similar to: Paperclip Plugin - Routing Error?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Paperclip Plugin - Routing Error?"

2011 May 19
Unable to find the image path via file system using the paperclip plugin through the get method
Hello all, with great difficulty , I guess I have finally been able to find the appropriate git commit of paperclip which would suit my project''s config which is Ruby 1.8.7 and rails 2.0.2. I am trying to implement a POC before I integrate paperclip in my project. The POC is basically implementing each post with an appropriate image beside it. It seems to pretty much work, its just
2009 Sep 25
Paperclip: Adding attachment to model on update not working
Hi, This is a bit of a special case. Ive got a POST form for a posts model which has a preview functionality. So if the user clicks on "Preview", then the model is saved and a new window opens with the preview. And the user can keep adding content to the post and previewing before he''s satisfied and clicks on "Publish". And for every subsequent previews, i pull that
2009 Jan 07
how rails insert object id to database?
[4;35;1mUser Create (0.5ms) [0m [0mINSERT INTO `users` (`name`, `avatar_file_name`, `avatar_file_size`, `created_at`, `updated_at`, `avatar_content_type`) VALUES(''hello'', ''Screenshot.png'', 253800, ''2009-01-08 08:27:19'', ''2009-01-08 08:27:19'', ''image/png'') [0m [paperclip] Saving attachments. [paperclip]
2010 Aug 07
Paperclip Trouble - Not Writing to the Database
Hello all, I''m a Rails newbie trying to get a basic implementation of Paperclip up but it''s giving me problems. I''m developing on Windows XP (I know...) with WEBrick and MySQL. In my model I have: class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_attached_file :avatar,:styles => { :medium => "300x300>", :thumb => "100x100>" }, :url =>
2011 Aug 13
Paperclip - could not find generator.
Hello there, I installed plugin "paperclip" for working with images, but after running a command -- rails generate paperclip user avatar I am getting error -- Could not find generator paperclip. If I will try run a command -- bundle show paperclip So I will get -- /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/paperclip-2.3.0 In Gemfile I have -- gem "paperclip", "~> 2.3" I
2011 Aug 07
hello, i am trying to upload a image file ...using paperclip in rails 3 i did as follows 1. In gemfile => included gem paperclip 2.In config/environments /development.rb => Paperclip.options[:command_path] = "/usr/bin/" (convert path) 3.created a controller *picusers *and defined => def create @picuser = Picuser.create(params[:picuser]) end 4.created a model *picuser
2010 Feb 26
Routing Error using Paperclip
For some reason I can''t figure out why I am getting a routing error when I add Paperclip support. I have another test app when similar code is working. I created a new test app first without Paperclip support and it was doing the CRUD operation fine. However when I added Paperclip support I get the following error? Routing Error user_url failed to generate from
2010 Sep 01
Faking Paperclip has_attached_file with Factory girl?
Hello! I wonder if it''s possible to simulate Paperclip''s has_attached_file with Factory Girl and then test it with Rspec. I don''t get it to work. My factories.rb file looks like this: Factory.define :user do |user| "Anders" "" user.password
2008 Sep 02
Attachment_fu, Paperclip, & S3
For various reasons, I made a git branch and installed Paperclip in place of attachment_fu. Paperclip works great except that images seem to have lost some quality; edges have gone a little too jaggy to be able to drop attachment_fu just yet. After a post on the Paperclip Google Group, someone suggested the :convert_options could be passed additional attributes, like ''quality'',
2009 Aug 17
Paperclip: processor proc not firing
Hi It''s extremely rare that I have to post something on the Rails list, but this is one of those times that I''ve been completely stuck for countless hours. Environment: Rails 2.3.3 I''ve implemented a custom processor proc for video thumbnailing with Paperclip (latest trunk version as git submodule, and yes, it''s updated) using the instructions posted
2009 Oct 08
Variable sizes with paperclip
How can i create variable sizes with paperclip. That the user can set the size he want and paperclip makes the picture. I only can create fixed sizes. -- Posted via
2009 Apr 08
Having issues with paperclip, S3, and Aptana Cloud
I''m using paperclip to allow users to upload an "avatar" (pretty standard). The problem is, it works just fine in development, but when I deploy the app, it will only upload the original image to S3, but not the resized images. I''ve looked all over, and I suspect it may be a problem with rmagick (although, I''m not sure about that), I checked the list and
2006 Nov 08
routing error does not get caught by rescue_action_in_public
I have this in my application controller. def rescue_action_in_public(exception) logger.error("rescue_action_in_public executed") case exception when ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound, ::ActionController::UnknownAction, ::ActionController::RoutingError logger.warn("rendering 404 page") render(:file =>
2010 Apr 03
Change from attachment_fu db BLOB to Paperclip S3
Hi: I have moved from using attachment_fu with files stored in the DB to Paperclip using S3. The trick now is to migrate the files from the DB to S3. I have tried a few methods like: SThreeFile.create(:file => and @attachment = AttachmentFuFile.first SThreeFile.create(:file => ActionController::Streaming.send_data, :filename =>
2011 Apr 27
paperclip plugin
Hi, Is it possible to have a file uploader in my form using the paperclip plugin that doesn''t correspond to a model attribute? For example, I want to be able to upload a file for a model but name it using the model''s id - then when I retrieve the file, I''ll just use the id to get the file''s path. This way, I avoid having to save that name in the database
2010 Nov 02
Can't use paperclip plugins
development env: Ubuntu 9.04 ruby -v ruby 1.8.7 (2008-08-11 patchlevel 72) [i486-linux] rails -v Rails 3.0.0 gem -v 1.3.7 Here what I did: rails new testpaperclip -d mysql cd testpaperclip rake db:create rails g scaffold user name:string address:string rake db:migrate == CreateUsers: migrating ==================================================== -- create_table(:users) ->
2010 Feb 15
Changing the :path and :url options of has_attached_file in paperclip
Hello, I am using the paperclip plugin to upload images and it works absolutely fine. I intend to save my uploaded images to C:\Application_name\public folder. Accordingly, with some study over the i-net, I changed the :path option of has_attached_file to - :path => "C:/Application_name/ public/:class/:attachment/:id/:style_:basename.:extension" Now, the files are being saved to
2013 Sep 04
Speed up image processing of Paperclip in Acceptance Tests
Hi All, I have a question here: How to Speed up image processing of Paperclip in Acceptance Tests When running capybara feature specs I can see lots of Slow factory notices which are populated byfactory_girl. These Slow factory things heavy slow down the feature specs, I think, even feature specs are intrinsic slow specs. Then I had some inspect and found out most of the Slow factory was
2005 Dec 08
SwitchTower, Apache, and Routing Errors
Hello, I deployed a Rails App using Switchtower and now I''m getting a Routing Error to my Javascript and Stylesheet files. Has anybody else had this issue? Here is the log file. > ActionController::RoutingError (Recognition failed for > "/javascripts/prototype.js"): > /vendor/rails/actionpack/lib/action_controller/routing.rb:470:in >
2010 Aug 22
Paperclip - possible to modify file and load file content as string?
Wanted to see if anyone knows of a way - or the preferred way - to do these three tasks with Paperclip: 1) Access the content of an uploaded file before save. I did find that the following works before save, but is there a clearer way to do this: self.uploaded_file.queued_for_write[:original] 2) Access the content of a file after save while my AR model instance is still alive and/or