Form with multiple rows of content
I have looked at examples for this. I found a similar example in the
Agile Web Dev... book but that didn''t help. Here''s what i am trying to
A Cart has many line items. On the Display Cart page, I want to provide
the user the option to update quantities.
Here''s the rhtml code:
<%= start_form_tag :action => ''update_cart'' %>
2006 May 21
Is there a way to call helper methods in a controller?
Is there a way to call helper methods in a controller?
I want to do something like this in my controller
Class MyController < Action....
def my_method
string = link_to "some_url", :controller => "home", :action => "command"
link_to is an ActionView helper method and it seems that I couldn''t access
the method in the controller
2006 Oct 08
Call an helper method from a controller
Hello, this have been debated few times in the forum but I didn''t found
a satisfying solution : my problem is very simple, I have few methods
dealing with cookies that are intended to be used in controllers and
Let say I have the read_cookie() method. Because it deals with the
response object putting this method in the /lib directory doesn''t fit
nicely because I
2007 Dec 06
I am using the number to currency function because i live in the uk and
the company want me to only show values of the pound of course.I have
created all my application using ruby script/generate
scaffold_resource.... I have come across with a problem... this code is
in my applcation:
def number_to_currency(number, options = {})
options = options.stringify_keys
precision, unit, separator,
2006 Jan 27
Formatting Data in rhtml
Is there a simple way to format your data in the .rhtml file?
I come from a PHP/Smarty background, and in the templates, I''ve used
what is called "modifiers" to format data.
{$price|currency_format} # displays in currency format
{$description|truncate:"100"} # Truncates the description after 100
It seems like the template (rhtml) would be the ideal
2010 Mar 24
More elegant solution for "missing" has-many through ids?
I have LabGroup and LabDesc which have many through LabDescGroup. I''d
like to identify LabDescs which don''t have a LabGroup. This works:
x = []
LabDescGroup.find( :all, :select => ''DISTINCT lab_desc_id'' ).each{ |c|
x << c.lab_desc_id }
y = []
LabDesc.find( :all, :select => ''id'' ).each{ |c| y << c.id }
notfound = x - y
2008 Feb 05
how can my model reference a helper?
I know, I know, they''re not allowed to. But here''s my problem. I''ve got
a really simple model with two fields, name and price, which I want to
show in a form select drop-down. "collection_select" takes a
''text_method'' parameter, which is the method in the model that gets its
value placed in the <option> tag.
Because I want to show both
2006 Jan 06
How do I reference eagerly loaded Models in the View?
[I hope the repost isnt'' "minded". Following the advice of another
thread I''ve changed the subject to a question. If I haven''t included
important info, please ask. My database is being unduly killed. Jodi]
Cheers on-the-Rails-ers,
Before I start, I''ve read the ActiveRecord docs on eager loading, but
for the life of me, I can''t seem to get
2010 Jan 21
will_paginate ?
Does anyone have experience with will_paginate?
I''m trying to use it with acts_as_ferret.
map.search ''/search'', :controller => ''notes'', :action => ''search''
acts_as_ferret :fields => [ ''body'' ]
def search
if params[ :query ]
@query = params[