similar to: undefined method `symbol_path'

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "undefined method `symbol_path'"

2009 Mar 09
form_tag error: only get requests allowed
I am getting above error while updating an item using form_tag helper. <h1>Edit Topic Item</h1> <% form_tag edit_topic_item_path(@item.topic, @item), :html => { :method => :put} do %> <%= render :partial => ''item_form'', :object => @item %> <%= submit_tag ''Save'' %> <% end %> <%= link_to ''Add
2008 Apr 09
form_tag and form_for cause #protect_from_forgery errors
Hey All, I''m trying to do a simple form_for (and I also get it with form_tag) and I''m getting the following error: ActionView::TemplateError (No :secret given to the #protect_from_forgery call. Set that or use a session store capable of generating its own keys (Cookie Session Store).) on line #2 of users/new.fbml.erb: 1: <h1>Welcome To Courses, Let''s Get
2007 Jul 12
form_tag doesn't accept a string anymore in edge rails?
So, here''s the offending line. Note that I''m using edge rails. form_tag verifications_path(@user), :method => :post do verifications_path(@user) returns a string like "/users/3/ verifications". That eventually gets sent to url_for, which expects a hash. And then it blows up. It''s especially disconcerting since the documentation shows form_tag as
2010 Dec 27
Crazy routes
Hello! I''m using restful_authentication and I would like to have diferent views for logged users and not logged users. Logged users can edit and create items, and not logged user could only list items and show its features. In my routes file I have: map.namespace :admin do |admin| map.resources :items, :controller => "admin/items", :path_prefix =>
2008 Dec 19
Can duplicate "back" browser function in Rails?
In Rails I have a DB Table index.html.erb view. It has 100''s of items. When I gen via scaffold I get index, show, edit, update, etc view. But when I page down several pages, use the "show" link and then the "back" link I do not go back to where I was on the index view. Instead, I go back to the TOP of the index not the place where I clicked on the "show"
2009 Feb 26
beginners question
hi group, I am making a little rails app to experiment with rails. It consists of one model, item, that represents an item on a todo list. A todo item has a description, a state (finished or not) and a due date. After changing the scaffold screens a bit, I wanted to be able to have no due date. I tried to do this by making a radio button; if ''no date'' is selected, the date
2007 Aug 08
Problems with RESTfully generated helpers
I am using helper the RESTfully generated helper methods in my views. My routes are nested so the helpers appear to need arguments passed to them, but it works without arguments. Say for example I have pages and comments. If I do page_comments_path without parameters, it works. However, when I run the rspec test, it fails and tells me i''m missing parameters. I tried to pass
2006 Jul 12
start_form_tag n00b question
Hi, I''m wondering if there is any way to specify the id of a form tag with the start_form_tag helper. I''ve tried playing around with ", id=>"marginForm" " and also inclosing both the action variable and id variable in curley brackets. The Rails API doesn''t off much help for a n00b like me. It''s probably really easy but any help you guys
2015 Feb 02
A good way to debug a c++ library embedded to R code
Dear all, I am using R CMD SHLIB to compile a c++ code into a library (.so) and dyn.load to load this library into a R code. I am facing some problems in the c++ code that I can not figure out how to solve. Do you recomend any good way to debug this R + C++ program? If I was programming only in C++ I would use GDB. I would much appreciate any help or suggestion! Best regards, Charles -- Um
2010 Feb 14
paperclip is making me crazy
seems pretty simple, my model... has_attached_file :pic_1, :styles => { :thumb => "120x90" }, :url => "/:attachment/:id_:style.:extension", :path => ":rails_root/public/system/:attachment/:id_:style.:extension" my view... <% form_tag(:action => ''create'', :html => { :multipart => true }) do -%> <label
2009 Jul 29
Doubt in nil object with ajax
hi this is my htnl <html> <head> <%= javascript_include_tag :defaults %> </head> <body> <%= form_tag nil, { :id => ''search_form'' } %> <%= text_field ''recipe'', ''name'' %> <%= end_form_tag %> <div id="recipe"> </div> <%= observe_form :search_form, :frequency =>
2015 Feb 02
A good way to debug a c++ library embedded to R code
----- Original Message ----- > From: "Gabriel Becker" <gmbecker at> > To: "Charles Novaes de Santana" <charles.santana at> > Cc: "r-devel" <r-devel at> > Sent: Monday, February 2, 2015 12:02:27 PM > Subject: Re: [Rd] A good way to debug a c++ library embedded to R code > > Charles, > >
2006 Oct 13
form_for() and name
how can i give name attributes for form_for(), so it will give an output like <form name="f">. it is because that i need to access the form name for javascript manipulation. as far as i know, name can only used in form_tag(), but i currently have more than 50 forms that built using form_for(). the structure is like this: <% form_for symbol, item, :url => { :action
2008 Jun 15
Add a class attribut into a form_tag
Hi, do you know how to add into this balise a class attribut: <% form_tag :action => ''search'' do -%> in order to do this in HTML: <form action="/people/search" method="post" class="foo"> I had try to use the official documentation ( but that
2007 Oct 14
Ruby/Informix 0.6.1 released
This is a maintenance release to fix a bug triggered while working with Ruby on Rails and Informix. Web site: Changelog: 0.6.1 13/10/2007 ------------------ Bugs fixed: * Database#columns was returning an empty array from within the Informix ActiveRecord adapter (ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::InformixAdapter#columns) if
2012 Oct 12
Columns and rows
Hi, Could you please advice some easy way to do the following for a dataframe (header=F) having unequal column- & row- length. 1. Combine/stack/join contents from - a) multiple rows into one column. b) multiple columns into one row. 2. Stack contents from multiple columns (or, rows) into one column (or, row). Thank you. Cheers, Santana [[alternative HTML
2013 Apr 16
puppet-cleaner: makes puppet DSL code comply with a subset of the style guide
FWIW, I''ve wrote puppet-cleaner to help me make comply thousands of lines of puppet 2.6 DSL code to puppet 2.7 style guide and expectations. I''m uploading it to github today for anyone to use. Externally, you run puppet-clean file.pp and it can transform this: /* multiline comment trailing white space here -> */ class
2013 Jan 02
In which column and in which row a number is in a matrix
Dear all, Happy New Year for all of you! I hope we have an year of essential freedom for everyone! I am trying to manipulate a matrix in order to know in which column and in which row a number is allocated. But, when we use the function "which" it returns the position of the number in the "vector representation of the matrix". For example: >
2006 Jul 14
Rails newbie: How does the submit_tag work?
I would appreciate any and all input. The Agile book is not useful in this context. :o( As near as I can tell, it doesn''t work at all. I would expect that clicking on the [Next Question] button in the browser would fire the next_question method in the current controller. Instead, it (apparently) does nothing. The tag in question <%= submit_tag ''Next
2013 Oct 16
Plot time series data irregularly hourly-spaced
Dear all, I have a time series of data that I would like to represent in a plot. But I am facing some problems to do it because the time is represented in "hours", it can start in one day and end in another day, and it is not regularly spaced. My problem is that when I plot my data, my X-axis always starts from the lower values of my time data. For example, I would like to plot data