Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "render_to_string inside method shared across several controllers"
2010 Nov 04
Re: Train wreck getting render_to_string to work from foreign controller [SOLVED]
Just for collective knowledge as I have found no info on this problem
I solved this by adding an .html.erb file for the "missing template", since
by design or bug Rails3 will not find or render another controllers view (in
my experience). Then in the new html.erb file, I just put <%= render
"comparisons/display" %> because the views *are* able to find templates
2006 Mar 08
render_to_string() in a controller that isn''t default route?
Is it possible to call render_to_string() in a controller that is not
set as the default route?
The content controller is set in routes.rb: map.connect '''', :controller
=> "content". The content controller is calling a template controller,
and I would like to be able to call render_to_string() within the
template controller, however I receive the error:
2012 May 28
rendering a partial inside another using render_to_string and (:formats) in controller
I want to clean my code by moving the duplicated lines :
partial = render_to_string( :partial => "#{file}", :formats =>
[:html] )
to the pagination_partials function.
def render_format_search_partial(file, options={})
# TODO remove this line to use the one
2006 Apr 20
Using render_to_string in other custom classes
I have a project where I''m publishing files. Once when the user
clicks publish via a URL and one when an email is received that tells
the app they want to publish again. Because the publishing requires
templates I have them in there own views. The problem is when I want
to publish via email I don''t want to ask the controller to render the
This is what I tried to
2012 Mar 31
Missing Template Error on render_to_string - Rails 3.2.2
I''m trying to execute some javascript in the browser after completing
my create action in the controller. Here''s how I''m doing it:
In my controller:
def create
# exectue some code
js = render_to_string(:layout => false, :template =>
render :js => js
Two questions:
1) Am I going about it the
2008 Feb 19
render_to_string in a controller test?
Hi all,
I know that in general, view and controller tests should be isolated,
such that controller specs don''t test views etc. However, I think
I''ve run into a situation that might be an exception.
My controller uses render_to_string to produce a chunk of HTML that it
passes to a model to be processed.
The controller then redirects the user to a different page. The
2007 Nov 30
render_to_string in an after filter
I''m using render_to_string in an after_filter, which renders a partial
that is sent to a web service. Here''s the code:
class MyController < ApplicationController
after_filter :post_to_webservice
def show
# show logic
def post_to_webservice
stuff = render_to_string :partial => ''stuff''
I get a DoubleRenderError in the
2011 Mar 06
render_views and render_to_string
Hey guys. One of my controller actions uses #render_to_string to send back a
JSON response.
When I try to spec this, Ruby raises a NoMethodError, saying that
#render_to_string doesn''t exist in my controller action.
Here''s the controller action, spec, and output:
Any idea what I''m doing wrong? Thanks,
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2011 May 17
rails render_to_string problem
I`m trying to test my controller with rspec and always get an error.
The error is in the render_to_string method call (without it test
works fine). So could u please help me with that?
def update
redirect_to @user, :status => 202, :text =>
render_to_string(:partial => "users/show", :type =>
2007 Nov 25
Fwd: Render_to_string from a worker
I am trying to generate a PDF from within a worker using PDF::Writer. In my
controller I use render_to_string to create the pdf file however from what I
understand render_to_string can only be used from a controller.
Does anybody have any suggestions how I might be able to replicate this
functionality in a worker?
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An HTML attachment
2007 Apr 19
render_to_string in a model ?
I have a batch job that will call script/runner, I would like in this
call to create html formated email and save it to the database. This is
easy enough in a controller with
yournewhost.email = render_to_string :action => "email_newhost_ready",
:layout => false
But render_to_string is only available in controller action pack, is
there a easy way to render_to_string in a Model? Or
2006 Jul 05
Calling render_to_string from a view
I''m playing around with a list of todos, which I want to render as
<ul>''s that can nest to an arbitrary level, so I wrote this as a helper
def print_todo(t)
str = "<ul>\n\t<li>"
str += render_to_string(:partial => ''todo'', :object => t) + "\n"
t.children.each { |c| str +=
2006 Mar 27
render_to_string troubles
I''m trying to build a simple mechanism for pre-caching a bunch of files by iterating over a hash of options from within a controller:
for options in [
{ :controller => "site", :action => "welcome" },
{ :controller => "site", :action => "about" },
{ :controller => "site", :action
2010 Mar 17
rails+prawnto: setting :type to :prawn in a #render_to_string call not working
Hello, my question is rails related though it is also somewhat
specific to the prawnto plugin (installed latest version as of
2010-03-15). I would ask on a prawnto forum/list if I knew where one
Anyhow, I''m using rails 2.3.5 (with ruby 1.8.6 patchlevel 111) in an
app that is successfully using the prawnto gem (with the prawn gem
version 0.7.1). I''ve got a a
2007 Jun 11
render_to_string from within the worker?
Is it possible to call render_to_string from with in a brb worker?
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2006 Aug 03
render_to_string without render twice error
When I have a user go to a certain page, it will fork off a thread that
will perform some action. So the main thread will finish and render
:nothing => true .
Now, I want that forked off thread to render into a string a partial.
However, I cannot render_to_string :partial=> :foobar because I have
already rendered once. Is there anyway to get around this?
Posted via
2006 May 26
render_to_string in model or script/runner?
is there a way to render a view to string in a model or is there a way
to call a controller method (because there its possible to call
render_to_string) in a model or externaly via script/runner ?
Thx very much
2006 Apr 07
render_to_string and DoubleRender error
Hi all,
I''m trying to use render_to_string in a controller in order to make an output
file for download, and then redirect to a "Thank you for downloading" page. Of
cource, this is not possible since one cannot have a "render" and "redirect" in
the same action. Anyone know how I can do this?
2010 Jun 24
Rails3: render_to_string of a .html.erb when request is a json request raises MissingTemplate error
I''ve the following situation (which actually works in Rails 2.3.8 and
this is a result of the migration of our app to rails3):
I have a partial which is rendered a few times (imagine tr''s in a
table). On the clientside there''s a script that does a json request
for a specific row (jQuery + ajax dataType: ''json'' and type: ''POST'')
2006 May 26
calling render_to_string outside of controller
How can I call render_to_string outside of a controller. I''m stuck on
this. I''ve nearly got my plugin finished but I can''t seem to get this
to work. The method is in ActionController::Base but it is protected.
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.