similar to: Ethernet interface shuts down

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "Ethernet interface shuts down"

2002 Nov 21
the mistery of priomap
Dear list, before writeing this mail I really searched in the mailing list and deeply red the HOWTO, but I didn''t find a clear and univoque answer to my doubt. What is the meaning of the priomap? And what kind of TOS concerns? My first opinin was the one-to-one correspondence of the priomap and the 16 values of the four TOS bits. I mean priomap 1 2 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 implies
2002 Nov 20
RE: ntpd
Hi Nitin, First of all, you can verify that ntpd is responding on ingress with netcat : nc -u ingress 123 (udp connection on port 123) also try a netstat -an on ingress to be sure that the port 123 is in listen state... I recently install ntpdate, and it has worked as a client and a local ntp server immediatly. Good Luck, Yannick / Annecy in France -----Message d''origine----- De :
2002 Nov 07
Could someone help me understand htb queuening
Hi anyone I try to use htb and got some strange situation My hbt config is root htb with default to 999 class Then I make 2 classes 999 and 998 And make many many (near 60) leafs attached to 998 root ! ! 999 998 ---...---> many leafs root attached to ethernet dotQ subinterface 999 make rate where high (50Mbit) but according to tc -s class
2016 Nov 07
Need help getting two NICs to work on CentOS 7
Hello all Here is the scenario: We have a mail server VM which currently has two virtual NICs attached to it. One NIC is has an IP on a subnet with a default gateway defined and the other NIC has an IP on a different subnet with a different gateway on a different VLAN defined. Now when I activate both NICs, and run an ifconfig -a, I see that both IP addresses are showing. Now here is the
2017 Jun 13
[Bug 2729] New: Can connect with MAC hmac-sha1 even though it's not configured on the server Bug ID: 2729 Summary: Can connect with MAC hmac-sha1 even though it's not configured on the server Product: Portable OpenSSH Version: 7.5p1 Hardware: All OS: Linux Status: NEW Severity: security Priority: P5
2002 Jan 23
meaning of "IO Error: skipping the delete...."
On 23 Jan 2002, Nitin Agarwal <> wrote: > Hi, > I am Nitin from India working with a leading Indian newspaper "The Times > > of India". > We recently downloaded "rsync" and found it to be very useful and good > utility. > We tried to implement it between our main server and the DRS (Disaster > Recovery System), located
1999 Oct 24
Password Problem
Hi there, I'm having a little trouble with Samba ( duh, otherwise I wouldn't be writing to this list :)). It used to work just fine, but after I reinstalled my linux box, and samab with it I'm having a little trouble with the passwords. When I logon using my normal user account, and try to set my Samba password I get this error: $ smbpasswd Old SMB password: New SMB password: Retype
2009 Jan 14
[Patch] a bugfix to the oprofile code
Keir, The checks in the function passive_domain_do_rdmsr() were not sufficient. Also the same checks were done in the function passive_domain_do_wrmsr(). So these common checks are moved in a new single function passive_domain_msr_op_checks(). Signed-off-by: Nitin A Kamble <> Signed-off-by: Jun Nakajima <> Please Apply, Thanks &
2017 Jun 02
Newbie question VoD streaming with Icecast
Dear All, I am curious to know if IceCast can be used for audio/video on-demand streaming over http/https. My basic understanding is that IceCast runs in broadcast mode. As such, it may not be ideal for my particular use case, wherein, I wish to stream media files on demand to multiple browser based clients who may request the same media file at different times. Is it possible at all then to
2006 Feb 12
Problem with Playback sound in 64 bit machine
Sorry for re-posting this message - I am trying to run the latest stable Asterix version 1.2.4. on 64 bit amd procesor. Things are working but the playback sounds that I hear when tring to connect over IAX are of very high frequency. i.e a sentence which should finish in 4 secs finishes in much lesser time. Where can be the problem? any configuration issue? Thanks in advance. -------------- next
2012 May 13
True bond howto for Centos 6
Hi all, Read many posts on the subject. Using 802.3ad. Few problems; Cannot ping some hosts on the network, they are all up. Cannot resolve via DNS which is one of the hosts that I cannot ping, internal nor external DNS hosts. Unplugging the NICS and plugging them back in will then not allow pining if the default d=gateway. When cold booting it somewhat works, some hosts are pingable while
2006 Apr 19
[PATCH] avoid injection of missed timer interrupts while debugging a guest
Hi Keir, Ian, Today if we stop the guest for debugging using the gdbserver and then continue with the guest execution the PIT finds that the time has gone ahead and it missed to inject so many timer ticks, and it tries to inject all of those one by one. So after the gdb continue command the guest just handles the timer interrupts for a long time before it can do anything else. This patch
2008 Apr 07
64-bit windows capability
What is the prognosis for being able to install a 64-bit windows guest (of any variety) on an opensolaris host. Don Nichols
2009 Dec 24
ConnectTimeout=2 not working for me
Hi all, I have somewhat a strange problem that I could not figure out, maybe someone here can lelp. I have a script that uses scp to distribute files to many servers, I use '-o BatchMode=yes -o ConnectTimeout=2 options so the scp will not get stuck if something is wrong with the remote host. If the remote host is down (non-pingable) or sshd is down the timeout option works and the scp
2005 Dec 20
Extracting data from .zip file in WINDOWS version of package
Hello, I am building a R-package for Genetics analysis. The accepted data is in pedigree (.ped) file format. To load the data (say CAMP.ped) from "data" directory, I have a function "CAMP.R", which does the job. The package builds successfully in Linux (.tar.gz) and the data loads successfully by "data(CAMP)". However, when I build the package in WINDOWS, the data
2007 May 30
separate y-limits in xYplot panels
Hello, I would like to get the scales of y-axes dependent only on the data points in a particular panel. Have attached a test example below. When using 'relation="free"', it does not make the scales 'free', however when using 'relation="sliced"', I get a warning "Explicitly specified limits ignored in: limitsFromLimitlist(have.lim = have.ylim, lim
2002 Mar 06
Problem in .First.lib
Hello! I downloaded a package "multtest" (from in R, and installed it by 'R CMD <package>' (after unzipping and taring). The problem is when I say 'library(multtest)' in R, the following error is generated: Error in dyn.load(x, as.logical(local), as.logical(now)) : unable to load shared library
2013 Feb 18
DomU trying to write on an IO Port
Hi, I am running xen-hypervisor over qemu. Now while running domU I want to write on an IO port, which I''ll be handling inside Qemu. Basically, this is a communication mechanism for me to communicate with qemu. I am writing on port number ''0x378'' as a root user using "outl" function. But when I run this code in domU, it does not reach qemu. So my question is:
2012 Sep 10
Share working with IP not with hostname
hi guys I managed to setup the share. I am able to access the share with IP address, but as soon as I try to do it via hostname, I get a user name and password pop up, which always fail to authenticate. Any setting I am missing? Thanks nitin
2007 Jan 24
Logistic regression model + precision/recall
Hi, I am using logistic regression model named lrm(Design) Rite now I was using Area Under Curve (AUC) for testing my model. But, now I have to calculate precision/recall of the model on test cases. For lrm, precision and recal would be simply defined with the help of 2 terms below: True Positive (TP) - Number of test cases where class 1 is given probability >= 0.5. False Negative (FP) -