similar to: error_messages with form_tag

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "error_messages with form_tag"

2006 Jul 17
error_messages_for ?
Hi, I can''t list error_messages in my Form ??, and all the formfields are reset ...(I think my redirect :back clean everything, formfield and error_messages ...), only my flash[:notice] is ok.... I would like to use the "error_messages_for" tag to add a simple red * on my textfiled if a problem occurs ... thanks for help arnaud here are the basics steps to check that
2008 Jan 14
Only "form_tag" support uploading file?
Hi, there: I wanna use plug-in "file_column" to upload image to the server. In my test app, the view is as follow & it works well: ==================== <h1>New entry</h1> <%= error_messages_for ''entry'' %> <% form_tag ''create'', :multipart => true do -%> <p><label
2005 Dec 19
Error handling!
Hello all, I''m in the beginning states of learning ruby on rails development and have got to a part where I''m a little stuck! Basically writing a simple blog application, just to try something completely different! ;-) I have a page which displays the current blog entry, it''s comments and at the bottom of the page, a form to add a comment. So far, so good.
2009 Mar 09
form_tag error: only get requests allowed
I am getting above error while updating an item using form_tag helper. <h1>Edit Topic Item</h1> <% form_tag edit_topic_item_path(@item.topic, @item), :html => { :method => :put} do %> <%= render :partial => ''item_form'', :object => @item %> <%= submit_tag ''Save'' %> <% end %> <%= link_to ''Add
2008 Apr 09
form_tag and form_for cause #protect_from_forgery errors
Hey All, I''m trying to do a simple form_for (and I also get it with form_tag) and I''m getting the following error: ActionView::TemplateError (No :secret given to the #protect_from_forgery call. Set that or use a session store capable of generating its own keys (Cookie Session Store).) on line #2 of users/new.fbml.erb: 1: <h1>Welcome To Courses, Let''s Get
2008 Oct 15
Adding an id to form_tag
Hi all, When using form_for it is easy to add an id to the form using :html => {:id => ''someid''} However, how would one accomplish the same when using the form_tag ? Thank you in advance, Schalk --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post
2013 Dec 10
form_tag + fields_for Rails 4
Hi There, I''m trying to user fields_for inside a form_tag, but i can''t catch it on my controller. I just take some html code off to makes it easy to read my view... i''m using campuses_path(current_church, @campus) instead form_for @campus, because my route is like resources :campuses, :path => ":church/campuses" <%= form_tag
2007 Feb 13
form_tag only useful for pages with a single form?
Howdy, I''m new to rails and I''m learning form Agile Web Dev with Rails. It seems all of the examples that use form_tag use it in situations where the action first creates a new object before doing a If I''m in a situation where I''m managing Roles, Rights, and assignments of rights to roles, I may want to have one little form with a text field and
2010 Sep 01
validation errors bring up stack trace error page
hello! I made some custom validations for my app, which do catch invalid data in the console. However, when I enter invalid data through a form on the browser view, I get your stack trace error style page (similar to what you see when you get a syntax error or a nil object) instead of the nicely styled error messages (what you would see in a scaffolded application. First off, what is the stack
2008 Sep 16
id in form_tag for update
I get an error saying Rails can''t find the post because I don''t have an id when doing the update. I have: <% form_tag ''/meetings/update'', :id =>, :onsubmit => ''return ValidateMeeting()'' do %> Is this wrong? -- Posted via --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You
2006 Jul 24
error_messages_for not working
I have the following code and I am not able to get it working. The error message is not coming on the top, it is just getting displayed on a different page if I dont have the rescue block commented at the bottom. Model: user.rb require "digest/sha1" class User < ActiveRecord::Base validates_presence_of :eaddress, :fname, :passwd, :pcode, :country, :day, :year, :month, :gender,
2009 Feb 06
Using partials with form_for
hi all i was wondering whether it is possible to use partials along with form_for and form_field. following code is not working. is there some error or this case is impossible..?? *#new.html.erb* <h1>Enter Details for new Partner:</h1> <% form_for(@partner) do |f| %> <%= render :partial => ''form'', :locals => {:partner => f} %> <p>
2006 Oct 13
form_for() and name
how can i give name attributes for form_for(), so it will give an output like <form name="f">. it is because that i need to access the form name for javascript manipulation. as far as i know, name can only used in form_tag(), but i currently have more than 50 forms that built using form_for(). the structure is like this: <% form_for symbol, item, :url => { :action
2006 Aug 02
form_for not working with Markaby
I''m playing around with Markaby and I decided to write a little blog app. I''m running into issues with forms however. If I use form_for the output of the form gets swallowed. For example: form_for :article, @article do |f| f.text_field :title f.check_box :published f.text_area :description f.text_field :pub_date f.text_area :content end gets rendered as an empty form
2011 Aug 02
removing instance variables in partials?
Hi, I read some articles about why partials should not have instance variables in them. But in "Ruby on Rails 3 Tutorial" the author starts with this partial: View: <%= form_for(@user) do |f| %> <%= render ''shared/error_messages'' %> Partial: <% if @users.errors.any? %> ... ... I thought removing the @user instance variable from the partial
2008 Feb 04
attachment_fu and form_tag for multiple models?
hi, i''ve got a page where i''m trying to save the user''s profile information and an image of the user, but i''m having trouble with using attachment_fu and the form_tag method. now i know attachment_fu isn''t designed for form_tag but am really hoping someone has a solution for this as frankly i''m stumped. here''s the form_tag part in
2009 Sep 17
Can i use "form_remote_tag" inside the "form_tag"?
Hi all, How can i use form_remote_tag inside the form_tag helper . My application has following view subscribe.html.haml - form_tag :action => :subscribe do /other form element %input{:type=>''radio'', :name=>''tariff_plan_id'', :value=>"monthly"} %input{:type=>''radio'',
2010 Feb 07
using form_for in a partial
Hello, I would like a user to fill out a form (a long contract) and then email it to them, including the new values. So I was leaning towards a partial or layout so I didn''t have to write the contract twice. But that''s where I run into problems. The only difference between the form (contract) and the email are the form tags will be replaced with their actual values. For
2006 Feb 17
form_tag with protocol => ''https'' help
Hi, I am not having much luck using the form_tag with a protocol. I try the following in my view: index.rhtml <%= form_tag({:controller => ''home'',:action => ''login'',:protocol => ''https''},{:method => ''post''}) %> hoping it would generate <form action=''''
2010 Oct 20
form_tag not working correctly?
So I''m trying to make <form action=''/path'' method=''get'' class=''ajax_box''> using: <% form_tag :action => "search_for", {:method => :get, :class => ''ajax_box''} do %> but I get: <form action=''/path?method=get&class=''ajax_box''