similar to: fields_for and Conflicting types for parameter containers. Expected an instance of Hash but found an instance of Array.

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "fields_for and Conflicting types for parameter containers. Expected an instance of Hash but found an instance of Array."

2009 Feb 09
forms that mix new and old records
I''m trying to create a form/view that displays a mix of records that exist in the database and records that the user is working on but that don''t yet exist in the database. I want to leverage all of rails'' nice form helpers, especially the params hash that it generates for the records when the form is submitted. So - I am creating ''dummy'' records with
2013 Dec 10
form_tag + fields_for Rails 4
Hi There, I''m trying to user fields_for inside a form_tag, but i can''t catch it on my controller. I just take some html code off to makes it easy to read my view... i''m using campuses_path(current_church, @campus) instead form_for @campus, because my route is like resources :campuses, :path => ":church/campuses" <%= form_tag
2009 Oct 15
Getting the object in fields_for
I''m using the fields_for helper with accepts_nested_attributes_for The System model has_many children. If I do this in my haml template: -form_for @system do |s| =s.text_field :name -s.fields_for :children do |child_fields| =child_fields.text_field :name all is fine. The fields_for iterates over all children and puts the correct data in the fields. But...what I
2011 Jul 25
[Rails 3.0.9] I have trouble about fields_for
Hi,all. I''m new bee to Rails and I have trouble about fields_for method.. It isn''t show up between the <%= f.fields ~ <% end %> Please teach me some advice. Thanks! #new/_form.html.erb <%= form_for(@user) do |f| %> <div class="field"> <%= f.label :name %><br /> <%= f.text_field :name %> </div> <!-- Below
2009 Feb 09
how to get form parameters while using fields_for with nested attributes
hi all.. i am trying to use *fields_for* to get and save nested attributes in a form. i have a ''Partner'' model associated with an ''Address'' model. partner has_many :addresses although the form is displaying fine, but on submitting it the following error is shown: *can''t convert HashWithIndifferentAccess into Array* on this line: *@partner =
2010 Nov 28
has_one accepts_nested_attributes_for fields_for NOT WORKING HELP
MODEL class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_one :address, :dependent => :destroy accepts_nested_attributes_for :address end CONTROL def new @user = @user.build_address # Adicionei ... VIEW partial _form .... <% f.fields_for :address do |b| %> # Adicionei <%= b.text_field :city_manual %> # Adicionei <% end %>
2008 Dec 02
Am I wrong or is fields_for not working right in Rails 2.2.2
I may be totally wrong about what the fields_for method is supposed to do, but for some reason I thought using it scoped an object around an association. For example, I have a User class and when you''re creating a new user I want to use fields_for to add a BillingAddress to the user like so: <%- fields_for :billing_address do |billing_address_form| -%> <%= render :partial
2010 Aug 01
fields_for can not group its params when ajax
hi book and page is one_to_many relationship.I want to create them in a single form.But when clicking create button,the submitted params for pages are not grouped correctly, i want "book"=>{"new_pages"=>[{"name"=>"", "color"=>""}, {"name"=>"","color"=>""}] but it is
2006 Jul 11
@record.each do |record|
I''m trying to ''destroy'' a particular record of a table >From the controller side, i''ve found a list of possible records that i want deleted. ie. @chart = Chart.find(:all, :conditions => ["record_id = ?", param[''id''] ] ''id'' is passed into the controller and @chart is all the possible records that have
2013 Mar 04
fields_for with accepts_nested_attributes: how to pass a value to a label
I can''t figure out how to pass a value from the following object build in the controller: class TimesheetsController < AC ... def new @timesheet = now = #generating 7 time entries: monday through sunday ( { |date|; date) end end ... In the
2006 Jul 10
Can some1 help me on syntax with the find() function. I''m trying to pull up a table record, called chart, that has a particular field specified. ie chart has a field called record_id, which i know. How can i find the record that contains chart.record_id. something like chart = Chart.find(:conditions => "record_id = :id") this gives me an error. I''m passing
2006 Mar 09
Runtime Error
Hi all, Can anyone tell me why this line of code works in FF but not IE?? function stuff(id){ record_id=$(id); record_id.innerHTML = "foo"; } I get a ''Runtime Error''. -- ----------------------- Iggy Sandejas Web Developer 0419 485 252 D-Frag Solutions -----------------------
2008 Dec 02
Sharing a partial between multiple controllers
I want to share a partial between 2 or more controllers. I have a "location" partial that I want users to enter "Address, City, State, Zip" information in however I have "Payees", "Institution", and "Event" models that can have "location" information stored with them. Since I don''t want to duplicate the partial across each
2011 Oct 26
Add an index to a form
Hello, I''m having some trouble with forms, my app allows to enter data by using a multi-step form that has 7 steps. There are 3 steps that may let the user to add 1 form, for example there''s a step called "children" and that children has the following fields: * name * age * gender but one father may have more than 1 child and I''m adding another form with
2006 Apr 08
ActionView::Helpers::FormHelper instance methods should take an object reference rather than an object_name.
Hi ActionView::Helpers::FormHelper methods (e.g. #text_field, #check_box...) take object_name as an argument. From this argument they infer a name that is supposed to contains the reference to the relevant object. I can''t see why the FormHelper methods were designed that way. Compared to simply passing them a reference, the current way seems too complicated and an invitation to problems
2009 May 12
2.3 Nested Model Forms; build new without updating existing
I''m trying to build something similar to a Facebook messaging app, in which the view displays all the messages for a particular thread, with a form box for replying at the bottom of the thread. The problem is that using fields_for generates form fields for each existing record, and for one new record. In this case, there is no need to edit existing messages - just a need to add new
2020 Sep 07
Centos + VM + public ip
Hi, I've got a dedicated server with OVH and I'd like to host a public VM. I'd like Centos OS 7 or 8, I installed KVM already, I got the VM and bought the IP and created a virtual mac id. I know I have to bridge it somehow but I can't seem to find a proper tutorial. Do you know where to start? Thanks -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2010 Nov 11
Rails 3 - Nested Forms, using Builder -- Check_box issue
Hello, I have the following: My Controller: def new . . @teammembers.each do |teammember| request = => teammember.user_id, :full_name => ''Billy Bob T'') end My View: . . <%= f.fields_for :requests do |builder| %> <div class="field"> <%= builder.label
2007 Oct 17
Complex Forms (From
Hi, I have been watching the last three episodes on in which he goes through dealing with multiple models in one for using fields_for, and virtual attributes. ( 73). Here is an example of the way they suggest to go about it: # projects_controller.rb def new @project = 3.times { } end def create @project =
2007 May 19
form question
Suppose I have the following models/migrations: class Car < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :manufacturer validates_presence_of :manufacturer validates_association :manufacturer end class CreateCars < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up create_table cars do |t| t.column :name, :string t.column :manufacturer_id, :integer end end class Manufacturer <