similar to: Render multiple tags using helper method

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 70000 matches similar to: "Render multiple tags using helper method"

2006 Feb 02
multiple ''render :partial'' in a helper ??
Hi all, I''d like to move some view code to a helper but it doesn''t work because I need to render two partials each time. Q: Is it possible to do this with a helper? Example: ----------------- Before: In the view: ... <% case controller.controller_name when ''member'' %> <%= render :partial => ''shared/member_menu''
2006 Jun 01
overriding form helpers
Hi there, I''ve been trying to override the text_field helper with a version in my application helper. Whenever I try and call it from a partial I get the error: "uninitialized constant InstanceTag" I can override the text_field_tag no problem. But there''s lots of stuff I don''t understand in text_field. All I really want to do is set some common options for
2010 Jul 26
form date helper with text year
I have a date where the year range is more then I want to define in a select_date scaffold generated year range. My idea was to have the year entered as a text field and the month and day using something like: <%= select_month @person.born,:prefix => :person ,:field_name => "born(2i)" %> <%= select_day @person.born,:prefix => :person , :field_name =>
2006 Feb 04
Error when using form helper and child objects
Hi, This is one problem that has gotten me stumped for quite a while. I have an Item that has_many :DeliveryMethod, and what I seek to achieve is to create a form that''d let me create an Item, as well as its DeliveryMethods in 1 single form. And so I tried something like: <%= text_field_tag ''Item[DeliveryMethod][price]'', @Item.DeliveryMethod ?
2006 Sep 01
render file in helper causes WSOD
If I use render :file=>... in a helper function, Rails dies with a white-screen-of-death (with nothing about it in development.log), but it works in a controller function, and other render functions (like render :text) work in the helper function. # in helper - results in WSOD module PagesHelper def body_render(page) case when ''Markaby Template''
2006 Feb 21
formhelper methods don''t work with render collection partials
I''m rendering a partial using a collection: <%=render(:partial=> ''record'', :collection => @records)%> Inside the partial, I''m attempting to create a new form for each row, generating elements like the following example: <%= text_field "record", "name" %> However, though my objects are fully populated, these form tags
2006 Jul 26
render :update do | page | to modify a css class string...
In my booking/_form.rhtml, I have 2 <input text fields> startingdate (selction from unobstrusive calendar ) and endingdate <div> <label for="startdate">Booking Start Date</label><br /> <%= text_field_tag(''startdate'', @startdate, {:class => @startdateclass, :readonly => "readonly", :maxlength => "25"}
2007 Nov 03
Specs for Helpers that call render
The helper spec I am writing tests a helper method that calls render. ## module HelperHelper def render_partial render :partial => ''partial'' end end ## The helper spec. ## describe HelperHelper do it "should render partial" do render_partial.should_not == nil end end ## The output generated ## $ spec spec/helpers/home_helper_spec.rb .F 1)
2005 Aug 15
Newbie rendering problem
Hi On every list request i render an item partial through a collection of items. the item table has 3 columns namely name,anotherName and id. the item partial looks like <%@item=item%> <%= error_messages_for(:item) %> <tr id="<>"> <% for column in Item.content_columns %> <td><%=h item.send( %></td> <%
2007 Apr 13
mock out render call in helper
Hello, Does someone know where I can hook in to mock out a render call from a helper in Rails? I know I can do this in view specs with the following @controller.template.stub!(:render) but template doesn''t seem to be attached to @controller in a helper context. Thanks. -Chris
2006 Apr 17
Refreshing RHTML page with previously posted data?
All, After a POST, I want to be able to redisplay a view with the data that was previously entered when my controller action notices a validation failure and calls render on the view that does the submit. Example: View x.rhtml - text field is filled in Call controller action Controller action fails validation calls render (:action => ''x'') x.rthml shows up with blank text
2008 Aug 08
template.expect_render fails when partial is rendered from a helper
My spec; describe ''subnav rendering while logged in'' do before do template.stub!(:logged_in?).and_return(true) template.stub! (:current_profile).at_least(:once).and_return(mock_profile) end def do_render render "/homepages/show.html.erb" end it "should render the logged in partial for homepages" do
2007 Jul 20
the value in text_field helper
I have been working on this small, minute, part on my project and it all hinges on setting the value in a text_field helper. Saying: <%= text_field ''user'', ''company'', :value => @login %> does not do it. When I go and look at the raw html, there is no value there and "value" is an attribute of the input tag, im pretty sure. I really like
2007 Nov 01
Using view helpers from a controller
Hi, I want to access a view helper from a controller. (Of course, you all want to know why??? -- See below.) To be specific, I want to access methods such as ActionView::Helpers::FormTagHelper -- form_tag and text_field_tag from either a controller or from a new class (in models? or lib?). If I create the new class then that class''s methods need to also be able to access the
2006 Aug 16
Overwrite form helper methods and call old ones in new ones?
Hi all All my forms should look the same, so I think always putting the right div etc. tags around them is a violation of the DRY principle. Until now my forms look like that: <div class="text_field"> <label for="news_item_subject">Subject:</label> <%= text_field "news_item", "subject" %> </div> Now I want the default
2006 Jul 11
add method parameter for form helper
Hello, Most of the form helpers are build using Object / Method without the possibility of using a method parameter (as I know ...) text_field(object_name, method, options = {}) how do you solve this problem ? -> (I did my own helper and generate the html ... well I think there is a better way;-) -> do I have to overide text_field(object_name, method, parameters {}, options = {})
2006 Apr 05
CRUD pattern for has_many relationships (forms containing collections)?
Hello folks! Beare with me for a second, while I explain my problem. Assuming we have the trivial model of class Author has_many :books end class Book end How do people go about creating the authors/edit and authors/new views if you want to be able to add and remove arbitrary amount of Books at Author creation and edit time? What I mean by this is that I go to
2008 Jan 25
form formatting
If I want to use fbml elements and rails tags, is there a way to do within a fb:editor? if I do: <% facebook_form_for(:task, at task,:url => create_task_path) do |f| %> Assign Task To: <%= fb_friend_selector %> <%=f.text_field :ttype, :label=> "Title"%> <%=text_field_tag :newrnumdays, ndays, :label => "# Days"%>
2006 Jul 06
ERb question: Embedding <%= %> in helper method calls
I had a situation where I wanted to use a <%= %> (scriptlet) in my text_field call to set the "disabled" attribute on the text field, like so: <%= text_field(:current_job, ''removeLinkPos'', :value => '''', :id => ''offset'', :maxlength => 2, :disabled => <%= sometest ? ''true'' :
2006 May 18
attempt to override the ''tag'' method
I want to override the ''tag'' method in ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper to do some generalized error handling similar to the way scaffolding puts a red border around fields that fail validation. I''ve created a file lib/rails_patches/tag_helper.rb which contains the following. module ActionView module Helpers module TagHelper alias_method :orig_tag, :tag