similar to: after_create and has_one association bug?

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2009 May 27
Contingent Select Boxes - 2 Q's
I have a form with contingent select boxes (the state is contingent on the country selected, so when the country selected changes, the state changes -- I am using the Carmen plugin for getting my state names and country names together, but not the functionality I am interested in achieving). Everything works fine except I cannot figure out how to amend my code such that: A. When the form is first
2009 May 27
query on Ruby array
Looking for suggestions on following two queries. Query 1 ------------------------------ Are the two following lines of code different in Ruby / Rails ( in a *.html.erb) file. <% if @forms.count != 0 %> <!-- first code --> Vs. <% if @forms.count %> <!--second code --> @forms is an array of objects. Coming from "C" language development background, i thought
2010 May 05
form remote tag :before=> function problem
Hi I have a strange problem, I am using the below code form_remote_tag :url => ''/abc/test'',:before => "return hello();", :update=>''test_categories'' ,:complete => "Element.hide(''spinner'')", :loading => "''spinner'')" do I am using :before=> function to validate the
2009 May 05
modalbox rails var interpolation
Howdy everyone. I am using modalbox which is very nice an easy to use. I have this for an edit for a company listing: <td><%= link_to(''Manage Companies'', {}, :onclick => ''\''/ companies/edit/#{}\'', {width: 600}); return false;'') %></td> The link is not putting the in it puts #{
2009 May 25
Passing a JavaScript variable through a Rails params hash
Hi guys, hoping someone can give me a pointer with this? I have a Javascript variable that I''m updating dynamically as a user interacts with the page. I want the user to be able to save it''s value at any time along with some text data in a pop-up form, so the best way I can think of is to pass it through the params hash without writing it into the form. I''m not totally
2009 May 25
CAn u please tell wats the prob in runnning my project?
[~/kallori]# rake db:migrate (in /home/gm/kallori) no such file to load -- hmac-sha1 /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:27:in `gem_original_require'' /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:27:in `require'' /home/gm/kallori/vendor/rails/activesupport/lib/active_support/ dependencies.rb:510:in `require''
2009 May 24
belongs_to not saving foreign key
Under Rails 2.3.2 using a completely brand new project, I have 2 models: class Author < ActiveRecord::Base # name:string end class Book < ActiveRecord::Base # title:string belongs_to :author # author_id end And a simple test where i create a Book with an Author using the belongs_to and then update the foreign key directly: require ''test_helper'' class BookTest
2008 Apr 07
Saving attribute
Something is getting lost here. def create @home = Team.find_by_user_id( for player in @home.players player.update_attribute(:game_id, end end def show @players = Player.find_all_by_game_id(params[:id]) end view <%= @players.size %> # mistakenly equals zero Played with the console and everything should be working fine...
2009 May 05
no sql in the controller guideline
hello. i just checked Chad Fowler''s post "20 Rails Development No-No''s" and one guideline caught my attention. it says: "Nothing that looks at all like SQL should go into a controller, view, or helper." it really came as a surprise to me as Rails itself seems to go against such practice by its AR ''conditions'' option, which most of the times
2008 Apr 15
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid in BlogController#index
Hello. I''m trying to do the video tutorial "how to build a blog engine in 15 minutes with ruby on rails" from the main rubyonrails website, and I''m getting an error when I try to use scaffold :post after editing my config file for the mysql database. Here is the exact error I''m getting: ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid in BlogController#index
2008 Apr 02
Problem getting the most recent has_many associated object
I can''t get my view to display the most recent parameters from an associated object in a view... here is a birds-eye of my app: I have two models, Ferms and Kinetics. Ferm has_many :kinetics, Kinetic belongs_to :ferm. Kinetic has the fields ferm_id, brix and temp. In my ferms/index view I have a table listing the attributes of each ferm instance. I would like to display the most recent
2008 Mar 06
Hi, Why is cache_sweeper not a documented method? I was pretty sure it used to be, but I could be wrong. I can''t seem to find any information on it anymore in the online docs. As a side note, looking at the code for cache_sweeper it appears to only work with the :only option, not :except (ignores it)... what''s the reason for this? Thanks, Andrew
2009 Dec 20
Noob Install Failed
Happy Holidays, I am new to RoR and have just run through the install, which well seemed to be vaquely documented as some ''Do this'' type of thing on the page. download gem setup.rb gem install rails rails path/to/your/new/application cd path/to/your/new/application ruby script/server and then ( drumroll ) .... Follow the instructions on
2009 Mar 29
after_create and after_save
Hi, AFAIK after_create is called after_save if the entry does not exist in the DB. Is there a way to tell if a specific model is new or not in after_save? I have to do something like: def after_save add_to_history ''save'' end def after_create add_to_history ''create'' end However after_save is called when creating too. -- cheers, M.
2006 Aug 17
Automatically creating associated records with after_create
Hi all. I am actually using ActiveRecord outside of Rails but I don''t see that it matters for this question. I want to automatically create a registration entry when I add a new user to my application. This works fine, but it''s not automatic: class User < ActiveRecord :: Base has_many :registrations end class Test user = user.registrations.create end
2009 Jul 21
Machinist - having problems stubbing an after_create filter
Hi all I''m moving to using Machinist in my rspec tests and am having a problem with an after_create callback method that i need to stub out. It seems like calling ClassName.make will trigger this callback before i''ve had the chance to stub it. Can i stub it in my blueprint for that class? Or, can i stub the method for all instances of the class before i call ClassName.make?
2009 Feb 05
Need the activerecord-sqlserver-adapter but...
Hi... I am new to RoR development, and Web development in general (but have about 25 years of IT/software experience - just not in the Web area)... I have a really good RoR 2.X book that I have read and reread a few times and starting to try to apply what I read... Have a Web app that I need to write at work, and prove to folks that RoR is THE_WAY, despite their ASP .NET protests otherwise... So,
2008 May 09
dynamic models
Hi In my app , a user can create a set of question then a table is dynamily created , in the database,to store the answers of the questions. the name of the table is answers_x (x is the id of the questionniare). Is it possible to dynamicly create a model, to handle the answer_x tables ?? I can''t manually create a model then restart the server.
2008 Sep 23
calling save in after_create hook
Scenario: I''m creating an image file upload service for my web site. As well as saving the actual file I also need to create a database record for the file. I would like to name the file after the record id, but I also need to save some attributes of the image (width/height/mime_type etc) which I can''t discover until after the file is created. The Problem: 1) The id is not
2006 Aug 14
after_create is not being called
Hi all I have the following model: class PhotoGallery < ActiveRecord::Base attr_accessible :title, :description, :file_path, :title_photo_id has_many :photos, :dependent => :destroy belongs_to :title_photo, :class_name => ''Photo'', :foreign_key => ''title_photo_id'' validates_presence_of :title, :description, :file_path