similar to: named_scope and ordering

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2009 Jul 23
Problem with named_scope
Here are my scopes: default_scope :order => ''posted_on DESC'', :conditions => { :status => ''visible'' } named_scope :positive, :conditions => { :rating => ''positive'', :status => ''visible'' } named_scope :neutral, :conditions => { :rating => ''neutral'', :status =>
2008 Jun 12
named_scope doesn''t check for critical method names.
I just entered this ticket. It turns out that in an ActiveRecord model like this Model << ActiveRecord::Base named_scope :public private def private_method end public def public_method end end The method public_method will be private because named scope
2010 Nov 03
Accessing (updating?) the proxy_scope chain for named_scope (Rails 2.3.x)
I have many named_scopes chained together in the normal way. So far so good. However in a couple of cases where: 1. The named scope is actually a correlated subquery and I need to pass additional scope into it sometimes. 2. Where the presence of a named scope in the chain should change the behaviour of a named_scope later in the chain Given: Product.price.volume.average_discount
2008 Jun 12
Mysterious interaction between RSpec 1.1.4 and has_finder/named_scope
I just opened a Rails ticket on a problem with named_scope in Rails 2.1, and cross-posted a message here which I send to rails-core. I''m still a bit mystified, because I''m having a problem caused by this on RSpec 1.1.4, but not on 1.1.3, and I don''t see a difference in code which would explain it. The basic problem, which I encountered upgrading our rails app to RSpec
2010 Sep 01
deprecation warning in Rails 3 about Base.named_scope
I recently upgraded to Rails 3, and this error has come up ubiquitously: DEPRECATION WARNING: Base.named_scope has been deprecated, please use Base.scope instead. Any ideas on how to get rid of it? Or should I just wait for something? There''s actually no place in my application where the code "Base.named_scope" exists, so I assume the problem is inherent in gems that
2009 Jul 11
offeride :limit named_scope default_scope
Hi, Rails 2.3.2 class TestD < ActiveRecord::Base default_scope :limit => 12 named_scope :limit, lambda { |num| { :limit => num} } end ruby script/console >> TestD.all TestD Load (0.7ms) SELECT * FROM "test_ds" LIMIT 12 => [] >> TestD.limit(14) TestD Load (0.3ms) SELECT * FROM "test_ds" LIMIT 12 => [] Any ideas why the default limit
2008 Jul 20
eager loading a named_scope
Hi, I''d like to eager load a named_scope like this: User.find(params[:id], :include => [:friends.married]) Any ideas? --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to rubyonrails-talk-/ To
2010 Jan 05
Conditional named_scope chaining with params (Need help)
Hello there, I have a model that has more then one named_scope. In my action Index of the controller that handle this model I want to do this in a drier way: if params[:ownership] == "mine" @posts = Post.tagged_with(params[:tags], :on => :tags).owner( :all, :page => params[:page], :order => ''created_at DESC'' else
2008 May 13
Testing that named_scope is defined
Hi guys, I''m just beginning to use RSpec and I ran into the issue of testing a named_scope. I''m not actually trying to test its behavior, as it''s not my code, but I wanted to test at least that it''s defined. I tried doing this: describe Post, ".most_recent" do it "should be defined" do Post.method_defined?(:most_recent).should be_true
2010 Feb 11
Parameterized ActiveRecord Associations: Any such thing?
Hi list, how are ya? So, my current project is just begging for the ability to have parameterized associations in my ActiveRecord classes. Basically I need something that is a cross between named scopes and standard associations (has_many specifically). I''m wondering if such a thing exists or, if not, if anyone else has an elegant, equivalent solution? Example: class Sprocket <
2010 Jul 07
Ticket 5063: Typo in named_scope in activerecord tests category.rb
Hey all, Does someone want to look over a super-trivial patch I just submitted? It''s just correcting a typo; someone accidentally spelled "group_by_title" as "gruop_by_title" in the category.rb model in the activerecord tests. I just fixed it in the model, and in the two places it''s referenced in the habtm test. Thanks, Ben -- You received this message
2010 Mar 09
Ruby 1.9 and Searchlogic problem
Hello, After updating our Rails app to ruby 1.9 there are some problems with searchlogic, here you can find the error : Error : wrong number of arguments (1 for 0) Full trace ( passenger ) : /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/activerecord-2.3.5/lib/active_record/named_scope.rb:92:in `call'' /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/activerecord-2.3.5/lib/active_record/named_scope.rb:92:in
2010 Jan 15
Chaining queries in ActiveRecord
Hi all, Stuck at this problem for several days. Tried to use named_scope, scope_out, and plugin such as searchlogic, but no result. The problem is as follows: I have a pic table and tag table, and a join table called pic_tag (with only pic_id and tag_id) so that I can associate N pics to M tags. This is the tutorial way to set up a many- to-many association. I''m trying to implement a
2010 Dec 31
WickedPDF - wrong number of arguments
I''m trying to get this plugin to work for me. I''m having the following issue when I try to render a pdf (/fancy_things/45.pdf ).. Any suggestions? Thanks! ERROR: Started GET "/fancy_things/45.pdf" for at Fri Dec 31 10:59:07 -0500 2010 Processing by OrdersController#show as PDF Parameters: {"id"=>"45"}
2010 Sep 23
Named scope in named scope ??
Hi, I would like to return a combination of named scopes in a named scope : For example, I have a named scope filter and I want to add a named scope eval_filters like Product.eval_filters([''x'',''y'',''z'']) is equivalent to Product.filter(''x'').filter(''y'').filter(''z'') Anybody know how can I
2014 Mar 01
Rails controller problems
1. Users_Controller CRUD expects param[:id] to create User instance. With Orders_Controller, I'd like to retrieve a list of users who have ordered. I know Orders_Controller expects param[:id] to be for creating Order instance. So does this mean if I want to retrieve a list of users who have ordered, I should create a method called 'get_orders' in Users_Controller? 2. Can
2010 Jun 24
DRY a named scope
Is there a way to DRY this up a bit? named_scope :has_valid_sysoid, lambda{|sysoid| (sysoid.nil?) ? {:conditions => ["nodesysoid IS NOT NULL AND nodelabel LIKE ''%-to-%''"], :include => [:ipinterface, :alarm]} : {:conditions => ["nodesysoid IS NOT NULL AND nodelabel LIKE ''%-to-%'' AND nodesysoid = ? ", sysoid], :include =>
2008 Jun 03
Custom counter cache
class Category has_many :tracks end class Track belongs_to :category, :counter_cache => true named_scope :converted, :conditions => {:converted => true} named_scope :active, :conditions => {:active => true} end I want to make custom counters for scoped associations, e.g: category.converted_tracks_count category.active_tracks_count And when `track` changes its converted,
2008 Jun 05
how to specify controller '/admin/foo'
WeBrick handles the link correctly on development, but apache in production does not: <%= link_to "Orders", :controller => ''/admin/orders'', :action => ''index'' %> The controller lives in ./app/controllers/admin/orders_controller.rb From the production log, apache is looking for the "orders" action in
2006 Jan 06
HABTM problem not saving all associations
Hello all, I have an Order object that has and belongs to many Products and has and belongs to many Loan Types. This is so I can select multiples of each in my order entry screen via checkbox groups. I''m having some trouble with saving multiple HABTM associations for a single model object; only the first HABTM association declared in the model will save during the initial