similar to: Problem with nested route in namespace (Rails 2.1.1)

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2010 Mar 24
form_for with nested shallow route
Let''s say I have: map.resources :teams do |team| team.resources :squads, :shallow => true end When I want to generate a form_for a squad, I need both the team and squad for new/create, but only the squad for edit. This means I need: edit: form_for(squad) new: form_for([team, squad]) This seems not very dry. Is there a more idiomatic way of doing this? Right now,
2010 Feb 10
namespace + nested resources = <% form_for ... %> problem
Hello all I wrote a gist, which describes my problem: What param I need to pass to form_for? Thanks -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to rubyonrails-talk-/JYPxA39Uh5TLH3MbocFF+G/ To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
2007 Dec 28
Nested resources form_for problem
Hi, I have a resource map like this: map.resources :users do |user| user.resource :sreg10record end So a User is supposed to have (at most) one Sreg10record. The problem is in the views. I tried following this tutorial: which proposes something like: <% form_for( [@user, @sreg10record] ) do |f|
2009 Jun 20
[Rails 2.3] nested_attributes and validation of nested model
Hi, I''m using nested models to create form in my view. It looks like this: <% form_for :user, :url => {:action => "add_owner" }, :html => { :method => :post } do |u| %> <li><label>Name: </label><%= u.text_field :name %></li> <li><label>Surname: </label><%= u.text_field :surname %></li> <%
2010 May 23
[Rails 3] Trouble with named routes and form_for
Hi guys, I''m having trouble getting named routes and form_for to play nicely in quite the way I would expect. Here''s a quick summary of what I''ve got going on: Named route: resources :thread, :class_name => "forum_thread" Controller name: forum_thread_controller Model object: forum_thread In both my new and edit actions I''m setting up an
2007 Dec 10
map.namespace, rake routes yields no POST URLs
routes.rb map.namespace :admin do |admin| admin.resources :cupcakes end rake routes cupcakes GET /cupcakes formatted_cupcakes GET /cupcakes.:format POST /cupcakes POST /cupcakes.:format That said, what the heck goes here: form_for(:cupcake, @cupcake, xxx_url) # ??? Calling create_admin_cupcake_url yields... undefined local variable
2009 Jul 01
Nested Forms - how to displayed the attributes content ?
I have a User model class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_one :account accepts_nested_attributes_for :account, :allow_destroy => true validates_associated :account attr_accessible :account_attributes is working fine, validating and updating both records (User and Account), but I caanot display the value in the form when is updated, ex: below the firstname is not displayed but
2010 Apr 18
Rails 3: new namespace inside nested resource?
Hi, Is there a way to use namespaces inside nested resources? For example, I have: resources :users do resources :tags end and I''d like to place the tags controller inside controllers/users, with the equivalent for templates. If I try this: resources :users do namespace :users do resources :tags end end I''ll get redundant route names: users_user_tags,
2008 Oct 30
Nested Resouces,not getting parent id(project_id) from form
Hi i am using nested resources,here project having has many relation with defects. Main problem here is i am not getting project_id from edit form.What''s a problem if any one knows please help. edit.html.erb <% form_for(@defect,@project) do |f| %> <%=f.text_field :name%> <%end%> routes.rb map.resources :projects,:has_many=>:defects map.resources :defects
2009 May 12
2.3 Nested Model Forms; build new without updating existing
I''m trying to build something similar to a Facebook messaging app, in which the view displays all the messages for a particular thread, with a form box for replying at the bottom of the thread. The problem is that using fields_for generates form fields for each existing record, and for one new record. In this case, there is no need to edit existing messages - just a need to add new
2018 Feb 05
[PATCH 0/1] drm/nouveau/disp: prefer identity-mapped route of SOR <-> macro link
Hi Ben, still _assuming_ it's an issue of the card I thought about why it works with the NVIDIA binary driver. And I can image they're just trying to do an identity-mapping first and if that doesn't work (e.g. the particular SOR is already in use by another macro link) they just pick the next suitable one. So the case would be that the NVIDIA binary driver always assignes the only
2013 May 23
problem of respond_with working on nested resources
hi all: when using namespace or nested resources in routes.rb,such as "namespace :admin { resources :books }, we can use [:admin,@book] way to generate path. It works fine in form_for , but when I use it with respond_with in controller, I get problems. The problem is when I put following code in controller: def create @book=Book.find(params[:id])
2009 Feb 09
how to get form parameters while using fields_for with nested attributes
hi all.. i am trying to use *fields_for* to get and save nested attributes in a form. i have a ''Partner'' model associated with an ''Address'' model. partner has_many :addresses although the form is displaying fine, but on submitting it the following error is shown: *can''t convert HashWithIndifferentAccess into Array* on this line: *@partner =
2009 Nov 18
rails newbie : routing error
After much ado about the naming of model adn controllers... model : Expense controller : Expenses route : map.resources :expenses Here I am using mysql database and created a unique index, since db:migrated created an id object and made it as primary key. Now in the def create @expense =[:expense]) if flash[:viola] = ''New expense saved.. be
2007 Feb 27
Simply_helpful and nested resources
Hi all, my question is Does simply_helpful is ready for use with nested resources ? I''ve tried something like : # Routes.rb map.resources :projects do |projects| projects.resources :iterations end # edit.rhtml <% form_for(@project, @iteration) do |f| %> # => <form action="/projects/1/iterations/3;edit" method="post"> # new.html # =>
2012 Apr 05
Polymorphism, acts_as_relation gem and nested attributes
I have the following polymorphic association set up with acts_as_relation ( Model code: class Email < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :detail validates_presence_of :address end class Detail < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_superclass has_many :emails accepts_nested_attributes_for :emails, allow_destroy: true
2011 Aug 22
Paperclip nested resources problem
My models: class Country < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :regions has_many :assets, :dependent => :destroy accepts_nested_attributes_for :assets end class Region < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :country has_many :appartments has_many :assets, :dependent => :destroy accepts_nested_attributes_for :assets end class Asset < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :region
2009 Mar 16
nested forms in rails 2.3
Hi, Is there a simpler way to implement the view-component of nested forms as it was done in Railscast #75 (Complex Forms Part 3) in Rails 2.3? I''d like to add and remove the owned objects dynamically using AJAX requests, but using f.fields_for :object do |object_form| doen''t let me load new objects into the form - or at least I don''t fully understand how that should
2012 Feb 03
Rails 3: Route all POST to :update method for a specific namespace
Against the background of the PUT/PATCH/POST partial update discussion ( ): Actually I want to use the PATCH method in Rails but it is not yet implemented. So can I define (for a whole namespace) that THIS is standard behavior: POST resource/:id => :update ? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby
2007 Nov 20
How to test views with Nested Resources and Partials
Hi everyone, I am relatively new to rspec and I am running into a wall in testing my views. I have a RESTful resource Contracts with a nested resource of Line_items. I am trying to figure out how to test the "edit" form of the Line_items. What complicates this is the nested routing and how to account for it, and that there is a partial form (_form.haml) that both the edit.haml and