similar to: Connecting to Oracle (Solaris Sparc 10)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "Connecting to Oracle (Solaris Sparc 10)"

2009 Sep 18
should I chmod gem writable directories?
I am new to Solaris and new to Ruby. When I install some gem file using gem install, I get this warning. I''d like to make these gems available globally: bash-3.00$ gem install thor WARNING: Installing to ~/.gem since /opt/coolstack/lib/ruby/gems/1.8 and /opt/coolstack/bin aren''t both writable. /opt/coolstack/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/installer.rb:149: warning:
2008 Aug 26
2005 Mar 21
Oracle Adapter on Mac OS X?
I had previously gotten Maik Schmidt''s patch for Oracle working, but now am trying the official Oracle adapter with the latest Rails. I''ve been trying to get the OCI8 connector to install under OS X, but get the following error. Has anyone gotten it working? ---- [waterdog:~/Desktop/ruby-oci8-0.1.9] stmpjmpr% ruby setup.rb config ---> lib ---> lib/DBD ---> lib/DBD/OCI8
2013 Aug 29
ruby connect oracle problem
Hello folks. I''m new in Ruby also ROR. I installed oracle intant client and test it it works fine. Now I wanna connect to oracle db. But its got some error. like this *custom_require.rb:36:in `require'': cannot load such file -- oci8 (LoadError)* my code is here. require ''oci8'' oci =
2009 Apr 07
mongrel server core dump on Sun Solaris
I am running my Mongrel Web Server 1.1.5 on Sun Solaris 10 server with Apache 2.2 proxy running with single Mongrel instance to handle my RoR Web Applications request. My RoR web application was developped on Windows plateform, once I svn my RoR souce codes to Sun Solaris Web Application server and run the application through web browser. My Mongrel Web server most time may die and a core dump
2006 Jun 12
AMD64 + Debain + rails + Oracle ?
Hi folks, Does anyone know how to install the OCI8 ruby interface on Debian64 without having to install Oracle? My understanding, from experience with Debian i386, is that you need Oracle (specifically the SQLPlus) installed to be able to compile OCI8. Since my new dev machine is AMD64 running Debian, I''m stuck. My rails applications need to connect to a remote Oracle 10g, but cannot
2006 Apr 28
NoMemoryError Oracle
Hello, I''m trying to run rails on a Solaris 10 box with Ruby/OCI8, but I''m getting the following errors when trying to start up. # script/server => Booting WEBrick... /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rails-1.1.2/lib/commands/servers/ webrick.rb:49:in `[]='': failed to allocate memory (NoMemoryError) from /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rails-1.1.2/lib/
2007 Oct 01
Error with Mongrel_cluster
Hi Guys, I?m getting this error with mongrel_cluster. I am able to start mongrel through mongrel_rails start but the cluster is not working. Initially mongrel_rails wouldn?t work but after I added $ORACLE_HOME and $PD_LIBRARY_PATH variables it worked but mongrel_cluster isn?t working still. The mongrel log file looks like below. Any help is appreciated. Thanks. -----------begin
2006 Apr 20
oci8 mac os x intel
Is rails + oci8 + mac os x intel a winning combination? It appears that oci8 might be a issue.
2009 Mar 22
undefined method 'define_a_column' for class 'OCI8::Cursor'
Hello. Tired of searching and finding nothing useful. Moving application to laptop for trip. Installed: - Ruby (1.8.6, patchlevel 111) - Rails (2.2.2) - Oracle adapter ( - ruby-oci8 (2.0.1) - Oracle 10g Express Edition database.yml: development: adapter: oracle etc... When I start Mongrel (ruby script/server) I get the error above. I''ve looked everywhere I can think of.
2006 Mar 06
Oracle XMLType data
Howdy folks, Has anyone had any luck getting Oracle''s XMLType to play nicely with Rails? According to the docs, it''s just a wrapper around CLOB. However the ruby-oci8 driver throws an exception about user defined types if you try to query a table with an XMLType column. Any pointers would be appreciated. Thanks, -wilig
2005 Aug 08
OCI8 extension for PHP
Hello, I am wondering what do people use to connect to an oracle DB ? I've been looking for something like php-oci8 RPM package, but no luck so far. I hate to have to rebuilding PHP on my own just to be able to connect to an Oracle database. Thanks for any help RDB
2005 Jul 27
Oracle OCI8, or "am I going crazy?"
All of a sudden, on three different systems, the "server_ip_address/sid_name" syntax in database.yml has stopped working for me. I can''t even do a blah blah) statement from an IRB shell. I get "ORA-12541: TNS:no listener", or some variant, depending on how I phrase it. On systems where I have a real deal client installed, and OCI can find the tnsnames
2010 Dec 15
ORA-12514: TNS:listener d oes not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor (OCIEr
Hi I am a new to ROR and learning this framework from various tutorials. I have my new application and had the rails generate scaffold get going but after this when I first ran the rake db:migrate I got this ERROR! ORA-12514: TNS:listener d oes not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor (OCIError) I''m using database which is on a server and have used the tnsnames.ora
2006 Apr 01
ROR on solaris 10 gem installation error
On my Sun Enterprise 450, I installed ruby-1.8.4 from That installed like a dream. I then downloaded rubygems-0.8.11. Untarred into /usr/local/src and tried to do a /usr/local/bin/ruby install.rb this is what followed and can someone help me figure out what to do? bash-3.00# /usr/local/bin/ruby setup.rb ---> bin <--- bin ---> lib ---> lib/rubygems <---
2006 Mar 29
Ruby/OCI8 not working on Rails 1.1 I posted this bug yesterday. Seems to be confirmed, since someone else has the same problem on a different platform (Fedora 4 and Max OS X). So, if you are using Oracle, don''t be in a rush to upgrade to Rails 1.1 unless you have the time to figure this problem out for yourself. -- Lori Olson
2006 Jan 10
Oracle 10g Express - generate scaffold gives error
Hello, I have Oracle XE installed. I have a table USERS. When I try to generate a scaffold it gives me this error. I tried also with Mysql and it worked. E:\radrails\projects\MPS>ruby script\generate scaffold user exists app/controllers/ exists app/helpers/ create app/views/user exists test/functional/ dependency model exists app/models/ exists
2006 Dec 01
no more wedged mongrels with fastthread
With Mongrel 0.3.18, I have not seen a single one of the hangs that I have been grousing about for the past N weeks. Thanks MenTaLguY and Zed! Q: Mongrel loads fastthread, Mongrel loads Rails, Rails loads OCI8, OCI8 requires ''thread''. That means OCI8 is using fastthread too, right? Steve
2005 Dec 28
OCI/ODBC on Windows
I have been trying to connect to an Oracle database on a windows machine. I succesfully ran a test program using ODBC to connect to Oracle, but I am out of luck on doing this with rails. I am unable to install the OCI Adapter on Windows and am trying to figure it out. Meanwhile, if anyone could provide me with some pointers or references, I would be grateful. I am finding it a bit difficult in
2010 Apr 27
"ORA-12154: TNS:..." error after successful oracle connection
Hi, After a few days of struggling, I was able to run this command successfully. ruby -r oci8 -e "''xxx_dba'', ''xxx'', ''//xxxx:1521/'').exec(''SELECT 1 from dual'') {|r| puts r.join}" I got "1.0" as output and I got my prompt back. So, I went back to the RoR app that I am working on,