similar to: Is there a better way to do this (SQL groups)?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 90000 matches similar to: "Is there a better way to do this (SQL groups)?"

2006 Jun 08
Bad design or better way?
I am at a loss as to whether this page of my site is poorly designed or if there is a better way to achieve what I am looking for. My concern lays in one piece of controller code. I really don''t like the way I have to use params[:answers].values, nor do I like that for the creation of each response it has to find the answer associated with it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
2006 May 12
Has many through join table issues
I''m trying to wrap my caffeine soaked brain around has_many :through following along at: I think my models are a little more complex than what fits this narrative. I have a directory of members, each member can belong to multiple categories. The category table references itself
2006 May 11
ActiveRecord associations
Can someone clarify this for me? Suppose I have two tables like: class Company < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :category end class Category < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :companies end I understand that the belongs_to causes related companies to be read from the db when I ask for a category. I suspect SQL something like select * from categories, companies where
2009 Apr 12
rails 2.3 nested forms with has_many through checkboxes
I was wondering if anyone knew of a way to combine the new nested forms in rails 2.3 with a has_many through relationship via checkboxes. Basically I have a page model, a page_category model and a category_items join table. Pages have many page categories through category items. The category_items table is polymorphic so i can use it for other models who need categories (maybe this is
2006 Jul 04
Has_many :through with checkboxes?
Just when I started getting the hang of has_and_belongs_to_many relationships, I realize that I should probably convert several of my app''s joins to has_many :through type relationships. One example, pairing users with categories via subscriptions, where each user can be the "owner" of a category, has given me particular trouble when I try to update a user''s
2006 May 04
Building a FAQ
I''m new in Rails, and I''m building my first application. I''m trying to make a FAQ for this application, organized by product (questions about each product) and category (questions of different categories or topics), and there is something I can''t figure it out how to do. I have these tables: create_table "faqs" do |t| t.column "question",
2006 May 25
Model Structure Advise
Hi, I''m starting to build a simple (?!) FAQ system, and I''d like some advice on setting up the model relationships. I was going to go with a simple system of a Category table and a FAQ table (holding questions and answers) - where one FAQ belongs to one category. That''s all nice - a simple has_many / belongs_to relationship. Then I decided to add another level - Area.
2009 Jun 22
has_many through , or habtm , using form
i think there ara two ways of relate products and categories , basically i want to fix one product(e.g hp dv7....) to some categories (notebook,17"notebooks...) i made a table named categorization(incuding category_id,product_id fields) then in models i write these codes below class Product < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :categories, :through => :categorizations
2006 Apr 15
Inheritance in Rails - I need some help
I''ve got a model, "category" and another model "subcategory." Each subcategory belongs_to a category, and a category has_many subcategories. What I need to do is set it up so that I can search Category and Subcategory with one .find call. So: Category.find(:all, <etc) will find categories and subcategories. Now, I believe this can be done by making
2010 Dec 30
rake db:seed with has_many through (m:n with seperate table)
My model consists of users and tasks (m:n), the relation is stored in a seperate table sharedtabs (that contains some extra fields). Between tabs and tasks there is a 1:n relation. I have trouble writing my seed.rb: works: (1) tab = Tab.create(:name => ''Admin'', :category => 0) tab.tasks.create(:name => ''Admin_Tab1_Private Task 1'') works: (2)
2006 Jan 10
Select Tag and Associations
Hi there, I''ve been working on this for awhile and have finally decided to ask for a little guidance.I have a slight problem trying to save a selection. I have two models: A "Posting" has_many "Categories", and a "Category" belongs_to one "Posting". With that said, in the posting model I have "has_many :categories" and within the
2006 Jul 07
has_many relation handling
Hello, please have a look at this: My tables: create_table :languages do |t| t.column :name, :string, :limit => 3 t.column :title, :string, :limit => 30 end create_table :categories do |t| t.column :category_id, :integer (3.) t.column :created_at, :timestamp t.column :updated_at, :timestamp end create_table :categorytranslations, :id
2013 May 27
Ransack, acts-as-taggable-on and checkboxes in search form
need some help on ransack filtering. I have model Project, which has many tags through acts_as_taggable gem. Project.rb: class Project < ActiveRecord::Base include PublicActivity::Common belongs_to :customer belongs_to :category has_many :attachments, :as => :attachable has_many :reports, :dependent => :destroy has_many :messages, :dependent
2007 Jun 18
polymorphic validation
Hello I have 2 models. link.rb has_many :categories, :as => :categorized validates_presence_of :name, :url, :created_at, :category category.rb belongs_to :categorized, :polymorphic => true validates_presence_of :name Everything seems to work. I select my category from a select tag. The problem is i don''t know how to validate if category is for example empty (nothing in a
2006 Jun 03
Parent listing children.
My database is set up as Categories > Things associated by category_id and has_many and belongs_to. How would I go about listing all the categories and under each Category is it''s children? Is there an easy rails way to do this - preferably without using acts as tree? Any help is appreciated - thanks! -- Posted via
2006 Jun 28
Most recent detail record for master records - what''s the best way to do this?
I''m trying to figure out the best way to display some summary information in my app (an article submission database for writers), and I''m not quite sure how to get ActiveRecord to give me what I want. Here''s what the relevant part of my data model looks like: ----------------------- class Market < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :submissions has_many :articles,
2006 Nov 21
Starting from scratch
I have the following models: === class Person < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :person_organisations, :dependent => true has_many :organisations, :through => :person_organisations has_many :person_categories, :dependent => true has_many :categories, :through => :person_categories end class Category < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :person_categories, :dependent => true
2008 Dec 07
How to describe self join in a model
Hi , I am new to rails, and i need to know one thing, i have a table called Categories and i want to self join it in such a way , that one category could be a parent of many categories, but could be child of only one category. Please tell me how to tell rails , in my Category Model, does the following work for me ? class Category belongs_to :category has_many :categories end
2008 Mar 12
Ordering across related tables
I have two related tables: groups and categories. In the models, Group has_many "categories" Category belongs_to :group Category does have a column, "group_id" as required. Both the groups and categories tables have a "sortorder" column which dictates the order the items are to be presented. In my controller, I want to retrieve the Categories
2013 Nov 10
accepts_nested_attributes_for how, example
I have following tables with following models: users(id, role_id) *has_many :entries* categories(id, category_name) *has_many :entries* entries(id, category_id, user_id) *belongs_to :user, belongs_to :category, has_one :storage* storages(id, title, content, entry_id)* belongs_to :entry*, *has_one :vote* votes(id, count, storage_id) *belongs_to :storage* Now,