similar to: Video gallery in rails

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "Video gallery in rails"

2006 Feb 25
Ruby Interface Recommendations Photo Gallery Creation?
Hi, I''m looking to create a gallery index page of thumbnail images which point to their associated images galleries. Also, I would like to organize the images from left to right and top to bottom. Furthermore, I would like to limit the number of thumbnail images on the page. I guess that I''m needing some type of horizontal looping interface for both the thumbnail index page
2007 Feb 06
Attachment_fu ImageScience FreeImage thumbnail quality
I''ve tried migrating acts_as_attachment to attachment_fu (just to see if I could replace RMagick with ImageScience+FreeImage), but the quality of the thumbnails is just horrendous, blurred beyond recognition (downscaling a 1280x1024 to a few considerably smaller thumbnails). Changing attachment_fu to use RMagick again and the thumbnails were crispy sharp again. I was wondering
2007 Sep 18
How do i make rails wait until an ffmpeg call is complete?
In my app i upload a file, convert it with ffmpeg, delete the original and make a small thumbnail out of the big thumbnail ffmpeg makes. At the moment it seems like these actions are tripping over each other - how can i make the app wait until ffmpeg has completed it''s output before doing the next thing? -- Posted via
2007 Mar 14
file_field doesnt work inside form_remote_for
When I do file_field within a form_for things are fine... but within a form_remote_for, with nothing else changed, I find that the params does not even have the element document[uploaded_file] even though it is definitely present in the HTML source in the form. Obviously the file upload fails. Am I missing something? Or has someone else faced this? Or is this a known bug? Rajesh
2006 Jun 22
Sliding Gallery
I have a little image gallery application in rails enough for small galleries (20< photos). But as images increase and the user needs to scroll down the page it starts getting anoying to see all pictures... I thought pagination but then I saw this AJAX goodness As you can see the videos scroll right/left when the arrows are pressed in a circular manner
2007 Jan 18
Session IDs and SWFUpload
Hi I''m using SWFUpload in one of my applications, but it has one big shortcoming: it doesn''t maintain the session. Let me explain: The user has to login to the application, thus creating an authenticated session (cookie _session_id client side and the sessions table server side). However, when you use SWFUpload, the upload script is called with a new session
2007 Nov 01
[Bug 13045] New: Gallery application at not working Summary: Gallery application at not working Product: swfdec Version: 0.5.3 Platform: x86-64 (AMD64) URL: OS/Version: All Status: NEW Severity: normal Priority: medium Component: plugin
2010 Mar 09
Plugin for uploading a folder of images?
Hi - can anyone recommend a plugin/gem for uploading a bunch of image files at once, and converting them to attachments? Ideally one that lets you select a folder and then uploads all of the images in that folder? thanks, max -- Posted via -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to
2010 Oct 01
Paperclip not executing FFMPEG properly
Im using a customs processor to run ffmpeg on a video to create a thumbnail. So far so good. Except when I do: cmd = "-i #{@file.path} -f flv -s 320x240 ~/Downloads/foobar/q.flv" success =''ffmpeg'', cmd) Console is reporting: ffmpeg ''-i /var/folders/uL/uL0bYOOZEZaJH5E+BmDJVE+++TI/-Tmp-/stream, 16824,1.mpeg -f flv -s 320x240
2006 Aug 10
How to upload all images in a folder?
Instead of making a form to upload one picture at a time, I''d like to have the File Column plugin accept a directory, and have each picture be uploaded and thumbnails created (w/ RMagick). Has anyone done this? Anyone have a good idea where to start if I were to do it on my own? Thanks, Ben Lisbakken -- Posted via
2006 Feb 28
File_column, RMagick, and watermarking
I''m working on a photo gallery and I''m using File_column to handle the uploads of the files and create my thumbnails, but does anyone here have any idea how to have a watermark (opaque text maybe) placed over one of the versions? Any ideas on how to go about this would be great. Even if it''s just straight RMagick code, that would be fine too. Thanks in advance for the
2007 Dec 22
multiple file upload
Hi, I want to do a multiple file upload with Ruby. I want to let my users upload pictures on my website to their account. I''m looking for something with a nice interface. I was wondering if you knew of any plugins/gems i can use THanks :) --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails:
2008 Feb 22
Image Gallery with custom thumbs...?
Hello all, I''m fairly new to RoR, have done many different tutorials, but am now trying to build something on my own. I would like to create a portfolio gallery. I plan on using customized thumbs, not scaled, but custom cropped and resized in Photoshop. The reason for this is these will not be photos but portfolio pieces and I would like the thumbs to focus on a vital part of the piece.
2009 Jun 24
Web photo gallery options
Hi all, I'm looking for a web photo gallery for my personal web server at home. Till now I've done the galleries manually from Adobe Photoshop Elements, but I feel that is a dead end, kinda', besides the fact that the galleries created are rather static. I'd like an easier way to do this, eg uploading images in folders directly to the gallery and it will take care of what needs to
2007 Mar 30
gallery issue...
Hi, i''m new of both webgen and ruby, so maybe this can be a dumb question, but i can''t recognize any solution by myself. I use webgen 0.4.1 (the newest webgen .deb package). I''m trying to make a test gallery, without succeeding in it. i done (ehm, copied) the file in the root directory: 1 title: Example Gallery 2 imagesPerPage: 32 3 images:
2006 May 22
Creating a new gallery layout
Hi, I''m trying to create a new gallery layout. I did the following: o create plugin/foobar.rb in my base directory. o copy plugins/gallerylayouters/default.rb in foobar.rb and make appropriate modifications. For simplicity, lets say my class looks thus: require ''webgen/plugins/gallerylayouters/default'' module GalleryLayouters class Foobar <
2006 Jul 13
strange behavior with link_to for "blog" and "gallery"
Okay, what''s so different about the bellow code? When I use the link_to function in a partial (three times passing "Stats", "Blog", and "Gallery")... <%= link_to(menuItem.to_s, :controller=>menuItem.to_s.downcase)%> I get... <a href="/stats">Stats</a> <a href="/blog">Blog</a> <a
2005 Dec 19
<% unless params[:context] == :gallery -%> question
I have a template that is called by two different methods. I only want part of it too show up when it is called from one of the methods. It always shows up for me. Can someone help to point out my error? Below is the method that should keep part of the tempate from printing, and the relevent part of the template. method: def gallery @product_pages,@products = paginate(:products,
2006 Jun 06
How do I wrap a <%= link to %> around an image?
I''ve got a bunch of dynamically generated link paths that I want to use to link some dynamically-generated image paths. Specifically, I want to link thumbnails in a gallery to the larger images. But I''m stymied by Rails'' syntax. I can''t figure out how to do this. I tried this: <%= link_to(image_tag("../../images/photos/photo.photogroup/TN_
2005 Oct 07
The R Graph Gallery {was boxplot statistics}
I agree with Martin "R Graph Gallery" has a lot of neat stuff. I also think there should be a on CRAN website a list of "R websites". And in a perfect world one of the search engines scope would get extended to search them all. Jarek ====================================================\==== Jarek Tuszynski, PhD. o / \ Science Applications