similar to: creating models from existing db tables

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "creating models from existing db tables"

2006 May 23
additional fields in session DB table
I am using active record sessions and everything works fine. I am integrating it with phpbb however so i need some extra fields populated in the session table. In application.rb i put a before_filter to update the session table I have a model for the sessions $ more app/models/session.rb class Session < ActiveRecord::Base set_primary_key "session_id" set_table_name
2006 Aug 15
try creating a table for your model
Railers: Greetings from the low end of the learning curve. I have installed all the prerequisites on Win32, including a lite MySQL database with a table in it called Inventory. Then I run this command line... ruby script/generate ajax_scaffold Inventory ...and I get this error message: error Before updating scaffolding from new DB schema, try creating a table for your model
2006 Jul 25
join in legacy DB?
I''ve got a problem with some tables that don''t follow any RAILS standards. how do I define the join in the model when all three tables have wacky names? class Machine < ActiveRecord::Base set_table_name "tbl_CodeMgmt_Host" set_primary_key "Id" end class Pool < ActiveRecord::Base set_table_name "tbl_CodeMgmt_Pool" set_primary_key
2006 Jan 17
legacy database and finder_sql nightmare!
This is my first rails app with a legacy database and I''m having a terrible time getting the models set up correctly. I have an order table that has a primary field named order_number. I have a name table with a primary of item_number. These two tables are liked by the item_number and the order_number, but not as you might think. If the order_number is 2500, then each entry in
2006 Jan 18
legacy database on remote host
I''m getting this error in webrick then it crashes leaving nothing in the log. ruby: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/mysql-2.7/lib/ undefined symbol: mysql_sqlstate Here is the standard query I would normally write to get the data. select * from child,parent where CONCAT(SUBSTRING(child.item_number,1,14,''00'') = parent.order_number and
2006 Aug 02
Self-Referential has_many :through
Hello all. I am trying to create a self-referential has_many :through. I used the following site as a guide but it still doesn''t appear to be working. I have two models. Person and Relationship. A person has many contacts (Which is another person) through relationships class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
2006 May 15
set_table_name and self.table_name
I have some legacy tables that I used set_table_name on, I''m attempting to write a method that will get key value from a sequence table and then update it and return a value. I''m hoping to put this in the base ActiveRecord method so I would like to reference the table name with self.table_name or something... class Contacts < ActiveRecord::Base set_table_name
2009 Apr 24
Overriding Model Name
If I understand things correctly, by default, Rails expects both the ActiveRecord class name and the model name (i.e., the name of the file that contains the definition of the ActiveRecord class) to be the singluar of the table name. How can I override this default behavior with respect to the model name? That is, I would like to have the file name of the file that contains the definition of the
2006 Jul 22
Connection refused - connect(2)
Dear all, Please help me in this regards, I am using models to access LegacySchemas using set_table_name and set_primary_key... [code for model] class CdDetails < ActiveRecord::Base def self.find_data set_table_name ''cd_details'' set_primary_key ''cd_label'' find (:first, :select => "cd_label") end
2007 Feb 26
Ruby/rails port of Cocoon/hibernate
Hi, I''m currently running an apache/jboss cocoon/flow/hibernate/ajax paypal (directpayment) project and am looking into the possibility of porting it across to ruby/rails. For that reason I would like to know the following: 1. Can I call my java classes or would I be looking at a complete rewrite in ruby? 2. How effective is ruby in terms of seperation of concerns regarding design from
2005 Dec 26
How to create application with single table with primary key
I''m trying without any succes to create application in which I have one keyed table. The table structure is: CREATE TABLE employees ( pin INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, first_name VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, last_name VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL ); Whenever I enter new record, I need the the filed pin is also filled by user. Whenever a user edit the table, there should be option to edit or not edit the
2006 Feb 28
database tables
I have been assigned a task of building a front end to a database that has already been created. All the database tables have the naming convention of lclclcClclclc. For example; tblComputerNames. How do i get around this in rails since it likes lower case table names to keep with its naming conventions for classes and objects? Mitch Mitch Raful MCSE, CCNP Network Engineer MCCS Quantico
2007 Dec 18
Active Resource and non default model names
I have a model (accessed restfully) named TranscoderQueue, it''s name is overridden to ''TransocderQueue'' so it is accessed as ''/ transocder_queue'' as opposed to ''/transocder_qeueus''. class TranscoderQueue < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :campaign, :class_name => "Campaign", :foreign_key => "campaign_id"
2006 Aug 01
Legacy Pluralized Table Names
I am connecting to a legacy DB that has some names plural and some not. I have configured: ActiveRecord::Base.pluralize_table_names = false now when i make a table that has an s on the end, it truncates the s. example: Table name: foo_bars Rails command: ruby script/generate FooBars Response (localhost:3000/FooBars): uninitialized constant FooBar It works fine with non-pluralized
2006 Apr 11
Foreign Keys
Hi, My tables are as follows: "tblusers" - primary key "TblUsersID" "tblregisteredphones" - primary key "TblRegisteredPhonesID" - foreign key "intUserID" My models are as follows: class Registeredphone < ActiveRecord::Base set_table_name "tblregisteredphones" belongs_to :user, :foreign_key
2008 Jan 23
Making Parents object attributes available
Hello, I have a class Person class Persoon < ActiveRecord::Base set_table_name "Persoon" set_primary_key "p_persoon" has_many :adres, :class_name => "Adres" composed_of :name, :class_name => Name, :mapping => [ [:naam,:naam], [:voornaam,:voornaam], [:voornaam2,:voornaam2], [:persnickname,:persnickname], [:perssortname,:perssortname] ] def
2006 Jan 03
Set the foreign key constraint column name?
I am applying Rails to an existing schema and not sure how much the existing developers will let me go in and rename things. So I need to discover the limits of what I can change with Rails. I''ve found set_table_name and set_primary_key, which have been very useful. If I have a "foo has_one :bar" relationship, but then in the bar table my column is named "fooid"
2006 Mar 01
Oracle Sequence & Rails
the compiler tell me it: invalid column name: INSERT INTO ago.prova_stats (cognome, nome, id, telefono) VALUES(''Medda'', ''Ivan'', :id, 70565611) where ago.prova_stats is the table used by me and that have only the columns ''cognome'',''nome'' and ''telefono''. My table hasn''t the column
2006 Mar 15
Through method problems with custom foreign_keys
A person has a many company_branches and A company_branch has many people. This join is represented using a "contacts" table. I am using a legacy schema so i am forced into using non-standard rails primary keys. I am using the new through relationship in rails 1.1. p=Person.find(1) b=p.company_branches # gives this error: ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: OCIError: ORA-00904:
2007 Jan 23
ActiveRecord requires sequence numbers in Oracle join table
I am mapping ActiveRecord classes to an existing Oracle database. This means I cannot change the database schema to fit ActiveRecord conventions. Predictably, I have gotten into trouble: I have several join tables that do not have a primary key column, and therefore no number sequence defined. ActiveRecord insists on requiring a sequence, and gets unhappy when there is none to find. Is there a