Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Hash with key and value from ActiveRecord?"
2009 Mar 28
Use fixtures within fixtures?
I''m using globalize2 and have following problem with my fixtures:
parent_id: two
color: #ff00aa
color: #00ff11
parent_id: two
color: #ab00ab
id: one
locale: en
name: Cars
id: one
locale: es
name: Coches
id: two
locale: en
name: Start
id: two
locale: es
2010 Aug 22
Rails 3: Error saving an object with no useful information
I''m kinda desperate cause I''m getting an error and have no idea how to
fix this since it doesn''t give me any information hinting where the
problem is:
irb(main):054:0> reload!;User.last.save!
NameError: undefined local variable or method `to_ary'' for
2010 Sep 13
Could not find [GEM] locally or in a repository
Hey Guys,
How could I fix the following:
"gem install --no-rdoc --no-ri kete-feedzirra"
ERROR: could not find gem kete-feedzirra locally or in a repository
"gem install --no-rdoc --no-ri libxml-ruby"
ERROR: could not find gem libxml-ruby locally or in a repository
"gem install --no-rdoc --no-ri http_url_validation_improved"
ERROR: could not find gem
2010 Jan 30
Best way to connect various applications?
Good evening,
I''ve got three different self-programmed Rails application I need to
connect and manage with a 4th "supervisor" application.
There''s a wiki application, there''s a shop application and there''s a
business directory application all with seperate user database etc.
What I want now is one single user table so it can be all controlled by
2011 Sep 07
FactoryGirl doesnt produce unique names?!
I got following very simple test case:
require ''spec_helper''
describe Country do
it "should create a new instance given valid attributes" do
Factory looks like:
Factory.sequence :country_name do |n|
"Country #{n}"
Factory.define :country do |c|
c.name Factory.next(:country_name)
c.nationality "Foo
2009 Jul 03
Can't install RMagick due to MagickWand problems
I''m trying to install/update rmagick on a Debian machine using:
gem install --local rmagick-2.10.0.gem
and get following error:
/usr/local/bin/ruby extconf.rb install --local rmagick-2.10.0.gem
checking for Ruby version >= 1.8.5... yes
checking for gcc... yes
checking for Magick-config... yes
Warning: Found more than one ImageMagick installation. This could cause
problems at
2009 Sep 04
Changing cursor while waiting for remote function response?
Google and the search function didn''t help me this time. Is it possible
to change the mouse cursor while waiting for a response of a remote
function call?
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
2010 Aug 22
rails3: t.index in migrations not working anymore
I''m playing around with Rails3 and trying to upgrade one of my
applications to Rails 3.0.0.rc and I get an error which should be still
t.index :name
When I execute rake:
rake aborted!
An error has occurred, all later migrations canceled:
undefined method `index'' for
Does some one
2010 Jul 13
will_paginate destroys link_to_remote?!
I''ve got a list in a view and each of element of it has a link_to_remote
and everything worked like a charm. Now I added AJAX pagination and the
link_to_remote doesn''t work anymore.
This is the partial of the list:
<% for character in characters %>
<%= character.name %>
<%= link_to_remote t(''.add''), :url =>
2011 Nov 01
Rails 3.1, stylesheet assets not being reloaded correctly?
I''m working on a Rails 3.1 project at the moment and having a hard time
getting the stylesheets properly loaded.
My application.css.scss looks like this:
* This is a manifest file that''ll automatically include all the
stylesheets available in this directory
* and any sub-directories. You''re free to add application-wide styles
to this file and they''ll
2010 Sep 12
Rails 3: finding a record by name in multilingual app
I upgraded my application from Rails 2 to Rails 3 and ran into a
problem. In rails 2 I could use the english name of the record to find
it like:
even though the user chose German as the language (which of course
showed the German welcome page.
Eversince I switched to Rails 3 (default_locale still :en) I can''t find
anything by giving the
2008 Nov 05
Warning: Ambiguous first argument; make sure.
I''m getting this warning:
Warning: Ambiguous first argument; make sure.
in my unit test:
assert_match /^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/, user.username
Does anyone know why or how to change it so it disappears?
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
2010 Dec 02
Rails 3 + Authlogic not working all of a sudden
Hey People,
I''ve been working on Rails 3.0.0 and Authlogic for quite a while now but
all of a sudden I can''t login into my application anymore.
After some research I found out that no sessions are stored into the db
anymore so I started the console and saw this:
ruby-1.9.2-p0 > u = UserSession.new({:username => ''Test'', :password =>
2008 Nov 13
Touch an ActiveRecord - timestamps
When I update an ActiveRecord, i would like to "touch" one of the
related objects, that the updated record belongs_to, in order to update
the timestamps on the parent record, although i don''t want to change any
of the data in the parent. Whats the accepted way to do this?
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
2009 Oct 07
Empty validation error messages?
I''m have a form and the error messages are not being displayed properly
I got a remote_form_for and am trying to show errors like I always do:
<%= error_messages_for @user%>
but the output is:
4 errors prohibited this user from being saved
There were problems with the following fields:
* {{attribute}} {{message}}
* {{attribute}} {{message}}
* {{attribute}}
2009 Sep 04
How/where to load initial data?
I''ve got a got a question about how and where to load initial data that
is necessary in order to make the website work (menu structure, page
contents, ...)
I know it''s preference and everybody can do it as s/he wants but I just
wanna know if there''s any convention or something like that.
First of all, how do I normally load necessary data as mentioned above?
2009 Mar 04
render yield?!
I''ve got a little problem with remote functions. I call it for example
like this: <%= link_to_remote ''bla'', :url => ''bla/whatever'', :method =>
:get %>
that function would be:
def whatever
flash[:notice] = "You''re in whatever!"
since I don''t want the page to be reloaded completely,
2010 Aug 07
Test Database Empty after "rake test"?
can somebody tell me why my test database is always empty after I run
"rake test" but not after I test single test files? My rake db:seed for
the test database takes like 6 minutes and I don''t really wanna reseed
it every time I run "rake test". Is it possible to not let "rake test"
truncate my database?
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
2010 Oct 10
protecting resources in an app
hi chaps. just want to check that i''m on the right lines with protecting
resources in an app, the idea that only the resources owner can do stuff
to it I figure there are only two steps I need (with authlogic), but I
may be missing stuff 1st is a check authorised before filter, which just
checks that a valid user is logged in that before filter is on all the
actions that need protecting
2011 May 20
How to handle non model data in form?
I got a form which looks like this:
- form_for(@article, :html => {:multipart => true}, :url =>
articles_path) do |f|
= errors_for(@article)
= f.label :text
= f.text_field :text
= f.label :author_id
= f.text_field :author_id
= f.submit
But since I don''t want anyone to type in an author id I changed it