Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7000 matches similar to: "Errno::EIO - Input/output error"
2007 Dec 03
undefined methods page_count
I''m getting "undefined method `page_count'' for #<Array:0xb7073e1c>"
when I tried to run my rails application after installing
will_paginate. Details are as below:
undefined method `page_count'' for #<Array:0xb7073e1c>
Extracted source (around line #7):
4: <%= a.text%>
5: <% end %>
7: <%= will_paginate @announcements,
2013 Mar 24
Rails 4.0 has_many_through and fields_for
Hi all, I am trying to reproduce rails 3.2 behaviour with fields_for and
nested attributes.
class ControllerAction < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :interactions, dependent: :destroy
has_many :roles, through: :interactions
scope :controllers, lambda {|name| where("controller_name_id = ?",
scope :actions, lambda {|name| where("action_name_id =
2008 Jun 10
NameError in AdminController, uninitialized constant
Hi there basically following the "Agile Web Development With Rails, 2nd
i followed the tutorial exaclty, worked fine, so i decided to change one
on page 74 instead of:
ruby script/generate model product
i used:
ruby script/generate model propertys
~/Rails/ecom/db/migrate$ cat 001_create_propertys.rb
2008 May 13
Problem geting web interface to work
i have installed CruiseControlRB 1.3.0. With no project added the web interface at localhost:3333 looks find.
I have successfully added one of my projects (batch file which builds some c++ code) which is also building fine.
But the web interface is no more working - i get the following message "Errno::EINVAL in Projects#index".
I have attached a log (run with --trace) which
2005 Mar 30
Help - dependencies.rb - `const_missing': uninitialized constant
I''m trying to get this has_and_belongs_to_many join to work (re: my
post from yesterday). I''m getting an error I can''t seem to get by.
I now have the following tables:
id (primary key)
id (primary key)
My models are:
class Organisation
2008 Jun 30
Help with form_for
Hello, I had an app running on RoR 1.1, now I''m migrating it to 2.1.
In a view I have:
<div id="user_management">
<legend>Please log in</legend>
<% form_for(:user, :url => sessions_path) do |f| %>
<p>Username: <span class="notice"><%= flash[:notice]%></
2006 Jul 12
Strange error
Has anyone ever experience this error? I''m not sure where to trace it
back to.
where line #40 raised:
wrong number of arguments (1 for 0)
Extracted source (around line #40):
37: <p><b>Parameters</b>: <%=h request_dump ==
2010 Mar 20
Problem with videos on heroku
I have recently moved my RoR app on the Heroku platform, and almost
everything works fine apart from the videos. It works fine when my app
runs in local but not on heroku. This is the error log I''m getting, if
anyone knows where it can be coming from:
Processing VideosController#new (for IP at 2010-03-20 04:32:09) [GET]
Session ID: 6abecf60c3369d7c7029e366bb801e08
2006 May 30
Problems when applying search to filter rows.
I am trying to create in the main Layout of the application fields of
selection of fields of the model, and other to insert its value. Next I put
a search button, with the idea to leak by the search in the view of the
model where it executes this button. I have generated the views with
I do not know if what I try to do it does of this form or another one.
My code is the
2005 Jun 13
validations not working with collection population droplists
I have an ADD form with foreign key field values selectable via select
list ( collection_select (...)).
When I add validates_presence_of :someotherfield to my model for error
trapping, I get the following error for each droplist:
NoMethodError in Reviews#create_curriculum
Showing /reviews/_form.rhtml where line #16 raised:
undefined method `inject'' for nil:NilClass
Extracted source
2007 Jan 11
nil object while the required parameter are in the request
I''m having an application as follows.
I have all the parameters for as object appended in the url.
And there is an action in the controller like this
def newlet
render :layout=> false
@product = Product.new
if request.get?
@product.title= params[:title]
@product.description = params[:description]
@product.primary_link = params[:primary_link]
2004 Nov 20
Stack level too deep on Cygwin and on Debian / Colinux with 0.5.0 - 0.8.5 Beta gems
as it is not possible for me to use a sensible development environment
to start with I have to use emulations. I use Cygwin on windows and also
Colinux. (Colinux is really amazing cause it lets you run actual linux
binaries und Windows.) So here is my problem, which by the way exists
since Rails 0.5.0 I think. It was the reason I tried Colinux in the
first place, cause the error first
2007 May 30
I have a strange problem that only occurs on the production server.
I''ve been banging my head for hours trying to figure it out with no
success. Below is a copy of the error from the production log.
ActionView::TemplateError (Expected /www/rails_apps/scanlan/current/
public/../config/../app/models/image.rb to define Image) on line #6 of
2008 May 16
attachment_fu and/or rmagick on osx -- weird error
One of our developers is getting a weird error from attachment_fu and/or
rmagick on OSX. And even weirder because he''s used attachment_fu and
rmagick on other projects without difficulty. This all works fine on
debian/ubuntu. See the stack trace below. Any suggestions?
Btw, the code that''s blowing up is retrieving the attachment_fu info.
The presence of image_science in
2008 May 24
link_to_remote, image_tag, mouseover is this possible?
Hi guys,
I was wondering if you are able to have a link_to_remote, having an
image_tag and the link_to_remote has a mouseover event that updates a
div. Does the image_tag need the mouseover event? I currently have:
<%= link_to_remote(image_tag(@p_image.public_filename(:thumb)), :update
=> "big_pic", :onmouseover => {:action => :color_change, :id =>
2006 Jun 23
Date class giving errors
Any time I try to use any methods of the Date class, I get errors of
''invalid date''. For example, I have this happening:
With the code Date.today, I get this error from Rails:
- - - - - - - - - -
ArgumentError in Student#show
Showing app/views/student/show.rhtml where line #10 raised:
invalid date
Extracted source (around line #10):
7: <p> <%=
2007 Jul 12
form_tag doesn't accept a string anymore in edge rails?
So, here''s the offending line. Note that I''m using edge rails.
form_tag verifications_path(@user), :method => :post do
verifications_path(@user) returns a string like "/users/3/
verifications". That eventually gets sent to url_for, which expects a
hash. And then it blows up.
It''s especially disconcerting since the documentation shows form_tag
2006 Apr 21
Called id for nil, which would mistakenly be 4 -- if you really wanted the id of nil, use object_id
I am a newbie to Ruby on Rails, but experienced in programming.
I am trying out Rolling with Ruby on Rails article by Curt Hibbs on
onlamp.com. I have encountered following error:
Called id for nil, which would mistakenly be 4 -- if you really wanted
the id of nil, use object_id
I searched the archives of the list and found that similar
question was left unanswered. I do understand from
2006 Jun 23
rubyful_soup works fine as an RB file but bugs in Rails
This is the code:
1 require ''rubyful_soup''
2 require ''open-uri''
4 url = "http://www.google.com/search?q=ruby"
5 open(url) {
6 |page| page_content = page.read()
7 soup = BeautifulSoup.new(page_content)
8 result = soup.find_all(''a'', :attrs => {''class'' => ''l''})
9 result.each {
2007 Jul 06
stubbing helper methods for View specs
Hi there
I have several view specs, that include the following snippet in
their "before" block to stub the methods by acts_as_authenticated
before :each do
@u = mock_model(User)
@u.should_receive(:name).and_return("Hans Muster")