similar to: Rails 2.1 and ddatetime_select

Displaying 12 results from an estimated 12 matches similar to: "Rails 2.1 and ddatetime_select"

2005 Dec 19
Single Table Inheritance question
Hello, I''m having a heck of a time getting Single Table Inheritance to work in my app. I have the following models and have scaffolded out Person and Contact. person.rb class Person < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :contacts end client.rb class Client < Person end contact.rb class Contact < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :person end phone.rb class Phone < Contact end In
2006 Jul 28
ez_where: Stuck Again
I just keep thinking this is going to slice through queries like a hot knife through butter, but... there''s something I''m not getting. Here''s the gist: # get the people like the search criteria Members.find(:all, :conditions => [''first LIKE ? OR last LIKE ?'', params[:search], params[:search]) joined with the alternative of
2008 Apr 14
datetime_select custom input fields
by default datetime_select allows the user to input any date and time they want. Is there a way it can only allow a user to select an hour between 8AM and 6PM and only allow them to choose the top of the hour (:00) and the half hour (:30) for the minute? --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on
2006 Mar 21
Getting a time select input
I''m having trouble workign out which ActionView DateHelpers to display a time input for an ActiveRecord field of type :time. I just want an hours input and a minuites input. I can get these with time_select helper using :field_name and :prefix but it gives both hours and miniutes the same name. <%= select_time(, :prefix => "search", :field_name =>
2018 Aug 09
Boosted fields search in Python
Hi, I'm using Xapian in Python2. I'm trying to replicate an analysis that somebody else performed in Lucene. To do that I need to do a search for a multi-word query in which particular fields are boosted - preferably at query time. That is, given a query like "the cat is lying on the mat" (with an OR operator, ignoring word positions but with stemming and stop words removed),
2006 Mar 06
form_tag error -- not found, 404 -- action DOES exist!
Hi -- I''ve got a very strange error. I have an action called ''commit_input'' on a controller called ''SiteVisitController''. This definately exists, and is called from the functional test for it, and passes fine. My problem is with the form that is supposed to call this action. The form tag is: <%=
2005 May 08
Overriding date_select in local project to use custom value rather than blank for starting option...
I would like to have a date control on a page and I would like a behavior similar to what you get using date_select with the :include_blank => true option where the first value in the dropdown is "- Month -", "- Day -", or "- Year -" rather than a blank value for the respective month, day, and year select fields. I took a look at the ruby source for
2011 Jul 14
The attached file show the error I''m getting. I have a time time in my migration and a time_select: <%= f.fields_for :company_layout do |company_layout_form| %> <p> <%= company_layout_form.label ''HorĂ¡rio de abertura'' %> <%= time_select(''company[company_layout_attributes]'', :opening_hours, :ignore_date => true,
2010 Mar 09
I have installed time picker in my application using the below url. ruby script/plugin install <%=time_picker(, {:time_format => ''12'', :minute_step => 30})%> when i use like above in my list.rhtml file , i get error like below undefined method `leading_zero_on_single_digits'' for
2010 Apr 03
Change from attachment_fu db BLOB to Paperclip S3
Hi: I have moved from using attachment_fu with files stored in the DB to Paperclip using S3. The trick now is to migrate the files from the DB to S3. I have tried a few methods like: SThreeFile.create(:file => and @attachment = AttachmentFuFile.first SThreeFile.create(:file => ActionController::Streaming.send_data, :filename =>
2007 Jan 25
Fragment Cache in ActionMailer
I have a controller which iterates through a group of people and dynamically generates an email for each person, it is a bit DB heavy so caching would really help. Adding ''include ActionController::Caching::Fragments'' to my BookingMailer model produces this error: ActionView::TemplateError (undefined local variable or method `perform_caching'' for
2007 Jan 11
checkbox to toggle div
I''m trying to show a div if a checkbox is selected. I got as far as: <%= check_box(''foo'',''temporary_bar'',{:onclick => "Element.toggle(''temp_bar''); return false;"}, 1, nil)%> <div id="temp_bar" style="display:none;"> <%= text_field ''foo'',