similar to: htb ,essage in messages file !

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: "htb ,essage in messages file !"

2002 May 27
htb3 with imq
hi all, i want to try htb3 with imq downloaded & patched imq & htb3 with kernel-2.4.18 on rh7.2 but got STUCK on step 1 :( this are what i did can anyone guide me what went wrong on the first step itself !! [root@cab1 root]# modprobe imq numdevs=1 modprobe: Can''t locate module imq [root@cab1 root]# [root@cab1 root]# tc qdisc add dev imq0 handle 1: root htb default 1 Cannot find
2003 Jun 03
subshares ?
hi all... i have what seems a simple question regarding subshares, for lack of a better term... say i have a share with specific user/group permissions and a directory inside the share that i would like to add different user/group permissions... this is an example of my smb.conf file to illustrate [driveA] path = /samba/driveA browseable = Yes writeable = Yes valid users = PDC+groupA force group
2010 Mar 13
Specify Includes Only
Hi, sorry if this has been asked before, but I just can't find anywhere on the net that tells me how to do this. I've been trying for ages to get this right, using various forms of --include-from, --exclude, --filter, etc. I want to copy only specific directories that contain specific filetypes, from sourcedir to destdir. For example, I want to copy all .mp3 and all .ogg files found in
2009 Jul 07
Test for X=1 fails, test for >0 works, data in text file is 1
Hi, I am apparently not understanding some nuance about either the use of subset or more likely my ability to test for a numerical match using '='. Which is it? Thanks in advance. I've read a data file, reshaped it and then created MyResults by keeping only lines where the value column is greater than 0. So far so good. The data in MyResults looks good to me by eye. The
2010 Nov 11
NFS Mounted GlusterFS, secondary groups not working
Howdy, I have a GlusterFS 3.1 volume being mounted on a client using NFS. From the client I created a directory under the mount point and set the permissions to root:groupa 750 My user account is a member of groupa on the client, yet I am unable to list the contents of the directory: $ ls -l /gfs/dir1 ls: /gfs/dir1/: Permission denied $ ls -ld /gfs/dir1 rwxr-x--- 9 root groupa 73728 Nov 9
2011 May 31
In a formula, what is the interaction of the intercept and a factor?
For a pedagogical purpose, I was trying to show how the formula for a simple regression line (~1+x) could be crossed with a factor (~1:group + x:group) to fit separate regressions by group. For example: set.seed(201108) dat <- data.frame(x=1:15, y=1:15+rnorm(15), group = sample(c('A','B'), size=15, replace=TRUE)) m1 <- lm(y~ 1 + x, data=dat)
2011 Oct 10
Hi, I''m new using RoR and I have a ... trouble with What I have in a table is ... for example group code GroupA 07A GroupA 08A GroupA 10B GroupB 06A GroupB 11B GroupB 07B GroupC 10A GroupC 09A GroupC 09B when I use <%= f.collection_select :grupo, Equipo.find(:all), :id, :name, prompt: ''Choose a Group'' %>
2005 Jan 07
Secondary group problem in include statement
Hi, Scenario :- User A belongs primarily to GroupA and secondary to GroupB. Somedirectory contains GroupA.conf and GroupB.conf Have anyone got "include = /somedirectory/%g.conf" in smb.conf to work such that scripts in groupA.conf and groupb.conf will be executed when UserA logins? Am I using the correct syntax? If not, what is the correct syntax? I am on Debian with 3.0.10
2003 Oct 03
Can't build wine on Red Hat Fedora
Hi! I get this error when I'm trying to compile wine 0911 release on Red Hat Fedora (with gcc-3.3.1-5) using the tools/wineinstall script. Can someone please tell what is wrong? I could't compile last month's wine either. There was a segfault at the end of the installation process, when it reached some "wine registry". make[2]: Entering directory
1998 Apr 20
Incomplete browselists with %G
When I build an smb.conf using a line like: include = /usr/local/samba/lib/%G.conf then it works beautifully for the shares that are listed in the appropriate <primary group>.conf files, that is, I can connect to them and all... However, I can only _browse_ the shares listed in the main smb.conf file, not the ones in the <primary group>.conf files that should be included, even
2010 May 15
Discretize factors?
