similar to: [tcng] tcc specify device

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "[tcng] tcc specify device"

2002 Oct 10
tcng version 8z
... is on SourceForge, Besides a bunch of bug fixes, this release also contains a greatly improved version of the comtc utility that copies comments from the tcng source to tcc''s "tc" output. There are a few infrastructure changes to make comtc work smoothly: - tcc''s -E option is now called -Wexperror or -Wexppostopt, respectively
2004 Sep 28
tcng version 10a
... is on SourceForge: md5sum 3f58447fdf393cbe3c584d80089806dc See also This release changes a bunch of things, hence the jump in the version number: - the name of the traffic control compiler has changed from "tcc" to "tcng". This has become necessary because of a name conflicy with the
2003 Mar 16
Subject: [tcng] X:Y to tcng corespondence !
> Message: 8 > Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2003 21:49:49 +0200 > From: raptor <> > To: > Subject: [LARTC] [tcng] X:Y to tcng corespondence ! > > Is there a easy way that I to get class-id<----->tcng-class-path conversation.... and vs. versa.. > > --__--__-- There are couple files can be created by tcc: # cat dev
2002 Oct 21
tcng version 9b
... is on SourceForge, This one fixes a really stupid typo causing tcsim''s tc to pick up HZ from the environment where it''s being run, not the simulation environment, which confused most rate calculations. And if_u32.c now only emits hashes that will actually be used, which should make tcc''s tc output a little less ugly. Complete list
2004 May 09
tcng version 9m
... is on SourceForge: md5sum 636d382f6db917b385e7a6f158136ca2 See also This release contains the upgrade to 2.4.26, plus a few compatibility changes. There''s also a major bug that strangely went undetected until recently, when Laurent Moutel reported that his classifiers behaved unexpectedly: if testing
2002 Sep 13
tcng version 8w
... is on SourceForge, This one has the first steps towards getting non-IPv4 classification right: - I''ve added fields for skb meta-data (meta_protocol, etc.) - if USE_META_PROTOCOL is #defined (tcc -D... or tcsim -Xc,-D...), ip_hdr and ip6_hdr check the protocol number - if_u32 generates distinct classifier branches for each protocol - f_fw,
2003 Jan 14
tcng version 9d
... is on SourceForge: md5sum 0f61201c657f1851d9d12ca897a4985e (See also This is a maintenance release that fixes various compatibility problems. It also recognizes more recent kernels. The complete list of changes is below. - Werner ----------------------------------- CHANGES -----------------------------------
2002 Oct 11
[tcng] sysVinit script
hi below is sysvinit script for handling tcng-script .... please excuse my bad bash skils, correct me where i''m doing stupid things :") what is left... many things, if i have time i will implement them too : - start [devices] - and then correct handling of service lock files i.e. per device lock file - stats blah ... - all ideas are welcome !! - test or some such, i mean the
2004 May 05
Simple HTB setup with tcng
Hello all, I am trying to set up a simple htb based system, where packets with source ip should have their own class. I plan to use tcng to set it up easier. Is there something wrong in my tcng file ? ~/tcng$ cat htb /* */ #include "" #include "" dev eth0 { htb ( ) { class ( rate 600kbps, ceil 600kbps ) {
2004 Jan 26
I can''t get TCNG to compile!!!
Help! I can''t get TCNG to compile!!! It did this on 2 different machines! Here are the errors: -------------------------------------------- Kernel: 2.4.22 [root@localhost tcng]# uname -a Linux localhost.localdomain 2.4.22-1.2149.nptl #1 Wed Jan 7 13:08:26 EST #if KFULLVERSIONNUM >= 0x20416 /* gratuitous interface change in 2.4.22 :-( */ ERROR: ake -f Makefile.unclean tcsim make[2]:
2005 Jul 09
Question about TCNG
Hello, after compiling my tcng rules, I''ve noticed something weird, the tc filter rules it returns give a flowid differente than the classes it creates, for example, you have a class 2:3 and had defined some conditions, (eg. some ports) to go into that class, but when I compile the .tcc file it returns something like: tc filter add dev eth1 parent 1:0 protocol all prio 1 u32 match u8
2004 Aug 30
Are tcng changes permanent? How to reset them?
I''m running a Redhat 9.0 bridge and got tcng kind of working before discovering a nice example in the LARTC HOWTO ( How do I clear out the settings made by the tcc-generated sh script? TIA -Ron
2002 Oct 20
Can I allocate memory dynamically when enqueue or dequeue? (adding some algorithms in kernel)
Hi, I''m adding a queuing disc. inside kernel. I am confused that it seems few other qdiscs allocate memory dynamically. Is it invalid to use memory calls like molloc or just a suggest that do not use it often? Thanks for your help. bon ----------------------------------------------------------------- < 每天都 Yahoo!奇摩 >
2004 Sep 12
tcc freeze :-(
Hello, I have prepared tcng confiig (in attach) and was unpleasant surprised :-( tcc -r meter.tcc did not make tc output. It process just freezed and ate memory! I checked with tcng manual - on my point - my config is right. But not working... tcng version is 9m. Have anyone any ideas about it? I need help... Thank you in advance. -- Sergey Sholokh SSH75-RIPE
2002 Dec 31
[tcng] More complex example?
Hi I''m completely stuck with the tcng language - I assume there must be some way to arrange queues hierachically like eth1 | TBF | PRIO / \ class class but my attempt (below) produces a " qdisc "tbf" has no classes near "prio"" when run through tcc. dev eth1 { egress { tbf (rate 128kbps, burst 64kb,
2004 Oct 03
tcng version 10b
... is on SourceForge: md5sum d28bc6b1ed8973814213942288ab5d18 See also This release fixes a few compatibility problems with internationalization and with kernels using strange version names. Also, the "mtu" parameter of TBF is now optional. The complete list of changes is below. - Werner
2003 Dec 02
forwarding in tcng
Hi! I am learning tcng without having experiance of tc and I am trying to build something that shall schedule traffic dependent on the value in the IPv4 packets ip_ttl field. I have read the tcng reference manual and cannot find information about forwarding. Is it possible to farward packets from ingress to egress without sending them upwards in layers?
2007 May 16
tcng + esfq
FYI, i''ve just created a quick patch adding esfq (Enhanced Stochastic Fairness queueing discipline) for tcng (Traffic Control Next Generation). Patch is located at Enjoy. Sam
2006 May 28
TCNG HTB Branching the class not working. (bug or what)
Hi, I am new to traffic control in linux. However, i have able to grab many new knowledge in recent days. I find tcng somewhat easy to use (although lack proper doc. of its usage). I want to control traffic of several IP Addresses connected to my LANSIDE. What I want is , i want to separate certain bandwidth to all my clients. dev "etho" { htb() { class ( rate 400kbps, ceil
2004 Mar 24
is dynamic traffic shaping possible by tcng?
I am working on traffic shaping using the nextenso proxy platform(a product of alcatel)on linux platform, I wish to do dynamic traffic shaping means on a fly, is that possible with TCNG?? With Warm Regards, Aruna Baghel "Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings."