similar to: What is wrong with validates_presence_of :my_association ?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 30000 matches similar to: "What is wrong with validates_presence_of :my_association ?"

2006 Jan 03
validates_presence_of *_id attributes
Hi all, I am a newbie to Rails. Please enlighten me on how to do this appropriately, the Rails and the Ruby way: Suppose I have a Recipe model. Let''s simplify things and pretend that it has only 2 attributes, a :name and the other is a ''category_id''. In the recipes table, category_id is a foreign key to field id of table categories. We also assume that I have generate
2008 Jul 01
validates_associated & foreign keys
Hi, I''m struggling to get the validates_associated to work as I think it should be. I''m using: JRuby 1.1 rails-2.0.2 activerecord-2.0.2 activerecord-jdbc-adapter-0.8.2 My tables in MySQL: CREATE TABLE area_codes ( id INT UNSIGNED auto_increment primary key ... ); CREATE TABLE markets ( id INT UNSIGNED auto_increment primary key, ... ); CREATE TABLE
2006 Apr 19
Hi, having a few problems working out whats kicking off, im using validates_presence_of :title in a models class this seemed to work fine untill I used a custom new.rhtml error message I am gaining is NoMethodError in Recipe#create Showing app/views/recipe/new.rhtml where line #15 raised: You have a nil object when you didn''t expect it! You might have expected an instance of Array.
2009 Feb 19
Associated child records not created on creation of a parent.
I am trying to create a record with association. Within the create method, I would also like to pre-populate dependent (has_many) records from a template in the database. The child records are <u>mysteriously rolled back </u> if I insert them in a loop. If I try to insert a single child record, it works.I have read the books and tried to google my way out of this but am at a dead
2006 Mar 14
Single form w/ relationships: how do I integrate it?
OK - I know this has been asked before, but I cannot find it in the archives. Forgive me if I''m creating more noise than I should. I want to know the easiest way to deal with this scenario: I have articles. I have categories for the articles. On the form where you write an article, there needs to be a free-form field to entire the category. The create() method will build the
2007 Aug 23
controller spec with model that validates_uniqueness
I want to use mocks and stubs to test the controller, but am having trouble getting my validation not to trigger. Here''s the code: # spec: Image.stub!(:find).and_return(@image) @image.should_receive(:save!).once.with(:any_args) put :update, :id =>, :category_id =>, :image => {:name => ''test'', :image_number =>
2006 Jan 03
Am I going too far or Rails is just confusing? was {validates_presence_of *_id attributes}
Thanks for the input Blair Zajac and Chris (Nolan and Hall), and for others. If all of you have time, please follow this (the question still relates to the previous posts by me): I have provided full steps to reproduce the symptoms. If it matters, I''m running Ruby 1.8.2, Rails 1.0, and MySQL 5.0.15 on Windows XP Professional. 1. First, the setup MySQL ----- create database testdb;
2006 May 11
ActiveRecord associations
Can someone clarify this for me? Suppose I have two tables like: class Company < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :category end class Category < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :companies end I understand that the belongs_to causes related companies to be read from the db when I ask for a category. I suspect SQL something like select * from categories, companies where
2007 Jun 18
polymorphic validation
Hello I have 2 models. link.rb has_many :categories, :as => :categorized validates_presence_of :name, :url, :created_at, :category category.rb belongs_to :categorized, :polymorphic => true validates_presence_of :name Everything seems to work. I select my category from a select tag. The problem is i don''t know how to validate if category is for example empty (nothing in a
2006 Jan 10
Select Tag and Associations
Hi there, I''ve been working on this for awhile and have finally decided to ask for a little guidance.I have a slight problem trying to save a selection. I have two models: A "Posting" has_many "Categories", and a "Category" belongs_to one "Posting". With that said, in the posting model I have "has_many :categories" and within the
2009 Sep 24
Drop down list ?
Hi Gurus, I''m trying to tackle a drop down list. I have category and item dbs, and they''re wired up with category has_many :items and item belongs_to :category, and an item has a category_id. I have this code in my new/edit.html.erb for item: <%= f.collection_select :category_id, Category.find_main, :id, :header, {}, :multiple => false %> And a pretty drop down list
2005 Aug 19
data validation
I''m trying validate date before they''re stored into the DB, but it seems, validation doesn''t work.. my model looks like this: class Company < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :contacts, :foreign_key =>''company_id'' has_and_belongs_to_many :categories, :join_table => ''company_to_category'', :foreign_key =>
2006 May 28
Validating Foreign Key
Howdy, I''m a Rails beginner working on my first significant project with RoR. I''m trying to figure out how to validate a foreign key (you know, make sure the row actually exists.) However, validates_associated doesn''t seem to be what I want to use, nor does it work... -- BEGIN -- class City < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :schools belongs_to :state
2009 Jun 22
has_many through , or habtm , using form
i think there ara two ways of relate products and categories , basically i want to fix one product(e.g hp dv7....) to some categories (notebook,17"notebooks...) i made a table named categorization(incuding category_id,product_id fields) then in models i write these codes below class Product < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :categories, :through => :categorizations
2006 Apr 15
Inheritance in Rails - I need some help
I''ve got a model, "category" and another model "subcategory." Each subcategory belongs_to a category, and a category has_many subcategories. What I need to do is set it up so that I can search Category and Subcategory with one .find call. So: Category.find(:all, <etc) will find categories and subcategories. Now, I believe this can be done by making
2011 Nov 02
undefined method `updated_at' for #<Classified:0x686c5e4>
HEllo, I have the following problem with rails, I am new in there anyone who explain to me what´s happens? Thanks See below: NoMethodError in Classified#show Showing app/views/classified/show.rhtml where line #17 raised: undefined method `updated_at'' for #<Classified:0x686c5e4> Extracted source (around line #17): 14: 15: <strong>Date Posted:</strong>
2007 Jun 21
Validation Through Multiple Models from one Form
Hey All, I have a form that submits data to multiple models. I have class Man < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :notes has_many :contacts validates_associated :contacts, :notes validates_presence_of :first_name validates_presence_of :last_name class Contact < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :man validates_presence_of :contact_info class Note < ActiveRecord::Base
2006 Jun 14
Undefined method
I really hope this is not a bad question (as in he''s abusing the list). However I could use a little direction (even though I''m reading books, tutorials) Right now I''m getting a undefined method `category'' for 4:Fixnum The specific lines from the rhtml file are: <td><%= link_to position.category_id.category, :action => "show", :id =>
2007 Dec 22
collection_select validation problem
I''m trying to assign a parent foreign key value using collection_select from my child "new" form. The problem I''m having is if I do not make a selection, I get the following error instead of the Rails validates_presence_of error: You have a nil object when you didn''t expect it! You might have expected an instance of Array. The error occurred while evaluating
2005 Oct 26
validates_associated ... doesn't
Hi, I think I''m missing some fundamental information here so hopefully someone can help me. I have a model Club which has many members, members of course belong to a Club. I''d like to ensure that when a members is saved (saved/created/updated) only valid club_id''s are accepted. I have a Club model (simplified) like this: class Club < ActiveRecord::Base