Displaying 20 results from an estimated 9000 matches similar to: "wants to get all parents with no children, etc"
2006 Mar 25
acts_as_tree wierdness with children.count and children.size
i am making a category tree and i iterate over the category using my
counter_cache however it would show a different number than what was
actually being represetned in the tree.
Here is an example
cat.children = [cat2, cat3]
puts cat.children.size 2
puts cat.children_count 2
cat4.parent_id = cat.id
puts cat.children.size
2006 Mar 24
Should counter_cache fields be saved in the database?
As far as I can tell, the counter_cache option on a belongs_to model
doesn''t actually save anything in the database. For example, I have
the following models:
class Parent < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :children,
:conditions => "deleted_at IS NULL"
class Child < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :parent, :counter_cache => true
With the following
2007 Feb 14
eager loading parents and children (acts_as_tree)
I am struggling with how to do eager loading of an acts_as_tree model.
If the model Stuff acts_as_tree I know I can do this to get children as
Stuff.find(:all, :include => :children)
But what if the model I am including is the one that acts_as_tree?
For example, say Picture belongs_to Category. Category acts_as_tree and
I want to get all pictures that are members of a category that
2006 Mar 21
Order records based on number of children
Let''s say I have simple schema with two tables. The models are defined
like the folllowing:
class Parent < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :children
class Child < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :parent
Simple has_many relationship. Is there any way to order the results of
a Parent.find_all by the number of children the parent has? I can
sort with
sorted_parents =
2006 Feb 23
has_many: inserting children when inserting parent
disclaimer: am in the midst of my first ruby/rails project
I have a situation where I want several child records to be created when
a new parent record is created. The following represents my first stab
at coding it, am I on the right track?
Here is the model:
class Parent < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many: children
2006 Apr 07
What are the limitations on using:
to display errors in views?
I have tried for days to add errors from my object.rb and they never get
class Keyword < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_presence_of(:name, :message => "Name is required.")
validates_uniqueness_of(:name, :message => "This name is already in
use. Please try
2006 Jun 08
counter_cache is not looking for children_count with acts_as_tree
Hi there, the acts_as_tree API says that I can set a counter cache and
that it will automatically increment the "children_count" column. I
did that but when I create a new page it asks for a "pages_count"
column instead.
Here is the relevant part of page.rb model:
class Page < ActiveRecord::Base
acts_as_tree :order => :position, :counter_cache => true
2006 Jan 12
How do you create a tree strucutre with ActiveRecord
I want to build an application that has the concept of administrative
domains. What I mean by this is that administrators have access to
different data, based on what domains they are a member of. The domain
strucutre is hierarchical. Here is an example:
- AL
- East
- Yankees
- Red Sox
+ Central
+ West
- NL
+ East
+ Central
+ West
2008 Jul 11
Using custom routes to handle new nested resources
I have a couple of resources, one nested in the other, such that my
resource spec in routes.rb is:
map.resources :parents, :has_many => :children
This will generate a route for a new child that assumes that the parent
has already been saved, something like:
But what if I want a route that handles the case where the parent
resource is also new, and thus
2006 Jul 13
How to create a child from a parent
Hi i am trying to figure out what is the best way to do this very basic
lets say i have two tables: one with parents and one with children.
there is a one to many relation between them.
I scaffolded the parents tabel and i can open each parent. Now i want to
add a link to the ''show'' view which will create a new child record.
In the model i defined the has_many and
2006 Jun 03
Parent listing children.
My database is set up as Categories > Things associated by category_id
and has_many and belongs_to.
How would I go about listing all the categories and under each Category
is it''s children? Is there an easy rails way to do this - preferably
without using acts as tree? Any help is appreciated - thanks!
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
2005 Jul 25
acts_as_tree and traversing parent/child relationships
I am working on an Rails application that uses a pretty complex
category structure through out the site. I have defined a table to
house all the info and a FK to reference parents within the table
CREATE TABLE categories (
id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
name varchar(50) NOT NULL,
parent_id int(11) default NULL,
constraint fk_category_id foreign key (category_id) references
2006 Apr 27
select item based on previous select list selection?
So I have a select list with a list of items. When a user selects an
item, another select list should have its default selected item set to a
specific item (the default associated with the first select list).
This is in a form to create a new task. The first select list is a list
of parent tasks. When one selects the parent task, the clients select
list must default to the same client as its
2008 May 31
Segfault in imap_bodystructure_write when searching
Whenever I try to search on my dovecot test install, dovecot dies. It
immediately spawns a new process, which the client tries to connect to, and
send search commands to, causing that to die, and so forth. This loop means I
have to kill either the server or the client.
Running Dovecot 1.0.13 from/on Debian testing, rebuilt with vpopmail support
and no other source changes. Vpopmail version is
2006 May 19
problem with pdf() R 2.2.1, os 10.4.6
I'm trying to write a histogram to a pdf
plot<-hist(c, xlim=c( 0.69, 0.84), ylim=c(0,100))
when I try to open the pdf I can't open it, there is always some
error . Is there something I should add to make it run under this
operation system? I had problems upgrading to 2.3 (problem
downloading packages) so I'm not sure an upgrade will work out with
me. I just want a
2006 Mar 22
Need for multiple acts_as_list
I have a model "Childmodel" that belongs_to two other models "Parent1"
and "Parent2". "Parent1" "has_many :childmodels, :order => :positionp1"
and "Parent2" "has_many :childmodels, :order => :positionp2". i.e. The
child is independently positioned within each of its parents.
This works fine and gets me the useful
2006 Jan 05
So, I''ve got two data tables associated through a foreign key.
class Child < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :parent, :class => Parent, :foreign_key => "parent_id"
# also has attr1, attr2
class Parent < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :children, :class => Child, :foreign_key => "parent_id"
So, I''m trying to build the new/edit
2006 Feb 02
For a project that I am working on I need to have a family tree. This
means that instead of having one parent each item has at most two. As
far as I know acts_as_tree only allows one parent_id. Any suggestions
on how to make a "acts_as_family_tree" ?
I am Mark Daggett and I approve this message.
2007 Jan 28
help with RandomForest classwt option
Hello there,
I am working on an extremely unbalanced two class classification problems. I
wanna use "classwt" with "down sampling" together. By checking the rfNews()
in R, it looks that classwt is not working yet. Then I looked at the
software from Salford. I did not find the down sampling option. I am
wondering if you have any experience to deal with this problem. Do you
2005 Feb 22
Memory error in Mac OS X Aqua GUI v1.01 with cluster package functions
I'm sorry if the answer to my problem is buried in the archives. I
have limited experience with R and I couldn't find a solution to my
particular problem. I am running Mac OS X Aqua GUI v1.01 on a new G5
running os 10.3.8 with a 1.8Ghz processor and 1GB of sdram. I just
downloaded bioconducter a week ago and I'm trying to cluster a matrix
I created with a simulation with