Displaying 20 results from an estimated 120 matches similar to: "order complex aggregation results in 'calculate'"
2006 Mar 11
how to create analog stripchart plots of x vs t (t=mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss)
Hello r-experts,
I sure could us a little help.
I have an ever updating text file with timestamped data in it. I can
reformat in anyway I want if need be but currently I have chosen to make
columns of date, time and measuresed value (comma delimeted and with the
dates and times in quotes to interpret them as strings).
Here is a small section of my text data file:
2018 May 29
Difficulty in writing R code for one pool dynamic model
Hi everyone,
I was trying to mode the following exercise using R.
The question: Set up a one pool model using numericintegration. The model will run from time 1 to time 30 using a time step of 1.The pool (A) will be fed by flux "inA" at a rate of 5 units per hour anddrained by flux "outA" at a rate of 20% per hour. At time 0, A has 5units. At time 30, what is the pool size of
2010 Jan 24
Setting thevalue of max in calls to sqlGetResults
I have compiled and linked a 64 bit version of R (R 2.9.2) and the
corresponding unix ODBC 64 bit package
When issuing a SqlQuery, I get the following error
> library(RODBC)
> channel <- odbcConnect("OraLSH", <user>, <password>)
> sqlQuery(channel,"select sysdate from dual")
Error in .Call(C_RODBCFetchRows, attr(channel, "handle_ptr"), max,
2006 Aug 17
Help with best-practice for Rails Model
So, I''m fairly new to Rails and I have a question that pertains to how
to best model something that is typically addressed via inheritance.
Here''s the situation:
I need to maintain an EventLog
There are several different "types" (eight at this point) of Events
All Events have a couple of attributes in common (user_id, event_at,
note, summary, type, etc.)
2011 Nov 16
hierachical code system
I have a hierachical code system such as the example below (the printed data are easiest to read). I would like to write a function that returns an 'imputed' data frame, ie. where the the parent values are calculated as the sum of the child values. So, for instance, STAT.01.01.06 is the sum of STAT. through STAT. The code I have written uses two for loops,
2008 Jun 26
ActiveRecord search Query Question
I''m not using ferret because the search I need is not that complicated.
I created a basic active record search. I''m using some code from the
pragmaticprogrammer book. This is the issue:
I can get the single keyword to work fine when entered into the search
box, but when you put to keywords separated by a space the search
returns no results. It makes sense since the function
2006 Apr 04
Log4r database outputter
I recently had a look at Log4Net before we decided to go with Ruby On Rails. As
part of evaluating Ruby and Rails, I had a look at Log4r as well.
We want to use Log4r, and we would have a logger that output all levels to
console and stdout, and everything above Warn to a database table. But the
deployment of log4r doesn''t come with a database outputter. Is there any
reason for this?
2013 Feb 01
[PATCH v2 02/03] HVM firmware passthrough libxl support
This patch introduces support for two new parameters in libxl:
The changes are primarily in the domain building code where the firmware files
are read and passed to libxc for loading into the new guest. After the domain
building call to libxc, the addresses for the loaded blobs are returned and
2012 Apr 09
Panel.abline would not show beyond a certain slope value
Please find the code and data following. Problem appears in lines 37 - 42 of the code. I am using R.2.13.0 on WinXP.
library(igraph) # to use power.law.fit function
library(latticeExtra) # to use panel.lmlineq in loglog xyplot
File2Open = "C:\\Documents and Settings\\All
2006 Dec 11
Link aggregation
Hello everybody,
I am a (very) beginner in linux routing. I would like to solve in general
(the kind and amount of traffic aren''t known)this problem:
A router links some client with two net across two interface.
I''d like to know how should I be setting the router in this case.
and how to share the traffic on the two interfaces.
Like I said, I''m no expert, hope it
2005 Dec 17
How to use validation with aggregation (composed_of)?
At the risk of being banned for posting the same question twice, I
thought I''d try once more with a question for the title rather than a
statement (on the basis that perhaps questions get answered and
statements ignored ;-) )
ActiveRecord supports composed_of for value objects which is
fantastic but one thing that it doesn''t seem to support (or at least
I am unable to
2007 Apr 13
How can I use aggregation objects in form_for?
Say I have a person object which has a aggregation object call
address. The the code to manipulate a form for create a new person
should be:
# new.rhtml
<% form_for :person, :url => {:action => ''create''} do |f| %>
<%= render :partial => ''form'', :locals => {:f => form} %>
<%= submit_tag "Create" %>
<% end %>
2013 Jun 26
Error when using median as aggregation function in dcast
I am trying to calculated various summary statistics using the dcast
of reshape2. This works perfectly for getting the mean, sum, length, sd. But
when I want to calculate the median I get an error. I tried it with and
without removing
my_median <- function(x) median(x, na.rm = FALSE)
median_df <- dcast(patch_stats_dfm,formula=species~input+barriers,my_median)
Error in
2008 Apr 14
Link Aggregation limitations
Is there any limitations about using link aggregation (dladm)?
- maximum number of link aggregation per server?
- maximum number of NICs per link aggregation?
Is there any documentation where I can read more abaout it?
This message posted from opensolaris.org
2009 Jan 16
Aggregation: problem with uninitialized composed_of object
I''m getting this error:
>> p = Plan.new
>> p.amount
TypeError: wrong argument type String (expected Fixnum)
Apparently this happens because the aggregation isn''t initialized.
Here''s the code:
class Plan < ActiveRecord::Base
composed_of :amount,
:class_name => "Money",
:converter => Proc.new { |s|
2013 Jul 12
Use R for data aggregation
I have a set of evaluation variables (n) for each sample (sample size is
large enough) and I am trying to use R (nnet package) to aggregate the data.
However, I don't know the weight for each variable (I am sure the weight
shouldn't be equally assigned). Specifically, I have 12 indices (CO2, SO2,
TSP...) for 100 cities and I want to calculate weight for each and finally
obtain a
2007 Feb 12
truncating aggregation output
there was discussion on "truncating aggregation output only"
(http://www.opensolaris.org/jive/thread.jspa?messageID=19008) on DTrace
From what was discussed the aggregation options like aggsortrev,
aggsortkey, aggsortpos, aggsortkeypos are already available (Thanks Bryan!).
I am wondering what are current plans for ''aggtop'' option (or
2006 Aug 23
active record aggregation
I defined the aggregation name of first_name and last_name as
recommended, works fine but I''d like to know if it''s possible (and how)
to use it in a find condition ..
@full_name ="Georges Washington"
@person = User.find(:all , :conditions => ["name LIKE ?", @full_name"]
#doesn''t run
I also tried
@person = User.find( :all, :conditions
2014 Jan 28
Moderated News Aggregation for Asterisk
Hi all.
Just wanted to let people know about a small project I started over the weekend to help me keep up with news about Asterisk. http://asterisktimes.xdev.net/
Some of the other new sites are either not there anymore or slow to update, so I've come up with a different idea for keeping Asterisk news up-to date and in one place. For the moment, I call it Asterisk Times.
OK, so maybe not
2013 Oct 27
Email Aggregation for Secure Local, Remote and Mobile Access
Further to my inquiry a while back, if any of you fine folks want to set up something like this, here is a "cookbook" to get it done.
It's very convenient, and the whole thing lives on the computer under my desk so I'm not handing my life over to google or whoever, either.