similar to: REST and custom routes

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 30000 matches similar to: "REST and custom routes"

2005 Mar 03
routes and link_to
Hi, I have defined this route as the first one: map.connect '':controller_prefixx/:controller/:action'', :controller_prefixx => ''rails_right'' (for the test, I put a second x at the end to be sure I don''t collide from the :controller_prefix used in rails). In my view, I have this: <% @rights.each do |right| %> <tr>
2009 Mar 14
Pobrem with REST routes
Hi first at all sorry if mu english is not the best. I have this models: Encuesta->titulo and description are string. Encuesta has_many :preguntas Preguntas-> texto is string, encuesta_id and orden are integer. Pregunta belongs_to :encuesta and has_many :soluciones Soluciones-> texto is string, pregunta_id and orden are integer. Soluciones belongs_to :pregunta Routes: map.resources
2008 Aug 01
REST error
Hi i given in routes.rb as map.resources :students, :member => [:departments => :get] and rhtml i given link <td><%=link_to "Departments", departments_student_url(student) %></td> in students controller def departments @student= Student.find params[:id] # @departments = @student.departments end when i click the departments link it showing error like
2008 Mar 07
Trouble using RESTful helper
Hi, I am trying to get into this REST thing, I have a nested resource whith the following route: ActionController::Routing::Routes.draw do |map| map.resources :members map.resources :clubs do |club| club.resources :members end map.connect '':controller/:action/:id'' map.connect '':controller/:action/:id.:format'' end Everything worked ok for this
2011 Jun 15
uninitialized class variable @@env in OCI8
Can anyone help me with the uninitialized class variable @@env in OCI8 error raised in my app\views\xxxx index.html.erb file Thanks in advance Below is the code and the result of bundle show. I am using Windows 7 <h1>Listing comics</h1> <table> <tr> <th>Title</th> <th>Issue</th> <th>Publisher</th>
2008 Feb 29
How to DRY REST admin path in URLs?
Hi everyone... For almost all of my objects I put a series of classic REST admin links in views. For example, for a ''user'', I have <%= link_to "Show", user_path(user) %> <%= link_to "Edit", edit_user_path(user) %> <%= link_to "Destroy", user_path(user), :confirm => "Are you sure", :method => :delete %> I am tired
2011 Feb 12
link_to a action in the controlles is not called
i have a link where it has to call a method defin in todoscontroller named say_when but show is called <td><%= link_to ''Say when'', todo, :action => :say_when , :remote => true %></td> class TodosController < ApplicationController # GET /todos # GET /todos.xml def index @todos = Todo.all respond_to do |format| format.html #
2008 Dec 14
custom REST action - template question
Hallo phorum, i have custom rest action. routes.rb: map.resources :schools, :collection => { :graduations => :get } SchoolsController: def graduations @schools = School.graduation(true) end link somewhere in navigation: <%= link_to ''Schools with graduation'', graduations_schools_path %> All works OK for me, but Rails needs (of course) a template for controller
2008 Apr 01
Navigation Problems
Hi, I am having problems with my page. I have a banner and navigation bar in controller_name.rhtml in app/views/layout. Can someone please help? Thanks In the navigation bar, I have the following links: Category1 Sub-Category1 Sub-Category2 Sub-Category3 Sub-Category4 Sub-Category5 Sub-Category6 In the main content, I have the following links: Sub-Category1 edit delete
2008 Oct 18
Link_to + PUT + restful routes problem
Hi, I''m trying to use link_to to access the Update action + add some extra parameters. I''m using the default rest routes. I can''t get it working. When I use: <%= link_to '' Accept'', invitation_path, :method => :put, :id => ''1'', :command => ''accept'' %> I can get into the Update action but the
2008 Feb 20
link_to weirdness, related to namespace?
Hi, In my app/views/admin/clieint/_searchresults.rhtml partial, I have ... <% for user in @users %> <tr> <td><%=h user.ship_to_first_name %></td> <td><%=h user.ship_to_last_name %></td> <td><%=h %></td> <td align="center"><%= link_to ''Show'', {:action =>
2011 May 19
Unable to find the image path via file system using the paperclip plugin through the get method
Hello all, with great difficulty , I guess I have finally been able to find the appropriate git commit of paperclip which would suit my project''s config which is Ruby 1.8.7 and rails 2.0.2. I am trying to implement a POC before I integrate paperclip in my project. The POC is basically implementing each post with an appropriate image beside it. It seems to pretty much work, its just
2007 Jan 16
RESTful routes and Mime::Type
Hi all I''m using RESTful routes combined with the to_csv plugin and would like to know if there''s a nicer way of generating a link to fetch the CSV file than just making a hard link. This is what I use for the moment (and it works btw): <%= link_to("Export as CSV","/companies.csv") -%> I would expect the link helper to have something like
2007 Nov 28
overriding rest show route but not delete
hi, lets say routes.rb has map.resources :foo and I want the show action to have a diffent url, so I add (after the above line) ''/bar/:id'', :controller => ''foo'', :action => ''show'' this works fine, including foo_path( :id => "1") => /bar/1 and <%= link_to ''Show'', foo %>
2009 Jul 26
How knows my paths in link_to? If I do not defined.
Hello, It´s my first post here. :) I´l following the guide of Ruby, but I need to know how the Ruby knows my path to other pages if I did not define anything, like this: app/views/posts/index.html.erb: <td><%= link_to ''Show'', post %></td> <td><%= link_to ''Edit'', edit_post_path(post) %></td> Other
2006 Jan 05
help - edit without using scaffold
Hello, What am I doing wrong? The code below does not show the current record for editing. def edit @user = User.find(params[:id]) end def update @user = User.find(params[:id]) if @user.update_attributes(params[:user]) flash[:notice] = ''User was successfully updated.'' redirect_to :action => ''show'', :id => @user else render :action
2010 Jul 09
Template is missing.... but it is there!
Hello friends! I have an application to list different kinds of institution names. So I have one table "instits" for the institutions and another table "nome_instits" for their names. For test, I put two rows inside "instits" and three names for the first institution and two names for the last. Then I created this controller: class ServInstitController <
2006 Jul 07
Possible name clash?
Scenario: Table in database has two fields, id and category (table name is: categories) Controller is named category_controller.rb Model is named category.rb Helper is named category_helper.rb Form is named list.rhtml in view\category directory The code in play on the form is (from generating scaffold): <% for category in @categories %> <tr> <td><%=
2006 Jun 13
How to give conditions in rails
Hi, I have Holiday table. the fileds are id,holiday_date,description. i added new records and list them also. when i listed all the records in the database are listed but i want to list only one particular year records. my holiday_list.rhtml page is as follows <%= stylesheet_link_tag "common", :media => "all" %> <%= error_messages_for ''holiday''
2008 Mar 13
Refreshing a page gives a "stack level too deep" error.
I''m converting our app into restful rails. A couple of my classes (Resource and Asset) have a has_many relationship with each other - here''s the routes: map.resources :assets, :has_many=>[:resources] map.resources :resources, :has_many=>[:assets] I''m getting something weird in my view pages. When i go to /resources/4/assets it works. I go to the page