similar to: in_place_editor_field using onComplete

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 70000 matches similar to: "in_place_editor_field using onComplete"

2006 Oct 04
onSuccess and onComplete Prototype callbacks
Hi everyone, The onSuccess callback gets fired when HTTP status code is 200, and onComplete gets fired AFTER onSuccess/onFailure when the browser has finished handling the request, i.e. when the DOM is ready, right? So my question is where to put code that MUST ONLY be executed if HTTP status code is 200 AND Ajax.Request was called with option ''evalScripts: true''. The code in
2006 Apr 11
in_place_editor_field breaks with onComplet option
Hi, Don''t know why, but the in_place_editor_field doesn''t work anymore afte a one time update when I include {:options => "{onComplete: refresh_app}"}. (complete line) <%= in_place_editor_field :appointment, ''title'', {}, {:options => "{onComplete: refresh_app}"} -%> Is this a reproducable problem, or is there something wrong
2006 Jun 30
Ajax.Request synchronization (onSuccess before onComplete?)
2 questions regarding the synchronization of these events. 1) is onSuccess called before onComplete ( I assume it is) 2) if called after, is onComplete called after the onSuccess method has completed or are you at the mercy of synchronization issues? Hopefully someone can enlighten me. I tried reading the Prototype.js but couldn''t seem to determine this on my own.
2008 Jan 05
PeriodicalUpdater onComplete broken?
Using the PeriodicalUpdater, I''m finding the onComplete is not firing. I thought I''d get some feedback here before filing a bug report. The above are examples of this for prototype 1.6.0 & I''m expecting the onComplete to fire after the update takes place, per
2005 Dec 21
RE: Prototype: correct useage of onComplete withAjax.PeriodicalUpdater
>From a quick look at the source code, it looks like onComplete is only called when the whole thing is done - in the case of Updater, right after the update, in the case of PeriodicalUpdater, right after it has been stopped. It looks like you need to pass your callback method as an ''insertion'' method in the options. This takes two parameters, the first will probably be the
2005 Dec 21
Prototype: correct useage of onComplete with Ajax.PeriodicalUpdater
Hello all, I know it''s a Prototype question, but I hope someone can tell me what I''m doing wrong (I hope Prototype gets documented soon ;-( Problem: using a onComplete callback with Ajax.PeriodicalUpdater (using scriptaculous 1.5 with Prototype 1.4) Works: function fooBar() { Element.hide(''foobar''); } new
2005 Dec 29
Ajax.Request: onLoading executed after onComplete in IE
Hi, i''m trying to use a visual indicator for my Ajax requests. It''s based on the shopping cart demo at and works great in Firefox, Konqueror and Opera, but fails in IE6. For some reason (timing problems?) onComplete is executed before onLoading, so the indicator is shown but not hidden when the request has finished. Oddly enough it works fine in the shopping
2006 Jul 11
Ajax.InPlaceEditor + onComplete
Hello, I am trying to use the helper "in_place_editor_field" and pass an onComplete to it, but it seems that I can''t pass that :success or :onComplete because they become attributes of the span on to of the Javascript: Here is my desired Javascript outcome: new Ajax.InPlaceEditor(''div_name'', ''link_name'',
2008 Apr 14
transport.response is truncated
hi - i have a randon but recreatable problem whereby my transport.responseText seems to get truncated. I have tried swithcing btwn onSuccess and onComplete buit it happens on both. As i said it''s totally random. any ideas ? what other info di i need to provide ? many thanks --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to
2008 Jun 16
changing the style of in_place_editor_field
Hi... I''m using in_place_editor_field. I want to change the default style of in_place_editor_field. I need to apply another style for the label, the yellow and white highlighting color. I tried <%= in_place_editor_field :ci_class, :name, {:id =>}, {:highlightcolor => "#FF0000"} %> But this is not working. Please help me to change its style. --
2008 Jan 16
InPlaceEditor and Json in onComplete
Hi, after some search, i found this Collin Mollenhour said: While IPE is being patched, it''d be nice if the JSON evaluated response was available in onComplete. It''s in 2006, some news about that ? Cause i''ve tried
2007 Jun 06
in_place_editor_field - for multiple fields together
Does anyone know if there is a way to utilize the in_place_editor_field with multiple fields together? Currently, I use the in_place_editor_field for one field, but I want to be able to select a group of fields and have the option to edit any of the grouped fields and save any changes as a group. If so, could you provide excamples? Thanks -- Posted via
2008 Jun 06
in_place_editor_field in Rails 2.0.2
I''m attempting to get an in_place_editor_field working in my index view. I have the following: index.html.erb <% for profile in @profiles %> <% div_for(profile) do %> <% @profile = profile %> <%= in_place_editor_field(:profile, :first_name) %> <% end %> <% end %> profiles_controller.rb def index @profiles = Profile.find(:all)
2007 Oct 23
Applying CSS style to in_place_editor_field?
I have a simple in_place_editor_field but the default style when clicking it isn''t quite acceptable for my needs. I tried using options that in_place_editor can take advantage of but I''m still getting a small field with a very close "Ok" button. I''m currently using: <% for note in status_notes.notes %> <li> <% @note =
2007 Jun 06
Getting ajax to update a select box after php mysql script is run.
Hi I''ll get to it right away: 1. I have a simple page with a form, in this form there is a "select" box with a number of options. On the right i also have a "input" field with a submit option. 2. When the user puts something in the input field and hits submit, a php script is run, that puts that entry in mysql table. Question: 3. How do i with Ajax update the
2007 Feb 19
Ajax.Update nested within Ajax.Request
Hi everyone, I have a script below that submits a form using Ajax.Request which is working fine. onComplete or onSuccess though, I''d like it to refresh the div form (formCapture), but so far I can''t get it to work. The script runs to into the onComplete stage, but the div isn''t refreshed. Can anyone help with this? Regards, Robert Hofmeyr function subForm() { new
2008 Aug 26
in_place_editor_field doesn't work Float
Hi Anyone please help to solve the issue. how can I use in_place_editor_field for float column in DB. It''s works well in varchar & integer. -- Posted via --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email
2007 Nov 18
Escaping html entities with in_place_editor_field
I have a field where a user might need to enter text that includes greater than and less than signs. I am using in_place_editor_field, so I need a way to tell it to escape html entities (convert to &gt; and &lt;) when displaying and NOT escape html entities (just show the greater than and less than signs) when editing. Any ideas? --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You
2006 Feb 21
RE: [Prototype] onSuccess Event and, Ajax.Updater bug in IE
Joe, After removing all occurrences of charset=utf-8 from my headers I am still getting the same bug in IE. Currently, it''s Content-Type: text/html Any other suggestion? Nathan. > Message: 2 > Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2006 09:13:57 -0500 > From: "Joe Hudson" <joe-x8g0hQFNjJhWk0Htik3J/> > Subject: RE: [Rails-spinoffs] [Prototype] onSuccess Event
2006 Feb 20
[Prototype] onSuccess Event and Ajax.Updater bug in IE
Hi all, Is there a known bug with Ajax.Updater not working in IE6? I''m having trouble with a Autocompleter control that calls a function that contains an Ajax.Updater as an AfterUpdateElement callback. It works fine in firefox, but I don''t think Ajax.Updater gets called under IE. 1. function updater(input, item) { 2. var