Hi, I'm looking for an easy way to discretize factors in R I've noticed that the lm function does this automatically with a nice result. If I have group <- c("A", "B","B","C","C","C") and run: lm(result ~ x1 + group) The lm function has split the group into separate binary variables {0,1} before performing the
2011 Oct 13
Question about GAMs
hi! I hope all of you can help me this question for example GAMs: ozonea<-gam(newozone~ pressure+maxtemp+s(avetemp,bs="cr")+s(ratio,bs="cr"),family=gaussian (link=log),groupA,methods=REML) formula(ozonea) newozone ~ pressure + maxtemp + s(avetemp, bs = "cr") + s(ratio,bs = "cr") #formula of gams coef(ozonea) # extract the coefficient of GAMs
2006 Sep 04
Problem with Variance Components (and general glmm confusion)
Dear list, I am having some problems with extracting Variance Components from a random-effects model: I am running a simple random-effects model using lme: model<-lme(y~1,random=~1|groupA/groupB) which returns the output for the StdDev of the Random effects, and model AIC etc as expected. Until yesterday I was using R v. 2.0, and had no problem in calling the variance components of the
2006 Jan 04
How to produce this graphic
Hello there, I would like to produce a plot of x<-c(4,5,6),which is the mean of each group and y<-c('groupA','groupB','groupC'). plot (x,y) can not produce any graphics because y is not numerical. What should I do to produce this graphic? Thank you in advance Lisa Wang Princess Margaret Hospital Toronto,Ca
2006 Mar 21
How to make extension groups ???
Hello All, i am repeating this question for the sixth time but i think i was not explaining the problem correctly. ............. Now i will try to explain it...... I have 4 telephone lines(PSTN) in my PBX. Now I want to make groups of the extensions to use that lines. e.g. extensions 12,13 & 31 are in groupA extensions 14 - 20 are in groupB extensions 21 - 30
2020 Feb 14
winbind optional parameters on samba 4.10
Hi, I'd like do review and understand what parameters we can or should use in /etc/samba/smb.conf configuration almost all for winbind I use this smb.conf [1] , I'd like to know if new parameters still valid for Samba 4.10 and what they do . Thank you . [1] workgroup = CORP realm = CORP.LOCAL winbind use default domain = yes idmap config * : backend = tdb idmap config
2003 Jul 10
win2K migration
Dear All, I am trying to migrate a win2k file server to a linux box running samba. The folder structure on the win2k server has as follows: topfolder1 +------subforder1 +--------subsubfolder1 +--------subsubfolder2 +------subfolder2 +--------subsubfolder3 +--------subsubfolder4
2012 Jun 07
Dealing with multiple gid changes
So I discovered yesterday that if puppet changes the gid of a group it doesn''t go through the file system and update them with the new correct gid (at least this was the case on RHEL5 and client puppet v2.6.16 and puppetmaster 2.7.12). Now I thought that it might be possible to have puppet execute something like find /home/ -group <old_gid> | xargs chgrp groupname. However
2008 Mar 31
Users groups are not synchronized with Samba
Currently I am using Samba with ACL control. My problem is that if I add or remove users from a group, those changes are not reflected for samba access until I restart the samba server. Example of what I mean. GroupA and GroupB....USER is part of no group. Unix: I give GroupA full access to FOLDER Windows: as USER I try and access FOLDER I get permission denied. Unix: I add USER to GroupA
2008 Jul 01
Samba 3.2 Ldap problem
Hi, I've running a samba 3.0.22-13.30 server in standalone mode (security=user) for quite a while. It's authenticated against an openLdap and works great, say Server A. A few days ago I've installed OpenSuSE 11 Beta 2 in another server, it came with samba 3.2.0-18, so as I'm very lazy I copied the smb.conf file from the working server to the new one with little modifications