similar to: Problem with ordiellipse coloured factor in Vegan

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 90 matches similar to: "Problem with ordiellipse coloured factor in Vegan"

2011 Aug 10
Plotting Ellipses and Points of Matching Colors in an Ordination
Hello, R-Help - I am trying to plot the results of an ordination from package vegan. The tricky part for me right now is getting the colors of the ellipses denoting the 95% confidence intervals of the group centroids to match the colors of the points for those same groups. >From and earlier post, I saw the code to make a plot of the ordination using different colors for my different groups.
2011 May 26
Hi Users, I am trying to plot 95% confidence ellipses around the 4 groupings found in a PCA ordination and identified a-priori by clustering. I am using ordiellipse to plot the ellipses and it works fine except one of my groups contains only 2 sites and I cannot get an ellipse around them. I'm assuming that 2 points is not enough to perform the relevant calculations here, however I would like
2011 Oct 17
plotting issues with PCA
Hi Listers, This has a simple answer but it has been eluding me nonetheless. I have been building a PCA plot from scratch with the ability to plot predefined groups in different colors. This has worked fine but when I try to get a polygon drawn around each of the groups it is not recognising my colour file correctly and is only printing the first colour in the file....code is below
2010 Apr 27
cca standard error species
Dear all, I realised a correspondence analysis with function cca() of vegan library. Just like in Okansen (2010) in the example of R help: library(vegan) data(varespec) data(varechem) vare.cca<-cca(varespec~ Al + P + K, varechem) With plot.cca() function I represented the species matrix in the next way: plot(vare.cca,display="species") Being similar to: plot((c(-2,2)),(c(-2,2)),
2005 Jun 15
ellipse -confidence interval
Hi!, I made a plot with two variables representing the first two axis of a principle component analysis. My question is: How can I superimpose on such plot an ellipse that represent the 95% interval of confidence of scores? Best regards, Paula -- Lic. Paula Gonzalez Divisi??n Antropolog??a Museo de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. UNLP. Paseo del Bosque s/n?? - B1900FWA - La
2004 Nov 04
biplot drawing conc ellipses
Is there an option to draw concentration ellipses in biplots ? It seems really nice to summarize large number of points of each group. Cheers../ Murli
2010 Nov 08
How to represent factor levels & ordiellipses using different colors?
Dear Jari Oksanen, I am Trinadh Kumar, a student of Biotechnology from Texas Tech University. I have a question for you regarding constrained ordination graphs. I had previously plotted constrained ordination graphs using distance based redundancy analysis for species data on patients. The species matrix consists of 70 patients and 274 species of bacteria.The metadata matrix consists of 10
2013 Jan 24
From table to data.frame
Hello, I have a dataframe (test.df) with intervals that were generated by table (see below). I would prefer a dataframe labeled like this: > <- table(cut(skn.test$density, seq (0,1, by=0.05))) > (0,0.05] (0.05,0.1] (0.1,0.15] (0.15,0.2] (0.2,0.25] (0.25,0.3] (0.3,0.35] 68 87 85 72 65 73 74 (0.35,0.4] (0.4,0.45]
2000 Feb 29
mapping of colornames into hsv: half way done
Ok, now we have the mapping of color names to color codes (see below) and conversion to rgb (something like Ben Bolker's function), but how to convert rgb to hsv? Thanks to Brian Ripley, Peter Dalgaard and Ben Bolker Details below Regards Jens etc/colors.big maps 455 names to rgb in S syntax etc/rgb.txt maps 657 names to rgb in C syntax, but unlike colors() it has mixed upper and
2006 May 18
How do i make coloured text in terminal?
My development.log file has coloured text when viewed from the terminal. Does anyone know how i can create my own coloured text using the rails logger?? Thanks Chris -- Posted via
2008 Mar 04
Plot with two different coloured regression lines and legend
It is a trivial problem, but in the book I couln`t figure out how to put different colours at different regression lines plot(bif,abund,type="n", xlab= "number_bifurcations", ylab="abundances") sbif<-split(bif,stage) sabund<-split(abund,stage) points(sabund[[2]],sbif[[2]],pch=16, col="red") for(i in 1:2) abline(lm(sabund[[i]]~sbif[[i]])) Thanks in
2008 Aug 28
coloured letters in a text
Hi does somebody know how to plot single letters in a text in different colours? example 1: I would like to add the word "ABC" to a figure. Thereby each letter should have a different colour. text(x,y,"ABC", col=c(1,2,3)) # this does not work example 2: I would like to add the name of a parameter p with an index i to a figure. The index i should be in red, whereas the
2013 Jan 11
[LLVMdev] FileCheck + Ninja coloured output
On further thought, I assume this issue actually hits everyone - it's not just Ninja getting in the way, but lit as well. (which also means we'd probably need to fix both Ninja and lit to resolve this issue - but everyone should at least be a little invested in fixing lit). On Sun, Jan 6, 2013 at 12:18 AM, Sean Silva <silvas at> wrote: > Nope. An easy solution (both
2002 Dec 17
Coloured label, terminal branch and bars in dendograms
Dear R-help, I have performed a hierarchical clustering on some data that I have and would like to know some nice ways of visualizing it. I have 2 related questions: i) How to color the labels AND the terminal branch of a dendogram? This is my inelegant way of just getting the colored labels. data(iris) # Formatting data into required format ir <- iris[ ,-5] ir.class <- c(
2004 Nov 05
I: a coloured band within each panel of a lattice bwplot
Hi all, I would like to add to each panel of a bwplot a coloured central band, centered on the mean of the values, being its width +- 2% of the mean itself. I know how to add lines, i.e. something like bwplot(X ~ Y|FACTOR data=my.df, panel= function(x, y){ panel.bwplot(x, y) panel.abline(v = mean(x, na.rm = T) - mean(x, na.rm = T) * 0.02 panel.abline(v =
2008 Jun 09
Plot Coloured Triangle
Hi there, I'd like to plot a triangle with each point having a certain color defined and fill it with the interpolated values. The following code shall represent somehow, three points with x,y, and the "amount" of red for example... point1 <- c(1.1, 1.7, 255) point2 <- c(2.2, 1.5, 180) point3 <- c(1.8, 2.2, 60) can anybody give me a hint which methods to use to realize
2013 Jan 06
[LLVMdev] FileCheck + Ninja coloured output
Nope. An easy solution (both here and for clang) is for ninja to set an environment variable (`NINJA_ISATTY`?), and add some magic to LLVM's "isatty" to return true if it sees it. (for matters of correctness, it would actually be best if ninja sets the environment variable only when *it's* stdout/stderr isatty (also taking into account this environment variable), so that
2003 Jul 13
Coloured 3d surface
Hello, I created a 3d surface (persp) with some points overlaid on it, which is fine. Now I have a second set of z-values(x,y-values same as the first surface), which I would like to make visible on the same graph, however, not as a surface, but rather as coloured contour on the first surface, so that the resulting graph will consist of the original surface having the colour of the second
2013 Jan 06
[LLVMdev] FileCheck + Ninja coloured output
I'm just wondering if anyone's using Ninja (which buffers output from subcommands, such as lit/FileCheck/etc) & has thought about/found a way to force FileCheck to use colour in spite of Ninja's buffering. Thanks, - David
2008 May 29
Coloured output in rspec 1.1.4
Hello. I have lost the coloured output in autotest after updating to rspec v1.1.4 I was already using the edge version and was ok then, before the last update. Anyone knows something about this? Thank you. -- Posted via