similar to: STI question

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2006 Jan 10
bug? : STI and :include => fk and class_name MUST be specified
I suspect this is a bug. Or a limitation. Problem: ---------------- When you include a STI class in a ''find'' : @results = Result.find :all, :include => :event , you are forced to specify the fk and the class name : belongs_to :event , :class_name => "Event", :foreign_key => "event_id" . Full code: ----------- class Event <
2006 Sep 22
possible to create polymorphic relationship with STI models?
I would like to associate a ‘product’ model with 3 models inherited from ‘image’: part, action and accessory. I have it working with Has_many :through relating products to images through attachments, I then have to determine the ‘type’ of the STI extension. This means i have to go product.images. While this is ok, i can see it getting tricky when i want to go products.images <<
2006 Apr 03
Problems with STI in has_many/belongs_to in Rails 1.1
I have a problem that surfaced in my attempt to upgrade my application to Rails 1.1. We have a STI model on the "belongs_to" side of a has_many/belongs_to relationship. All my unit tests for this model pass, and the relationships all seem to work fine. But in my functional tests, I''m getting errors. I''ve traced it back into the call to the has_many
2006 Mar 19
some strange behavior for has_many with STI
Hi all, I''m having some trouble with a has_many association on a table using the single table inheritance model that I''m hoping someone can help me with. The schema for the table is: CREATE TABLE `comments` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `user_id` int(11) default NULL, `type` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '''', `type_id` int(11) NOT NULL default
2012 Jan 29
ActiveAdmin: Nested attributes not working for STI
HI All, I am having Model "Customer" using STI for sender and receiver, and i am unable to save the both sender and receiver by nested attribute. Below are my model and active admin resource codes, correct me if i am wrong nested attribute on concept. CUSTOMER MODEL: class Customer < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :sender, :class_name => "Customer" has_many
2010 Oct 12
STI and :through, not working?
Artist.first.medias returns all medias. Media is an STI. Media can be video or painting. How do I return all paintings of an artist? Only paintings, not videos? In my Artist model, I tried putting: has_many :paintings, :through => :medias In console, I do: Artist.first.paintings.all And I get: ActiveRecord::HasManyThroughSourceAssociationNotFoundError: Could not find the source
2006 Mar 31
Complex Through Statement
Quick Overview: I have an ''Employee'', some ''Merchants'' and some ''Products''. A ''Merchant'' has many ''Products''. An ''Employee'' has multiple ''Merchants'', depending on their relationship. For example, the Employee may be the enrollment contact for one merchant and the
2006 Feb 09
Crazy @55 Inheritance
I have one table, called "people". Within this table, there are type "users", "managers".... etc. So, basic STI. Now, I want a "user" to have one manager, but a "manager" to have many "users". Since I don''t want to use HABTM... how do I set this relationship up seeing that :has_one, :belongs_to and :has_many don''t
2006 Mar 15
Through method problems with custom foreign_keys
A person has a many company_branches and A company_branch has many people. This join is represented using a "contacts" table. I am using a legacy schema so i am forced into using non-standard rails primary keys. I am using the new through relationship in rails 1.1. p=Person.find(1) b=p.company_branches # gives this error: ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: OCIError: ORA-00904:
2006 Mar 29
Self-referential many-many joins with :through
I thought I had this nailed but.. now I''m seeing spots.. I''ve included my models below, feel free to ignore them. I''m really just after an example that works. I couldnt find one on the wiki... which is fair enough considering Ricks patch: that fixed them only went through 5 days ago.. Cheers -henster
2007 Mar 29
a better "should have valid associations"
This is pretty much the same as last time around, if you recall. Thanks to Wilson for converting to the new form. I''ve added a few lines. Basically, it iterates over your model associations and does two things. - First, just try to call the association. Usually fixes speeling erors or other such silliness. - Second, try to find a record with an :include on the association. This
2006 Feb 14
Multiple associations to the same class
Hi, I cannot seem to create associations like this: class Project < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :manager, :class_name => ''User'', :foreign_key => ''manager'' belongs_to :liaison, :class_name => ''User'', :foreign_key => ''liaison'' end p = p.manager => 1 trying to retrieve associated objects
2006 Sep 27
Question about has_one
I have a question about regarding the use of ''has_one'' in this scenario: Schema: User ---- id first_name last_name UserMessage ---- user_id message_id Message ---- id Assuming business rules dictate that a Message can have at most ONE User (let''s assume a message can be created without a user associated to it), these are my questions: 1) How would I use has_one
2006 Jan 09
Include with two references of one model of the same table
Hey guys, I just came across this oddity, not sure what to make of it yet, but I think it might be incorrect behavior. When doing a @inst.find(:all, :include => ["hometeam", "awayteam"] ...) hometeam and awayteam are two references from a belongs_to that is of the same model and of the same table. I will get a pgerror stating that "matches", which is
2006 Oct 22
Keeping DRY - I like a simple life!
Hi, I''m new to Ruby and Rails and I would be very grateful for some advice. I''ve got the following code. class Foo < ActiveRecord::Base include Versionable # Some methods to handle my versioned objects has_many :versions, :class_name => "FooVersion", :foreign_key => "parent_id" belongs_to :curr, :class_name => "FooVersion",
2008 Jun 12
unidirectional belongs_to polymorphic
The setup: class Location::Base < ActiveRecord::Base set_table_name :locations ... end class Location::Address < Location::Base ... end class Location::Airport < Location::Base ... end class Person < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :location, :polymorphic => true, :class_name => "Location::Base" ... end I want a unidirectional belongs_to relationship. That
2006 Apr 21
polymorphic,has_many through can not work?
Josh Susser tells in his blog that the opposite direction of polymorphic will get into trouble together with has_many through. This is the url: I do that according to Josh Susser''s procedure: class Tagging < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :tag belongs_to :taggable, :polymorphic => true belongs_to
2006 May 28
Self-referential has_many :through relationship
Hi, I have a self-referential has_many :through relationship setup to track relationships between users. Basically relationships are modeled as a join table with an extra column ''relation''. create table relationships ( user_id integer unsigned not null, friend_id integer unsigned not null, relation char(1) not null, ) --- relations --- f = friend r = request to
2006 Nov 02
Still Having Problems With :through When Going To Same Table... Help... please :-(
I am having a problem with doing a :through that goes back to the same table. The following are my two classes: >>>>> class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :spanks has_many :spanked, :through => :spanks, :source => :spanked_user has_many :was_spanked_by, :through => :spanks, :source => :user end class Spank < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :spanker,
2006 Aug 02
Self-Referential has_many :through
Hello all. I am trying to create a self-referential has_many :through. I used the following site as a guide but it still doesn''t appear to be working. I have two models. Person and Relationship. A person has many contacts (Which is another person) through relationships class Person < ActiveRecord::Base