similar to: Warning: Ambiguous first argument; make sure.

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Warning: Ambiguous first argument; make sure."

2009 Sep 04
Changing cursor while waiting for remote function response?
Hello, Google and the search function didn''t help me this time. Is it possible to change the mouse cursor while waiting for a response of a remote function call? -- Posted via
2006 Mar 02
url_for_file_column not returning correct path
I added this test towards the end of the included file_column_helper_test.rb that shipped with the file_column plugin: def test_url_for_file_column_different_root_path Entry.file_column :image, :root_path => File.join(RAILS_ROOT, "public/files") e = => upload(f("skanthak.png"))) assert_match %r{/public/files/entry/image},
2009 Mar 28
Use fixtures within fixtures?
Heya, I''m using globalize2 and have following problem with my fixtures: categories.yml: one: parent_id: two color: #ff00aa two: color: #00ff11 three: parent_id: two color: #ab00ab category_translations.yml one-en: id: one locale: en name: Cars one-es: id: one locale: es name: Coches two-en: id: two locale: en name: Start two-es: id: two locale: es
2009 Mar 25
Hash with key and value from ActiveRecord?
Heya, I think I have thinking barrier. I just want a simple hash out of an ActiveRecord. @attributes = Attribute.find_all_by_character_id(@character).hash { |u| [, u.value] } and I would like to access it like @attributes[:health] but it doesn''t work. Anyone can help me out with that? -- Posted via
2010 Sep 13
Could not find [GEM] locally or in a repository
Hey Guys, How could I fix the following: "gem install --no-rdoc --no-ri kete-feedzirra" ERROR: could not find gem kete-feedzirra locally or in a repository "gem install --no-rdoc --no-ri libxml-ruby" ERROR: could not find gem libxml-ruby locally or in a repository "gem install --no-rdoc --no-ri http_url_validation_improved" ERROR: could not find gem
2010 Aug 22
Rails 3: Error saving an object with no useful information
Hey, I''m kinda desperate cause I''m getting an error and have no idea how to fix this since it doesn''t give me any information hinting where the problem is: irb(main):054:0> reload!;! Reloading... NameError: undefined local variable or method `to_ary'' for #<User:0x4ed5d20> from
2010 Jan 30
Best way to connect various applications?
Good evening, I''ve got three different self-programmed Rails application I need to connect and manage with a 4th "supervisor" application. There''s a wiki application, there''s a shop application and there''s a business directory application all with seperate user database etc. What I want now is one single user table so it can be all controlled by one
2006 May 04
second assert_tag failling in rails integration test
Hi all, I''m fairly new to rails and ruby, but I''ve come across an interesting glitch and I''m not sure whether I''ve just got something wrong with my assumptions or if it really is an error in the underlying framework... I''ve created a bare-bones set of tests to show you where the problem is. What follows are the steps I went through to reproduce the
2003 Sep 07
BugReport: file/directory warning ambiguous
rsync -aczuv --rsh=ssh /var/www/html/ $USER@$HOST:/data/web/$USER/html --exclude='**usage/' --exclude='**phpMyAdmin/' --exclude='**thumbnails/' --exclude='**mrtg/' --exclude='**icon' --exclude='template.htm' --delete $USER@$HOST's password: building file list ... done failed to set permissions on . : Operation not permitted mr/ mr/index.htm
2011 Sep 07
FactoryGirl doesnt produce unique names?!
