similar to: Using image_tag and send_data

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2006 Sep 08
Does acts_as_attachment :storage => :db_system work?
I found the post about needing to install acts_as_attachement_1_1_6 if you are not on edge rails. But I am having trouble getting db_system storage to work. As far as I can tell in from the database, things are working, but I don''t see how my model table hooks up with the db_files table so I am having trouble altering the image_tag from the tutorial
2008 Oct 14
Attachment_fu, db_file and Windows
I''m having trouble serving images which I have saved as db_files with attachment_fu. I use this code to serve the images: Controller -- class PhotoController < ApplicationController def image @photo=Photo.find(params[:id]) send_data(DbFile.find(@photo.db_file_id).data, :type => @photo.content_type, :filename =>
2007 Dec 08
Uploading photos using facebook & attachment_fu
Hi All, I''m trying to use a form to upload a photo that I will save using attachment_fu. I''m very new to Facebookr so I apologize if this is covered somewhere, but I''m kind of stumped. Here''s what I''m doing now: <% facebook_form_for(:my_object, :url => { :action => ''upload_photo'', :id => params[:id] }, :html => {
2007 Nov 29
mongrel_upload_progress and attachment_fu
Can one use mongrel_upload_progress in combination with attachment_fu (db_file)? I wan''t to store uploaded files directly in a mysql-database - not in the filesystem. Is there a way to use mongrel_upload_progress to do this, or do I have to store files in the filesystem and copy them to the database? Thanx
2007 Mar 28
attachment_fu & update_attributes... bug?
It seems that attachment_fu is a pretty popular plugin (it''s great), but I''ve been having a terrible time trying to figure out an issue when using "update_attributes". I''m storing files on the file system rather than in a database. It seems that when "update_attributes" is called with a new file, upload_data= tries to copy a file that
2008 Sep 23
Problem getting Rails to emit the correct (proxy) domain in route urls
Behind the scenes my app runs like this: and and are Apache 2.2 virtual hosts proxy-balanced to a mongrel cluster on the same machine. But I need to make these available here: and are on a second server using ProxyPass and ProxyPassReverse to
2008 Jul 21
using image with submit_to_remote
Hi How can I give an image to submit_to_remote .I could successfully do it with link_to_remote as below..But the same not working with submit_to_remote <%= link_to_remote( image_tag("/images/cancel.png", {:alt => ''Cancel'', :class=>"noborder",:title=>"Cancel"}), {:update => "search_contact_div", :url
2006 Apr 27
SuperImage plugin
Greetings all, This is the first release of the SuperImage plugin. The idea is you upload images to the database, and then pull them out at any size you want. Combine this with caching and it will stay light and fast. More info and instructions are here: svn:
2007 Jun 29
attachment_fu validation error
I have this class: class Logo < ActiveRecord::Base has_one :something has_attachment :content_type => :image, :storage => :db_file, :max_size => 500.kilobytes :thumbnails => {:web => ''150x100'', :pdf => ''150x100''}, :processor =>
2006 Mar 21
activerecord - mysql blobs...
I''m struggling with activerecord and mysql blobs (uploading files)... blobs over 400K-ish cause the below exception... ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid in File#upload Mysql::Error: Lost connection to MySQL server during query: I''ve tried blob, mediumblob, and longblob... I''m using windows xp for development - and have not installed the mysql gem... simlar google
2011 Oct 18
Fried Email Server! Perl Problem
I hate it when I crash my email server. Here's what tailing /var/log/qmail/qmail-smtp/current gives me: [root at toast jack]# tail /var/log/qmail/qmail-smtpd/current @400000004e9ddbd031610f54 tcpserver: status: 0/20 @400000004e9ddbd72c767c04 tcpserver: status: 1/20 @400000004e9ddbd72c7ab60c tcpserver: pid 12039 from @400000004e9ddbd739a20d1c tcpserver: ok 12039
2006 Mar 30
Trying Agile book, found problem
Pg. 57 of Agile asks you to create a scaffolding by typing in ruby script/generate scaffold Product Admin Instead of generating everything, it only gives me exists app/controllers/ exists app/helpers/ exists app/views/admin exists test/functional/ dependency model exists app/models/ exists test/unit/ exists test/fixtures/ identical
2010 May 03
rendering images dynamically
Hi, I have a rails application where I respond to a request by fetching image urls from various web api calls and need to display them as they come available. I am able to display all the images once I get them all, but that causes an unacceptable delay for my user. One approach I am trying is, from my controller, set an @image variable, and then pass in a block to the model that retrieves the
2007 Jan 08
Adding 4000 Lines to asteriskdb via asterisk -rx ?
Hi there, I want to add 4000 Callerids and Callernames to my asterisk-db. (/var/lib/asterisk/astdb) I do not want an external database or an sql-database because I do not want asterisk to depend on external processes. However, when I do 4000 "database put number name" via a shellscript and "asterisk -rx" I only have 600 entries later in my asterisk- database. The asterisk
2007 Dec 13
Attachment_fu problems on updates
On the creation of a member the member''s picture uploads as it should. However, when updating the member, while selecting a new picture, an error is thrown: can''t convert nil into String RAILS_ROOT: /Users/chris/Documents/Projects/Rails/CommunityCMS/trunk Application Trace | Framework Trace | Full Trace
2006 Sep 26
Error while generating scaffold
Hello, When I run the command: "ruby script/generate scaffold Product Admin" I receive the following error after the usual changed files info: "Couldn''t find ''product'' generator" The command is based on "Agile Web Application Development with Rails" first edition on page: 57. Just to give some context to what I am doing, I just created
2005 Dec 22
in-memory SQLite for testing
I am following the rails book, and arrived to the section about testing. The test database is configured as: test: adapter: sqlite3 database: ":memory:" and I get this error with the simple product test: % ruby test/unit/product_test.rb Loaded suite test/unit/product_test Started E/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/sqlite3-ruby-1.1.0/lib/sqlite3/ errors.rb:94:in
2007 Aug 22
How to spec an attachment_fu model
First off, I''m not trying to spec attachment_fu, I know it''s been tested. But, I added some code to that model that I do need to test. Basically, I need to somehow fulfill the "uploaded_data" property so I can actually run my tests(otherwise they fail because of validations). The "uploaded_data" field is what would grab the multipart data from form. Here
2013 Jan 24
Searching for Nodes
Hello All, I''m reviewing switching to puppet from chef and am trying to identify how to port the various features. I have hit a stumbling block searching for nodes. In Chef i could search for a node by role, but I am lost as how to do this with puppet and classes. Example: I want my load-balancing node to look for all application server nodes and grab their ip address (and hostname
2007 Apr 27
attachment_fu content_type problem
Hi all.... Admittedly I''m new to Rails and trying to find my way but I''m having an issue with uploading documents with attachment_fu. I have a form where I''m uploading multiple attachments (using AJAX to add file_filed_tags). That seems to work pretty well. The problem is I can''t seem to get the content_type to work as I would expect. For example, if I use