similar to: OpenX

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100000 matches similar to: "OpenX"

2007 Dec 03
RSpec Project
Hey does anyone know of a good open source Rails project that uses RSpec? I''d like to check out some real world code that''s drinking the RSpec BDD koolaid. Thanks. -- Posted via --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To
2011 Dec 01
Hlink node data for 570645 already has path ...
When syncing one backup system (running dirvish, but that's not really relevant) to a second long-term backup system which uses btrfs snapshots, I get the following output: rsync: link "/" (in backup-aquagirl) =>
2012 Mar 12
Data consistency with Gluster 3.2.5
I have set up a replicated, four-node gluster config for a web farm. The idea is that each web node is its own Gluster server, and will have its own copy of the entire web root locally. It then serves the cluster to itself via a mount. We're running it over dual GigE NICs bonded. The problem I am having is when we switch live traffic to nodes in the cluster, they almost immediately get
2006 Oct 18
optgroup and Javascript Issues
Is there a way to walk a select box that has multiple enabled and a few optgroup mixed in with other groups? The following seems to work without the optgroup tags in a multiselect list box. I have tired going threw the children of the optgroup but i was unable to pull a valid .value or .selected. Any Ideas? Thanks. var objGroups =
2009 Jan 07
bet way to debug a plug-in?
Hi, Yesterday I had to walk through the code of a plug-in and perform a minor fix. I confess that I didn''t like the experience. Because the plug-in is in the vendor directory, I had to restart the web server whenever the code changed. How can I debug a plug-in without having to restart the web server whenever the code changes? Thanks, Tiago Franco
2009 Mar 22
How does view know about instance vars set in controller?
Hi, I know that the AWDWR says to believe in magic and to not spend Xmas with people asking this question, but really how does it work under the hood? I was looking at the source code of crummy, and it seems that instance_variable_set and instance_variable_get may be part of the answer. Is there some resource on that or do I have to dive into Rails code? -- Posted via
2006 Aug 24
Streamlined - Navigation Menu
Hi All, I am using Streamlined framework. Currently, the navigation menu is on the left side of the application. I''d like to move it to right side. How would I do it? Thanks a lot, Luan --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send
2006 Oct 10
Prototype Tutorials?
Hi, Can anyone please point me in the direction of a good prototype tutorial? I''m not sure if one exists yet or not but I havn''t been able to find a comprehensive one yet. TIA Daniel --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send
2007 Dec 22
Formatting looping display from mySQL table
Hi I''m a noob to RoR. I have everything setup but can''t figure out to get the list display as I would like. I''m sure this is very simple stuff. I just haven''t figured it out yet :( I hope someone can point me in the right direction :) I have a mysql table "websites". In it I have the following columns - Name, Url, Banner, Description I created
2007 Oct 24
Job Opportunities
We''re a fully funded startup, been in business over a year and have a rapidly expanding customer base. In other words, we''re a startup as in ''new'', not startup as in ''risk your mortgage and come and work for next to nothing because you''ll be rich one day, honest''... We''ve already been through that stage and now we are the
2008 May 22
Retrieving Mutliple Records using find_by_*
I was hoping that AR''s find_by_* magic methods would help me retrieve multiple items somewhat like the following: names_to_find = [''Larry'', ''Moe'', ''Curly''] found_people = Person.find_by_name(names_to_find) Is there a way to accomplish this using find_by_* (or even find(:all) using some sort of conditions) or must I resort to SQL
2007 Dec 31
Agile Web Dev w/Rails - Password Change
Happy New Year everyone. Just wondering if anyone has coded the ability to allow a user to change their password following the way the book (second edition) implements administration. Seems like I should be able to cut out the password/password_confirmation portion of ''add_user'' form to create a ''change_pass'' form. The problem is I''m not sure how to go
2007 Jan 29
Eager Loading: Stacking Includes?
Is it possible to stack :include''s in a situation like this: A has_many Bs B belongs_to A B has_many Cs C belongs_to B The result of the query looking something like... 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 1 0 ... -- Posted via --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you
2007 May 01
Development on nfs share
Is there any way to end up somewhere in between the development environment and production environment as far as refreshing the source on every request. Our setup is that we work off of nfs shares which makes it extremely slow for a page load in development since it has to pull in the whole app on each request. I''m used to it by now and only get a few changes in an hour :). Just curious
2008 Jul 30
AssociationTypeMismatch: Genre expected, got String
Hi all I have the following 2 models: class CompactDisc < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :genre end class Genre < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :compact_discs end I have created a select box for my form so I can choose a genre for every compact disc: <p> <b>Genre</b><br /> <%= :genre, Genre.find(:all).collect{|p| [,]}, :selected =>
2006 Aug 25
Getting a bit frustrated with the documentation of RoR I ask you if you can recommend a good tutorial that I''ve missed :-) The current problem that I''m stuck with is forms and list and how to display or not to display columns. -- Posted via --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed
2007 Sep 05
RSpec for dummies screencast?
Does anyone know of any RSpec screencasts for dummies, like me :) I have a Java background, but I have never written a java test in my life. I''ve never learned about TDD or BDD so I''m totally blank on everything that has anything to do with testing and stuff. Where should I start?!? ;) Christian... --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this
2007 Feb 06
Form won't accept ampersand
Hi guys, My start_form_tag generated form will not accept a text field containing an ampersand. For example, the text ''A & B'' is trunacted to ''A'' in the param hash. I know ampersands have to be encoded in URLs, but I''m surprised my form has a problem with this. I''ve tested this in Safari and Firefox. thanks Lindsay -- Posted via
2007 Nov 09
Access Denied for user
I''m getting ''Access denied for user ... Using password:YES ... Mysql::Error'' message. The OS is Solaris 5.9, Ruby is 1.8.6 and Rails is 1.2.3. AFAIK these are all fairly new adn shouldn''t suffer from the ''old password'' effect - even so , I have forced the password to be ''old style'' to be on the safe side. The database.yml
2007 Aug 05
Activerecord Query Generation
Is there a way to just retrieve the sql that would be generated by an activerecord call without actually executing the call? -- Posted via --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to