similar to: Looking for a good htb traffic shaping script to prioritize incoming traffic

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7000 matches similar to: "Looking for a good htb traffic shaping script to prioritize incoming traffic"

2005 Jan 26
Ssh flow does not go into correct class. Help!
I''m a new comer. I have problems using tc+htb. I run the following commands, and expect outgoing ssh flow goes into 1:11. But actually it goes into default 12. What''s wrong? tc qdisc add dev eth0 root handle 1: htb default 12 tc class add dev eth0 parent 1: classid 1:1 htb rate 1000kbit ceil 2000kbit prio 1 tc class add dev eth0 parent 1:1 classid 1:11 htb rate 100kbit ceil
2004 Aug 04
htb and fw problems
Dear All, I''m using the kernel 2.6.6, iproute2-, iptables v1.2.9, and gentoo. I have a leased-line 64 kbps. I can see the counter works in iptables, but in the htb, it doesn''t go to the right class (it always go to the default class). Any help will be appreciated here''s my htb conf #!/bin/bash tc qdisc del dev eth1 root tc qdisc add dev eth1 root
2004 Aug 04
Asterisk QOS working perfect using sveasoft 3.11g
As seen on my post at: This works very well... It does NOT work with stable 4.0! sveasoft will be issuing a bug fix for this (4.1) in the near future. Final Rev of working script w/ asterisk support I'm not going to run alchemy on production machines until it is stablish. Remember to set your uplink properly and to set
2005 Aug 09
Too slow computer?
Hello! I''ve put some questions on this list some weeks ago and I''ve got good answers. Thank you! Now I''ve finished my (beautyful) script and I ran it on my router... About my script: It routes packages based on their destination on the Internet. I have about 1650 preffered destination networks listed in some file. The script read this file and marks every package for
2003 Nov 13
HTB traffic shaping + squid cache proxy
Hello! My system is: Internet ADSL(PPPoE) ---> ppp0 [LINUX server(router)] eth0 ---> LAN Server(router) is running on LINUX Slackware 8.1. I have recompiled a 2.4.22 kernel, enabled all QoS support in the kernel config, including HTB. My ADSL bandwidth is 256Kbit/s for download and 64Kbit/s for upload. I use the following HTB+IPTABLES configuration, because I want to reduce bandwith for
2004 Jul 26
Hello, my linux show me that: server2 root # ip route add default scope global nexthop via dev eth2 weight 1 nexthop via dev eth0 weight 1 RTNETLINK answers: Invalid argument What can I do???? Thanks Matias --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( Version: 6.0.726 / Virus Database: 481 - Release Date:
2006 Feb 14
Guarantee ICMP respond time ?
Hello to all people there . Can i guarantee ICMP respond time no metter how loaded is internet line . i have typical NATed enviroiment like External IP |linux router| LAN - i have example setup with IMQ but is it possible to be done also if i attache htb to eth0 and eth1 for example . if i start shaper ping i better that without shaper but it''s not guarantted i mean
2004 May 09
prerouting does not effect filtering
I try to shape traffic using HTB and mark packets within iptables using PREROUTING. But the filterrules seems to ignore the marks set with PREROUTING Only POSTROUTING marks are accepted. First my configuration I have a router connected to the internet via ADSL over interface ppp0. eth0 is a tunnel to ppp0 and eth1 serves the LAN. LAN is on 10Mbit ppp0 is on
2004 Nov 01
Big problem :(((((
Hello! I have an internet connection of 64kbps garanteed in a channel of 256kbps. On this connection the metropolitan speed is 10Mbps and in the provider''s network the speed is 100Mbps. I have a few clients behind my linux box and i want to set up some limitations because some of them are using it irrational. I am marking the packets with 0 for internet; 1 for metropolitan 2 for
2004 Jul 09
tc filter + bridging + htb -- works only if ip_forward = 0
I thought that the below email would be of interest to LARTC readers. I wasted quite a bit of time tracking down this "feature" (bug?). Any comments that shed light on this would be appreciated. In short, "tc filter" + htb + bridging works only with ip_forward off. Andrew Athan ----------------------------------------------------------------------- All: It seems that
2005 Oct 01
I gave up.-...-.-.-.- :''(
Actually i gave up, i tried and tried and tried so many times, upgrading software falling back to an old version but it didn''t work, that''s it. i can''t do work together tc with iptables and iproute2 when i mark a packet with iptables tc doesn''t recognize them so it falls at the default leaf of the tc''s tree what i like is to mark packets depending on
2005 Dec 27
Ingress policing (matching netfilter marks)
Hi, I''m having issues with policing my incoming traffic by matching packet marks made by iptables. I''ve checked as many sites and guides as I can find, and I seem to be doing the exact same thing as they all are, but there''s still no success. As such, I was wondering if anyone can have a quick look to see if I''ve done anything obviously stupid? Essentially, I
2004 Sep 20
PRIO not working?
