similar to: Exclude globalize from action

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Exclude globalize from action"

2010 Jun 24
Rails3: render_to_string of a .html.erb when request is a json request raises MissingTemplate error
I''ve the following situation (which actually works in Rails 2.3.8 and this is a result of the migration of our app to rails3): I have a partial which is rendered a few times (imagine tr''s in a table). On the clientside there''s a script that does a json request for a specific row (jQuery + ajax dataType: ''json'' and type: ''POST'') In
2007 Dec 07
strange error on mock proxy
I''m banging my head over this really strange error in a view test when I run "rake spec". The weird thing is that I don''t get the error when I run the spec file by itself. Here is the spec (I know, fixtures are the devil): describe "/units/new.html.erb here" do fixtures :units, :accounts, :groups it_should_behave_like
2007 Aug 23
Render partial from Backgroundrb worker?
Hi, I have a long running task which generates JavaScript to files and I am hoping to move this to a backgroundrb worker. The javascript is currently generated with call to render_to_string:, ''all.js''), "w") do |file| file.puts(render_to_string :partial => ''partials/shared/javascript/tags'', :locals => {
2007 Jul 06
stubbing helper methods for View specs
Hi there I have several view specs, that include the following snippet in their "before" block to stub the methods by acts_as_authenticated before :each do @u = mock_model(User) @u.should_receive(:name).and_return("Hans Muster") template.should_receive(:logged_in?).and_return(true) template.should_receive(:current_user).and_return(@u) end this
2006 Jun 05
Action Mailer contact form
I am trying to use Rails and the Action mailer to create a simple contact form on a website. I am using a table-less model to validate the form contents, then trying to use the Action Mailer chapter of the "Agile Web Development with Rails" book as a pattern to develop the send e-mail portion. I am having trouble getting it working and was hoping someone could point me in the
2006 May 30
Problems when applying search to filter rows.
Hello, I am trying to create in the main Layout of the application fields of selection of fields of the model, and other to insert its value. Next I put a search button, with the idea to leak by the search in the view of the model where it executes this button. I have generated the views with ajaxscaffold. I do not know if what I try to do it does of this form or another one. My code is the
2006 Feb 27
Mapping '':action/:id/:controller/'' doesn''t work
Hello People, (I am not good at ROR yet. This post could be very lame.) I am going playing with routes.rb. Well, pretty much any combination of mapping works, a part from: map.connect '':action/:id/:controller/'' In this case, the request is routed; however, I get: --------------------------------------- Showing app/views/inputs/start.rhtml where line #8 raised: No url can be
2005 Mar 02
form action in mail (actionmailer)
Hi everyone. : ) I meet problem when use form tag in actionmailer. (content-type is text/html, surely) I want to use form action in actionmailer''s view (.rhtml) for some reason. 1. I use start_form_tag helper method as normally, but how I can ? I did <%= start_form_tag :action => "http://myhostname/mycontroller/myaction" %> or <%= start_form_tag :action =>
2006 May 26
calling render_to_string outside of controller
How can I call render_to_string outside of a controller. I''m stuck on this. I''ve nearly got my plugin finished but I can''t seem to get this to work. The method is in ActionController::Base but it is protected. -- Posted via
2008 Mar 04
Action Mailer throwing underscores on template name
I''ve recently run into a problem with one of my applications that refuses to send emails using ActionMailer. Looking at the log, it become obvious what''s happening, the system is looking for templates with underscores at the end. Notice the exception_notification_ . For example: ActionView::ActionViewError (No rhtml, rxml, rjs or delegate template found for
2006 Jun 27
Action Mailer - weird rendering issues
Hello, While sending email notifications from ThoughtNotifier, I am getting weird exceptions, which sometimes occur on the production machine, but I haven''t been able to reproduce on my development machine. There should be no error while rendering `thought_notifier/share_notification.rhtml'' template, but if for some reason it is rendering
2007 Nov 30
render_to_string in an after filter
I''m using render_to_string in an after_filter, which renders a partial that is sent to a web service. Here''s the code: class MyController < ApplicationController after_filter :post_to_webservice def show # show logic end def post_to_webservice stuff = render_to_string :partial => ''stuff'' webservice_post(stuff) end I get a DoubleRenderError in the
2010 Mar 22
UnitTesting-Action view testcase is failed
Hi, I run the "Unit testing", Then The "Actionview::Testcase" is failed. i.e i am getting the error as below, 1) Error: test_tablename(ActionView::TestCase): TypeError: wrong argument type Class (expected Module) /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-2.3.5/lib/action_controller/helpers.rb:76:in `include''
2012 May 28
rendering a partial inside another using render_to_string and (:formats) in controller
I want to clean my code by moving the duplicated lines : partial = render_to_string( :partial => "#{file}", :formats => [:html] ) to the pagination_partials function. ================================================= WORKING CODE: ================================================= def render_format_search_partial(file, options={}) # TODO remove this line to use the one
2010 Nov 04
Re: Train wreck getting render_to_string to work from foreign controller [SOLVED]
Just for collective knowledge as I have found no info on this problem online: I solved this by adding an .html.erb file for the "missing template", since by design or bug Rails3 will not find or render another controllers view (in my experience). Then in the new html.erb file, I just put <%= render "comparisons/display" %> because the views *are* able to find templates
2008 Feb 19
render_to_string in a controller test?
Hi all, I know that in general, view and controller tests should be isolated, such that controller specs don''t test views etc. However, I think I''ve run into a situation that might be an exception. My controller uses render_to_string to produce a chunk of HTML that it passes to a model to be processed. The controller then redirects the user to a different page. The
2006 Jul 11
Aggregate Controllers
Hi, I''m developing a dashboard like page and basically want to combine the result of multiple actions on a page. I''ve done this so far: def index r1 = render_to_string :action => "action1" r2 = render_to_string :action => "action2" render :text => r1+r2 end This works, but now I want to render from other controllers and this is where
2006 Mar 08
render_to_string() in a controller that isn''t default route?
Is it possible to call render_to_string() in a controller that is not set as the default route? The content controller is set in routes.rb: map.connect '''', :controller => "content". The content controller is calling a template controller, and I would like to be able to call render_to_string() within the template controller, however I receive the error:
2009 Jun 23
render_to_string inside method shared across several controllers
I use render_to_string to generate short reports (in HTML) under certain conditions when users access my application. The reports are stored in the database and uses database information at the time they are generated (and can thus not be generated later, e.g; when you want to consult them). The reports are generated the same way regardless of which controller has been accessed. Conditions for
2006 Mar 12
Unexpected attribute modification
Hi all, I''m trying to do multiple render_to_string() calls in a method call, and I''m getting attributes being modified in unexpected ways. @left_sidebar = render_to_string( :partial ..... ) puts (-> 123456) @right_sidebar = render_to_string( :partial .....) puts (-> 234567 WTF!?!?!) puts (-> 345678)