similar to: [Fwd: Re: congestion problem]

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 700 matches similar to: "[Fwd: Re: congestion problem]"

2002 Oct 11
congestion problem
I have the folowing configuration: Client --- R1 --- R2 --- R3 --- Web the Client it''s me, the R1 router it''s myne (so i can control it), the R2 is my provider router, and R3 is the provider,provider router. R2 - R3 is a 2mbit link R1 - R2 is a 10mbit link R2 have multiple interfaces and other 10mbit links I have a 32kbit garanted bandwidth on the R2-R3, but without limit
2005 May 28
Forcing ticks in plot for hclust object outside the limits
Hello! I have the following problem. I would like to plot the hclust object "hcd" (bellow, at the end of the mail) with ticks at seq(0.05,0.25,by=0.05). I tried using the code plot(hcd) and plot(hcd,axes=FALSE) axis(2,seq(0.05,0.25,by=0.05)) In both cases, the resoult is the same, ticks at 0.05 and 0.25 are not printed. I tried changing the ylim argumet in plot, however I got a
2004 Aug 06
Speex, what container?
The aplication that I am developing is like a sound recorder (goes directly to the soundboard and start capturing the sound and writing the file, using the directsound api). I'm already capable of writing to normal wav files but I wanted to encode the audio with speex to have smaller size (and still good quality). How can I write the wav files with speex content using the ACM codec? (like
2006 Apr 29
SUSE 9.1 wine 0.9.12 problem
I upgraded my wine version from 0.9.5 to the newest 0.9.12 and I can't get wine to run. when I start wine my system hangs, an wine binary "wine-preloader" eats up all my reasources and just hangs! I used the official 9.1 binary rpm from and a build from the wine source but the resoult is the same wine-preloader just hangs. The strangest thing is that when I start
2003 Nov 11
group and user access problem [any versions]
Hello folks I have tried 2.2.3, 3.0.0 and 2.2.8. Everyone with the same resoult. The users are defined in different groups. Admin, common, ab, program and aps. When I first setup everything, it all worked fine. Everybody had access to common and program disks, some had admin disk, others had ab disk and only one had aps disk. Then suddenly one day everyone had access to everything. Why? Here
2005 Apr 06
Games and QOS on share connection line
Hello. I''m newbie with QoS. I read some articles and I have a question on You. If you have time to spare, it would be great if you reply. Here is my problem. I''m on wireless network(no earnig comunity). We got 2/2Mbit(soon 4/4) for 100 people(sharing link). Not long ago people start screaming that their games don''t work good(lagging). So I add to our qos class games
2005 Jun 28
Re: Questin regarding HTB
Yes sure here they are: The first one that i have received 2day and does not work almost at all: #!/bin/bash ETH_IN="eth1" ETH_OUT="eth0" BANDA_TOTALA="2Mbit" # pentru neclasificati ar trebui sa fie banda minima - 1k - aici ar trebui sa ajunga trafic necunoscut, # care nu e organizat in shape-uri BANDA_NECLASIFICATI="8kbit" #Shape generale /sbin/tc
2006 Nov 21
[LLVMdev] EH and C++ intergation
On Tue, 21 Nov 2006, [ISO-8859-2] Žiga Osolin wrote: >> Sure. Anton can give you ideas for this. >> > I think it should not be too difficult because you allow custom call > conversions and this is quite easy to add, we only have to garantee that > the backend will emit it. Right. >>> 2) the ret instruction should be able to return structs (as Chris has >>>
2006 Nov 21
[LLVMdev] EH and C++ intergation
Chris Lattner pravi: > On Tue, 21 Nov 2006, [ISO-8859-2] Žiga Osolin wrote: >> I was going through documentation and source lately, and I decided >> how to >> make llvm bytecode more compatible to C++: >> 1) thiscall sould be introduced, which would take N arguments and the >> first argument would always be the C++ "this" argument. This would >>
2005 Jan 19
tail and head drop qdiscs
I think that there are no qdiscs that permit to drop the oldest frame of a queue when this queue is full, but I would like to be wrong: bfifo drops arriving frames when the max queue length is reached. red also drops arriving frames in a more elaborate fashion, with a drop probability that increases above a limit and becomes a drop certitude when the max queue length is reached. sfq drops
2007 Sep 03
website project assessement - how hard/easy would this be?
hello, I have a website project pending and i hesitate between using ruby on rails or a CMS like joomla for it. Therefore, i welcome your insights to assess of how much work would be needed using RoR and if it is a better choice than using the CMS. ...Instead of talking a lot, let me present what the website should exactly do. ;) Basically, the website is intended to be a sort of vault for free
2009 Mar 21
Is still active ?
