similar to: rake:db:prepare Mysql::Error: #42000BLOB/TEXT column ' used in key specification without a length

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "rake:db:prepare Mysql::Error: #42000BLOB/TEXT column ' used in key specification without a length"

2009 Nov 07
wrong argument type Mysql (expected Struct) running rake with Ruby 1.9 / Rails 2.3.3
I''m use Ruby 1.9 via rvm and Rails 2.3.3. I''m on OS X 10.5 and I have the mysql 2.8.1 gem installed. When I run rake on my rails app, I get the error "wrong argument type Mysql (expected Struct)". I can run the app fine with script/server and script/console fine. Is anyone else having this problem or know what might cause this problem? Here''s the stack
2008 Dec 16
db:create & db:migrate issues
Greetings: I am new to ROR and RadRails. All assistance will always be appreciated. My environment: Windows XP Ruby 1.8.6 Rails 2.2.2 Aptana Studio, build: RadRails I created a new ROR Project. When I attempted to run db:create --trace for the first time I got the following message: in C:/RailsApp/chbdepot) ** Invoke db:create (first_time) ** Invoke
2013 Feb 02
rake db:migrate problem
mini@mini:~/Sites/music_library$ rake db:migrate rake aborted! couldn''t parse YAML at line 28 column 6 /home/mini/my_gems/gems/railties-3.2.9/lib/rails/application/configuration.rb:115:in `database_configuration'' /home/mini/my_gems/gems/activerecord-3.2.9/lib/active_record/railtie.rb:78:in `block (2 levels) in <class:Railtie>''
2010 May 28
Rake Aborted! db:migrate
Hello, I am trying do a migrate of my database but I have problems, I write this in the console: [console] rake db:migrate [/console] And say me: [console] (in /home/distriker/Documentos/public_html/crf) !!! The bundled mysql.rb driver has been removed from Rails 2.2. Please install the mysql gem and try again: gem install mysql. rake aborted! no such file to load -- mysql (See full trace by
2008 Jul 16
Error when running my unit test...
Hi Rails team Learning ROR, and is doing the chapter with test..... feel like skipping this, but.... (using NetBeans IDE 6.1) I have created this story_test.rb, and when I run the ''rake test:units (selected from the GUI), I get this error: (in /data/NewOrder/Projects/ROR/shovell) ** Invoke test:units (first_time) ** Invoke db:test:prepare (first_time) ** Invoke environment
2011 Jun 09
Rails 3.1 RC4 has broken migrations
Rails 3.1 RC4 has broken migrations $ jruby -v jruby 1.6.2 (ruby-1.8.7-p330) (2011-05-23 e2ea975) (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 1.6.0_24) [darwin-x86_64-java] $ jruby -S rails -v Rails 3.1.0.rc4 $ jruby -S rails new myapp -d jdbcpostgresql [...] $jruby -S rake db:create [...] $ jruby -S rails g model user name:string invoke active_record create
2010 Aug 23
Cannot migrate database, strange error!
