similar to: Problem with link_to_remote, RJS and jRails

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "Problem with link_to_remote, RJS and jRails"

2009 Apr 12
Problems with jRails and ajax helpers
I working on a Rails 2.2.2 app that uses jRails and any time I attempt to use a Rails ajax helper, I get the following error: index 116545 out of string with this stack trace: vendor/plugins/jrails/lib/jrails.rb:197:in `[]='' vendor/plugins/jrails/lib/jrails.rb:197:in `build_callbacks'' vendor/plugins/jrails/lib/jrails.rb:119:in `options_for_ajax''
2009 Apr 08
authenticity problem with jrails ajax
I''m using jrails and I found when I use the authenticity_token in certain javascript calls, that the url works differently in that the paramters in the :with clause get dropped if they are in a json type syntax. Below is an example of a remote_function() call from JS that used to work fine without authenticity. When I enabled authenticity it adds the authenticity token automatically, but
2007 Nov 15
jRails plugin: jQuery on Rails
Hey All, I just built a new plugin that replaces most of the default functionality for Prototype/scriptaculous with jQuery. I still have some work to do completing the rest of the visual effects and writing some plugins for autocomplete and in-place editing but this release is pretty solid. It includes support for basic AJAX calls (form_to_remote, link_to_remote), RJS, observers (observe_form,
2009 Jun 03
TINY MCE Jrails media upload
Hi Can anybody give me idea to do media upload in rails using tiny_mce and jrails ? Thanks ! -- Ruby on Rails Developer --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send
2011 Aug 02
jrails plug in and rails 3 compatibility
Hi people Today I just want to make a simple question. Is Jrails 0.4.0 compatible with rails 3? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to rubyonrails-talk-/JYPxA39Uh5TLH3MbocFF+G/ To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
2009 Dec 01
Rails 2.3.5 - Cannot install plugin
I''m always get the message "Plugin not found: ["git:// aaronchi/jrails.git"]" when trying to install a rails plugin, even for SVN or GIT. After google search, some people suggest that replace "git://" with "http://" and add "/" at the end of the url. I tried and it still does not work. I used the ruby 1.9.1-p243 and rails
2006 Mar 29
using onchange options in forms
Hello, I''m trying to get a select field to update a view via the ''onchange'' option. I''ve seen examples of it here in the forum where people hardcode the forms and use javascript to trigger the change (and nearly all have complained that it''s a hack) and I''m wondering if anyone has a more elegant solution using the embedded ruby methods?
2011 Jan 05
Nicedit (rich text editor)
Hello, I''m trying to use Nicedit to improve my text_areas in some views of my project. I have installed jquery: ruby script/plugin install git:// nicEdit plugin: ruby script/plugin install git:// Add js in layout: <%= javascript_include_tag ''nicEdit'', ''nicEditInit'' %> Use it
2009 Feb 22
dynamically changing a form from POST/CREATE to PUT/UPDATE
For the life of me I can''t figure this one out, although I can''t find anyone else who''s attempted to do this, and probably with good reason. Context: blog using AJAX What I''m trying to do: when the user initially saves a blog entry, or when auto-saving, I want subsequent saves to not create a new blog entry Why I can''t just reload the partial: -
2010 Jul 09
Template is missing.... but it is there!
Hello friends! I have an application to list different kinds of institution names. So I have one table "instits" for the institutions and another table "nome_instits" for their names. For test, I put two rows inside "instits" and three names for the first institution and two names for the last. Then I created this controller: class ServInstitController <
2008 May 07
Inserting authenticity token into AJAX request params
Hi all. I am trying to find a way to insert an authenticity_token into the params of an Ajax request before it gets sent. I''ve got this much: Ajax.Responders.register({ onLoading: function(req){ if ((req.options.method == ''post'') && ! Object.keys(req.options.parameters).include(''authenticity_token'')){ ---->
2009 Jun 23
can't get remote_function working on rails 2.3.2
I''ve tried moving the code around in different ways, but so far I haven''t gotten remote_function to work for me (I''m using Rails 2.3.2 on my Mac). I want to make an AJAX call when I double-click a word on my page, and the Javascript function is being called when the ondblclick event is fired, but nothing happens when it gets to my the "new Ajax.Request" part
2009 Aug 28
Hi guys What does the below line says ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken (ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken): -e:2:in `load'' -e:2 Please guide me -- Karthik.k Mobile - +91-9894991640
2008 Dec 06
jQuery Rails Functions
Hi, I was wondering if anybody who used jQuery with rails could help me out. I have a droppable that fires a simple function, shown below: $("#list").droppable({ accept: ".item", hoverClass: ''droppable-hover'', drop: function(ev, ui) { $(this).append("<br>Dropped!"); } }); But how could I get this to fire a Rails funciton in the
2008 Oct 10
authenticity_token sent, still InvalidAuthenticityToken
Hi! To send the authenticity token from flex back to the server, I followed this: I have two controllers in my rails app. The method described in the link above works with the actions in one controller, but does not work with the other. The controller which does not work has just one action which performs a file
2007 Jun 08
Running test Rails app under JRuby and JBoss - experiences
Based on this article I have created a simple speed test application to see how JRuby behaves under JAVA server. I created one controller with simple method that provides actual time for view. View is RHTML with simple code for publishing the time provided by controller. Then a packed the application into WAR(described in article) and published under JBoss 4.0.5 (on
2009 Jun 09
protect_from_forgery doesnt protect from forgery
Maybe I am grasping the full usage of this protect_from_forgery function, but it does not seem to work for me. Imagine the following: A simple website with a user that needs to log in to do certain stuff and a closed off admin section that only certain users can access that have the is_admin field set to true. So to be clear, my User model has a login, password and is_admin. When displaying the
2011 Nov 22
rake aborted with ruby on rails
when i run * rake db:create* * * WARNING: ''require ''rake/rdoctask'''' is deprecated. Please use ''require ''rdoc/task'' (in RDoc 2.4.2+)'' instead. at /home/vishnu/.rvm/gems/ DEPRECATION WARNING: Rake tasks in
2010 Feb 14
paperclip is making me crazy
seems pretty simple, my model... has_attached_file :pic_1, :styles => { :thumb => "120x90" }, :url => "/:attachment/:id_:style.:extension", :path => ":rails_root/public/system/:attachment/:id_:style.:extension" my view... <% form_tag(:action => ''create'', :html => { :multipart => true }) do -%> <label
2010 Sep 23
undefined method `protect_against_forgery?' for #<ActionView
Hi guys This is a pretty tricky one. I get a "undefined method `protect_against_forgery?'' for #<ActionView::Base:0x569a3d4>" error when trying to generate a partial from ''outside'' the web site. I do this as I have a rake task that checks for changes periodically in the background, and if it then sees a change it rebuilds the partial and posts the result