Hi all ! Sorry to raise a provocative question like this at first glance, but that is the real topic in this mail. Some months ago, I proposed a patch to libshout adding custom mime support when adding new mountpoints [1]. After some discussions and some corrections, the patch was accepted. Now, almost 6 month after, the patch has not yet been added to the SVN trunk for libshout [2], as it
2010 Sep 06
likelyhood maximization problem with polr
Dear community, I am currently trying to fit an ordinal logistic regression model with the polr function. I often get the same error message : "attempt to find suitable starting values failed", for example with : require(MASS) data(iris) polr(Species~Sepal.Length+Sepal.Width+Petal.Length+Petal.Width,iris) (I know the response variable Species should be nominal but I do as levels
2001 Apr 05
Fw: good bandwith example?
> does somebody have a working tc commandlist with bandwith limit for > internet>lan use? The following is a snippet that I got from my linux router vendor. I will be putting it in place this week. They ensure me that it will work. This takes an IP block that uses eth0 and limits the bw for that IP block to 3Mbit. I hope this is what you are after, as I am fairly new to this as well, I
2011 Nov 18
Ensuring a matrix to be positive definite, case involving three matrices
Hi, I would like to know what should I garantee about P and GGt in order to have F = Z %*% P %*% t(Z) + GGt always as a positive definite matrix. Being more precise: I am trying to find minimum likelihood parameters by using the function 'optim' to find the lowest value generated by $LogLik from the function 'fkf' ( The
2002 Oct 20
kernel 2.4.18-17.7.x from redhat
i compile the $subj, and found the htb qdisc in it, what version is it?? the tc from redhat knows about htb??? C ------------------------------------------------------- Xnet scaneaza automat toate mesajele impotriva virusilor folosind RAV AntiVirus. Xnet automatically scans all messages for viruses using RAV AntiVirus. Nota: RAV AntiVirus poate sa nu detecteze toti virusii noi sau toate
2006 Nov 21
[LLVMdev] EH and C++ intergation
Chris Lattner pravi: > On Tue, 21 Nov 2006, [ISO-8859-2] Žiga Osolin wrote: >>> Sure. Anton can give you ideas for this. >>> >> I think it should not be too difficult because you allow custom call >> conversions and this is quite easy to add, we only have to garantee that >> the backend will emit it. > > Right. > >>>> 2) the ret
2005 Oct 21
jitter generation
Hi, in a project i must degrade the voip/video, i know to do latency (tbf), but i don''t know how to create jitter. I want to do it on a router/bridge and not the generating equipment. Any have a idea, or know a piece of code that do it? Thanks Ciprian
2006 Mar 01
Software Anounce: htb frontend, for multiple hosts auto bandwidth management
Hi all, i''ve coded htb-gen, a GPL htb frontend and much more... htb-gen is meant to be an easy, scalable, yet powerfull, bandwidth management tool. You can set up/down portions of bandwith for each host or network, that goes trough your router/firewall. Prioritary traffic(web, mail, gaming, ftp, voip, streaming) is preferred over Junk traffic(kazaa, emule, etc). Also dynamic bandwith
2002 Aug 15
REPOST: queuepause/queueresume and w2k machines, won' t work
[Shane Drinkwater] Daniel, I have the same probelm. These are the steps I did in a previous thread... Jim, I think I found another bug... I really seem to be in printer hell :(.... I found that windows 2k doesn't update its status "ready" or "paused" when used with samba. Here is what I did... 1.) enable all of the lpr/lpd queues. check em' with lpq... 2.)