Im using restful authentication, and i changed the username model from login to username. The error is Mysql::Error: Key column ''login'' doesn''t exist in table: CREATE UNIQUE INDEX `index_users_on_login` Heres the trace: DEPRECATION WARNING: Rake tasks in vendor/plugins/restful-authentication/tasks are deprecated. Use lib/tasks instead. (called from
2010 May 05
uninitialized constant when trying to migrate files
Hi, i am having this problem: kevinngsw$ rake db:migrate --trace (in /Users/kevinngsw/Documents/Programming/*******) ** Invoke db:migrate (first_time) ** Invoke environment (first_time) ** Execute environment ** Execute db:migrate rake aborted! An error has occurred, this and all later migrations canceled: uninitialized constant CreateUrls
2012 Sep 18
NoMethodError with rake db:migrate
Hi! First of all, this is my first application on Rails, and i''m stuck at a migration. i created a demo app (the demo_app from michael hartl''s tutorial) as usual: rails new demo_app, rails generate scaffold User name:string email:string, and when i do rake db:migrate, this stack appears: rake db:migrate --trace ** Invoke db:migrate (first_time) ** Invoke environment
2009 May 05
Oracle-JRuby error
I am trying to migrate from RoR/MYSql to JRoR/Oracle. I am using Active Record JDBC to talk to the database. The Migration process to create and populate the database tables has been painful. My latest issue is the method new_date is undefined in the JDBC adapter. I have the following gems installed: *** LOCAL GEMS *** actionmailer (2.2.2) actionpack (2.2.2) activerecord (2.2.2)
2009 Mar 15
Capistrano deploy errors
Hi, when I do cap deploy:cold I get this error: rake aborted! undefined local variable or method `acts_as_commentable'' for #<Class: 0x7fa1c34a2f10> /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-2.2.2/lib/active_record/ base.rb:1833:in `method_missing_without_paginate'' /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/mislav-will_paginate-2.3.8/lib/ will_paginate/finder.rb:170:in
2010 Apr 28
Trying to get Rails working with Sybase ASE
Hi I''m trying to use the activerecord-sybase-adapter to be able to use ASE with my rails applications. But, I am struggling... I followed (most of) the steps on this informative page: Initially I had Rails 2.3.5 installed. I copied the "Ruby Sybase files" as instructed and the Sybase dll files
2008 Mar 17
Don't know how to build task 'migrate'
Hi, I have a rather simple problem. Just installed Rails on OS X Leopard and the database connection to MySQL doesn''t work from Rails. I''m following Apples Expenses example ( I''ve created the app with the command rails expenses -d mysql I can connect to the database with a GUI tool, but Rails can''t
2010 Jul 16
Rails 3 bug: undefined method `<=>' for class `ActiveSupport::Multibyte::Chars'
I''m getting the following bug when I try to run rake db:migrate in Rails 3 beta 4: $ rake db:migrate --trace (in C:/Users/Adam/Documents/Aptana Workspace/QuestionBank) default formats are encoded in ISO-8859-1 ** Invoke db:migrate (first_time) ** Invoke environment (first_time) ** Execute environment ** Execute db:migrate == CreateUsers: migrating
2007 Nov 02
uninitialized constant CreateDatabase
I''m trying to run db:migrate and get the error below. What''s wrong? (in C:/projects/rails/admin) ** Invoke db:migrate (first_time) ** Invoke environment (first_time) ** Execute environment ** Execute db:migrate rake aborted! uninitialized constant CreateDatabase c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-1.4.2/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:266:in
2010 Oct 28
ActiveRecord JDBC error Generated keys not requested
I''m getting the following error while connecting to mysql using activerecord-jdbcmysql-adapter (1.0.2). Rails 3.0.1. ActiveRecord::JDBCError: Generated keys not requested. You need to specify Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS to Statement.executeUpdate() or Connection.prepareStatement().: SET SQL_AUTO_IS_NULL=0 This occurs not matter what application I run it in to e.g. rake, rails
2009 Nov 13
Encoding::UTF_8 missing?
I''ve just done a fresh reinstall of OS X Snow Leopard on my mac, and I''m having all kinds of problems with Rails, but the latest problem has me stumped. Whenever I run rake db:seed to populate my database I hit the following error: ** Invoke db:seed (first_time) ** Invoke environment (first_time) ** Execute environment ** Execute db:seed rake aborted! uninitialized constant
2008 Feb 24
Install / Build fail on OSX Server 10.5.2
Hello, I would like to install SuperRedCloth on my server, here is the entire log : gem install superredcloth --source Building native extensions. This could take a while... ERROR: Error installing superredcloth: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension. /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/bin/ruby extconf.rb install superredcloth
2009 Jan 23
RubyOnRails with MS SQL - Connectivity Error
Hi all... Please help me solve the issue. While trying to create a connection with MS SQL database in RubyOnRails, I''m getting a ‘Deprecated ..’ error. (I referenced a doc posted in net for the same.) System details: OS: Windows Xp Ruby version: 1.8.6 Rails: 2.1.2 Gems: 1.3.1 RadRails: 0.7.2
2008 Nov 30
rake aborted! undefined method `each' for #<Mysql:
I''m struggling with several problems getting my first time ruby on rails environment running. I''m now stuck on this problem too. rake db:migrate generates the following error. This one is on a vista machine. Anyone seen this before. Any thoughts or advice? Reading about Ruby on Rails has really got me excited to give it a try. But in practice getting to the point that I can