similar to: Missing Template when testing with the Brain Buster Captcha partial

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Missing Template when testing with the Brain Buster Captcha partial"

2010 Dec 22
Shoulda issue: no more "should have_instance_methods" ?
I''m using Shoulda. After copying the code here.... .... into my test_helper file so I can test acts_as_list, I came across issues. For one I realized I had to get rid of the _ between the "should" and "have" in past cases, but here, I get this error when I run my unit test:
2008 Jan 10
Hey, we''re currently using shoulda ( shoulda/) on a project and I saw some things that would be really nice to see in rspec, namely the should_ methods, and especially the should_be_restful method. Do these go against the rspec goals at all? Or could an ambitious programmer go to town implementing these for rspec_on_rails? Nathan Sutton fowlduck at
2011 Jun 30
How to play with shoulda with functional testing
Hi, I am new in rails testing, and now i try to use shoulda to test the functional section. can anyone give me some advice, example or recommend tutorial site to me.. thanks -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to rubyonrails-talk-/JYPxA39Uh5TLH3MbocFF+G/ To
2010 Aug 11
rspec2 not working with shoulda
I am using rails edge. I am using gem "rspec-rails", "= 2.0.0.beta. 19" . I have following code at spec/models/user_spec.rb require ''spec_helper'' describe User do it { should validate_presence_of(:email) } it { should validate_presence_of(:name) } end Here is my gemfile group :development, :test do gem ''factory_girl_rails'',
2010 Jun 21
[BUG] Segmentation fault
First of all, I use RVM and I installed ruby-1.9.2-head, which I used to create a new rails3 gemset. Then I changed to that gemset with rvm use 1.9.2-head@rails3 and I ran bundle install over the following Gemfile: source '''' gem ''rails'', ''3.0.0.beta4'' gem ''sqlite3-ruby'', :require =>
2012 Nov 19
puppet-dashboard - rake API not working
Hello all, I am quite new to the puppet arena, but I am really impressed with puppet as a tool and the possibilities it gives you with regards to managing many systems. I am running dashboard 1.2.14 and am trying to query via the rake API: when I do, I get the following error: <snip> # sudo -u puppet-dashboard rake -f
2012 Mar 13
minitest validations - is there a cleaner way?
i am trying out minitest, but need some advice on a clean way to test validations. I setup my testing to use minitest by following the following railscast plus i added miniskirt for Factories. everything works well, but there has to be a cleaner way of testing failed validations. would i be better off using something besides
2009 Jul 20
rake error
When I run rake test:units I get this error: 292 tests, 350 assertions, 2 failures, 13 errors rake aborted! Command failed with status (1): [/usr/local/bin/ruby -I"lib:test" "/ usr/loc...] This error just showed up yesterday --- I have no idea how I caused it. Here is my gem list in case that helps: actionmailer (2.3.2, 2.2.2) actionpack (2.3.2, 2.2.2) activerecord (2.3.2, 2.2.2)
2008 May 20
New to "Agile Development" - should I use RSpec or Test::Unit?
Hi everyone, I''m just now really starting to look into Agile Development, and so I''m trying to gauge what the Rails community''s preference is in regards to using RSpec versus the built-in Test::Unit. I haven''t really delved much into testing in the past, I''m sad to say, but I understand why it''s beneficial to writing maintainable code and
2010 Nov 02
Testing attr_accessible (and/or attr_protected)
I''ve been puzzling over how to test that attr_accessible has been set for the correct columns; but the tests I''ve come up with so far seem to fail to fail when I expect. I came across this old message from this list: at Which seemed like a plausible example, but my attempt (modeled on the example)
2006 Apr 24
Rails Recipes Book: Routing Error
Hi, I''m working on the first rails recipe, InPlaceEditing, and following the instructions very carefully. After generating the scaffold for Contact, I then go to the page, thus: http://localhost:3000/contacts/ I get this error: Routing Error Recognition failed for "/contacts/" What should I be checking for to resolve this problem? Thanks. -- Posted via
2011 Mar 01
Did rails or shoulda go insane on the inflection of 'taxes'?
I have a model ''xp_jurisdiction_taxes'' which rails (3) created correctly. Another model ''xp_jurisdiction_states'' has many :xp_jurisdiction_taxes. In my spec I am using a shoulda helper to test the association but get the following error. BTW, greped the whole project just in case and the string ''taxi'' exists nowhere. 1)
2011 Jul 28
RSpec, shoulda-matchers and Rails model attributes validations
I was trying out RSpec framework in a project and got stopped doing the unit test of a model. In particular, doing the test for the associations and the ActiveRecord validations. I started writing the validations but my tests didn''t look DRY at all. Before refactoring the tests checked out and look for other people solutions. I found out shoulda-matchers and Shoulda (which if I
2010 Jun 15
Allow blank on should validate_uniqueness_of
Hello, Using shoulda, any ideas how to allow blank when having this test: should validate_uniqueness_of(:email) Thanks. -- J. Pablo Fernández <> ( -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to
2009 Apr 22
Why RSpec?
I like Shoulda. Sometimes I like plain old Test::Unit. Cucumber gives me a different thought process. I''d just like to hear some thoughts on why RSpec? What does it buy me that I can''t get with Shoulda? I just can''t seem to think in RSpec. Where is there a good example of RSpec tests that will help me grasp the right path? Thanks! -- Amos King
2007 Dec 20
Refreshing an Image
Hi, I''m trying to refresh an img tag that as a captcha image. <img src="captcha.php" align="absmiddle" /> How am I able to do this with prototype? Thanks N --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Spinoffs" group. To post to this group, send email
2011 Sep 09
Captcha conception
Hi guys, the next problem: I create a controller, (/controllers/rmagick_controller.rb), which have aim to test an captcha Actions: def download # creates an captcha image def show # show the page where image took place def check # must check right captcha or wrong views/rmagick/show.html.erb: > <div id="captcha"> > <p><%= image_tag download_rmagick_path
2010 Feb 20
Captcha Trouble
Hello Rails, I have a problem. I would like to use captcha in one of my project. When I did try to install, this is what I got $ sudo gem install captcha Building native extensions. This could take a while... ERROR: Error installing captcha: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension. /usr/bin/ruby1.8 extconf.rb extconf.rb:1:in `require'': no such file to load -- mkmf (LoadError)
2010 Sep 10
Simple_captcha issue
I have a weird issue .I am using simple captcha in forms in my rails applications. If I am using one captcha in a web page I don''t have any problem. But I have a scenario of using three(3) forms in one page in which all the three forms will have the captcha . So that when I refresh the page the captcha data of the three forms are equal. When we come to database
2009 Mar 03
shoulda tested better
We''ve made quite a few contributions in our facebooker fork ( ), but unfortunately, one thing some of our contributions have in common with many others is the lack of testing. I want to change that. I''d like to help lead an effort to make the facebooker tests better. One thing that I think would help is a little better