Hello, I am using a simple script, which is based on prio. The point is, that it is not possible to use htb on wifi networks, so I thought that prio will work fine, but it does almost nothing. All I wanted was to make the important packets like icmp, games, VoIP,... to go first, and to slow the things like FTP data transfer, etc. When I use $TC -s qdisc show dev ${IFACE}, I see, that the
2006 Apr 07
u32 and iptables do not work together
Hello all, I am trying to make a filter into my QoS rules and I founded that when I try to use filters u32 and with fwmark they do not work together. This is the filter I use, just and example, for u32: $TC filter add dev $DL parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 1 u32 match ip sport 22 0xffff flowid 1:10 This is working fine. Now if I try to mark a package that I want it to go to the same
2005 May 04
OpenSwan traffic shaping with HTB & sfq
Hi All, I''ve got an interoffice IPSEC VPN in place that I''m trying to give priority to terminal service (tcp 3389) traffic. I''ve created rules at each end, but have hit a bit of a dillemma. As the data is encrypted I must also give highest priority to protocol 50 otherwise the priority is lost as the packet gets encrypted. When I do this however, I can''t
2005 May 12
IPTables script
Hi All, I''ve been playing with QOS for a short while now and have worked out how to do what I want using HTB. Great queuing discipline btw. My problem is the tc filters I want to setup aren''t working because iptables is getting to the packets first and mangling the src address. The iptables script I am using is MonMotha''s Firewall 2.3.8 and it includes lots of nice
2007 Aug 30
Question about how TC enforces bandwidth limiting
Hello, I run one of my PCs as my personal router, with iptables+tc to control traffic and be my firewall. In TC, I use a combination of htb, qdisc and sfq (as well as prio) to classify bandwidth. In my current setup, I have 10 classifications of my bandwidth. (Even I admit this is probably more than I need, but at this point I''m still learning, so I''ll just leave them be.)
2006 Aug 13
trying to prioritize voip traffick
I am using a server with asterisk and I am trying to prioritize voip traffick -- I am a newbie at this traffic shaping, so please bear with me. I used the script below and what happens is thatall traffic in the bulk class stops after a couple of minutes. Also, should I include the ports for rtp in the filter statements with the ports 5061 and 4569? Note I have a fairly big pipe -- supposed to
2005 Nov 15
can I use tos and fwmark at the same time?
Hello lartc maintainers and users! I have a router with two NICs. One NIC is connected to the Internet and the other to my internal LAN. I made a script for priorizing interactive traffic. The script matches TOS Minimize-Delay for priorizing interactive trafic, and fwmark for metropolitan packets. I have two root classes (simulating two circuits) : 1:1 for internet and 1:3 for metropolitan.
2005 Feb 11
Help!!! Bandwith Control with a NAT machine
Hello everyone, First of all, sorry for my poor english. I''ve been working with this for a few weeks and I''m getting sick... I''m trying to control the bandwith in my network using the following script. The machine where the script is running makes NAT, eth0 is connected to the router and eth1 is connected to the Lan. When I run the script it doesn''t appear any