Hey, I got following very simple test case: require ''spec_helper'' describe Country do it "should create a new instance given valid attributes" do Factory(:country) end end Factory looks like: Factory.sequence :country_name do |n| "Country #{n}" end Factory.define :country do |c| c.nationality "Foo
2010 Sep 12
Rails 3: finding a record by name in multilingual app
Hello, I upgraded my application from Rails 2 to Rails 3 and ran into a problem. In rails 2 I could use the english name of the record to find it like: Page.find_by_name("Welcome") even though the user chose German as the language (which of course showed the German welcome page. Eversince I switched to Rails 3 (default_locale still :en) I can''t find anything by giving the
2003 Jul 14
Subsetting a matrix
I'd welcome some comments or advice regarding the situation described below. The following illustrates what seems to me to be an inconsistency in the behaviour of matrix subsetting: > Z<-matrix(c(1.1,2.1,3.1,1.2,2.2,3.2,1.3,2.3,3.3),nrow=3) > Z [,1] [,2] [,3] [1,] 1.1 1.2 1.3 [2,] 2.1 2.2 2.3 [3,] 3.1 3.2 3.3 > dim(Z) [1] 3 3 >
2005 Oct 10
using innov in arima.sim
Hello, I have used the arima.sim function to generate a lot of time series, but to day I got som results that I didn't quite understand. Generating two time series z0 and z1 as eps <- rnorm(n, sd=0.03) z0 <- arima.sim(list(ar=c(0.9)), n=n, innov=eps) and z1 <- arima.sim(list(ar=c(0.9)), n=n, sd=0.03), I would expect z0 and z1 to be qualitatively similar. However, with n=10 the
2006 Jun 05
When adding a record in console, a parameter comes in as null even when I set it
In console, I am trying to create a User but the :account_id does not come in. Console just gives me back :account_id => nil. Obviously I''m trying to set it though. Silly console... But, I can set the account_id column in my controller like so: @user =[:user]) @user.account_id = Here''s what I give to the controller: User.create :name
2006 Dec 02
Trouble passing arrays to C code
Hello, I'm having more trouble with interfacing with C code. I have a function in C that will return the result of its computation as 3 arrays. The signature of the function is as follows: void lorenz_run(double x0, double y0, double z0, double h, int steps, double *res_x, double *res_y, double *res_z) The function works, as I've tested it from within C itself and the results
2008 Feb 11
ctags support for puppet
This is a quick and dirty .ctags file that makes basic navigation possible with vim and ctags, great if you have multiple files: --langdef=puppet --langmap=puppet:.pp --regex-puppet=/^class[ \t]*([a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+)[ \t]*/\1/d,definition/ --regex-puppet=/^site[ \t]*([a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+)[ \t]*/\1/d,definition/ --regex-puppet=/^node[ \t]*([a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+)[ \t]*/\1/d,definition/ --regex-puppet=/^define[
2006 Jul 27
How to get the name of the first argument in an assignment function?
Dear All! If I pass an object to an assignment function I cannot get it's name by deparse(substitute(argument)), but I get *tmp* and I found no way to get the original name, in the example below it should be "va1". Is there a way? Thanks, Heinz ## example 'fu1<-' <- function(var, value) { print(c(name.of.var=deparse(substitute(var))))} fu1(va1) <- 3 name.of.var
2006 Jan 20
validates_format_of > Invalid regular expression with simple pattern
Hello, I try this : validates_format_of :name , :with => /^[A-z0-9_.- ]*$/ , :message => "bad characters" for accept any name with chars "A" to "z" , "0" to "9" , with "_" "." "-" and " " The pattern is really simple but I have this error : SyntaxError in Login#register
2012 May 13
is assert_select_rjs deprecated in Rails 3.1 ?
I have seen it in 3.0.9 doc ( ) but it''s not mentioned in the latest guide ( if deprecated how can I check the view from an Ajax call ( assert_match + gsub could work ? ... ) am I missing any doc ? xhr :get, :change_area,
2013 Nov 19
Quick question on sieve
I have a procmail recipe that does the majority of my heavy lifting for my mailing lists. It's pretty straightforward, but as I understand it, this isn't something sieve can do: # [ ] contains a space and a tab :0 * 9876543210^0 ^(List-Id:.*<|X-Mailing-List:[ ]*)\/[-A-z0-9_+]+ * 9876543210^0 ^(List-Post:[ ]*(<mailto:)?|List-Owner:[ ]*(<mailto:)?owner-)\/[-A-Z0-9_+]+ *