similar to: using the session to pass a value from form to controller

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "using the session to pass a value from form to controller"

2006 Jul 27
Routes not working when submitting a form
Hi, I have the following code, a very basic textfield with a submit button: <%= form_tag({:controller => "job", :action => "index"}, :method => ''get'') %> <%= text_field_tag ''province'', @province %> <%= submit_tag "search" %> <%= end_form_tag %> In my routes.rb file I have: map.connect
2012 May 24
rails ajax issues
Hi * *I think this is my 4 or 5th post about the ajax issues with my rails code. But i couldn''t rectify my issues sofar. problem is, In my pages.html.erb have one text field and button. when i click on that button, the text field value will get into the controller through ajax,so after the function i need to get that value(textfield value) in same page. *page.html.erb*
2007 Jul 22
undefined method `stringify_keys'
Hello I have a view for user registration but when i try to view this page i get this error: undefined method `stringify_keys'' for "username":String Here''s my registration.rhtml: <% form_tag :controller => :user, :action => :register do %> <fieldset> <label for="username">Username>/label><br/><%= text_field_tag
2005 Aug 15
Newbie rendering problem
Hi On every list request i render an item partial through a collection of items. the item table has 3 columns namely name,anotherName and id. the item partial looks like <%@item=item%> <%= error_messages_for(:item) %> <tr id="<>"> <% for column in Item.content_columns %> <td><%=h item.send( %></td> <%
2006 Jul 26
change text_field_tag class
in my booking / _form I have the following input fields : (startdate and endate) <div> <label for="startdate">Booking Start Date</label><br /> <%= text_field_tag(''startdate'', @startdate, {:class => @startdateclass, :readonly => "readonly", :maxlength => "25"} ) %> <%= observe_field("startdate",
2006 Mar 10
text_field_tag html class
Hello, how could I define class for input textfield, text_field_tag(''somefieldname'',nil,:class => ''txt'') doesn''t work ? :( Marius Zilenas -- Posted via
2006 May 14
need help for simple form tag (noob)
when the user click on "Search" I would like it to point to http://curentpage/?filter=searchtext (the filtering code is already written) it would look like this: <%= start_form_tag(url_for_options = {<something>}) %> <%=text_field (<my_filter>) %> <%= submit_tag(value = "Search")%> any idea how to do this? thanx in advance
2008 May 28
Newbie: Searcing database via user form input?
Does anyone have a tutorial on adding new parameters to the paramaters list and then creating find conditions around them? I''m wondering how I can get my index page to list only the items where some of the the databases fields match user form input. index.html.erb would be calling itself with a new parameter :searchdata So far the index.html.erb has... <% form_tag({ :action =>
2006 Mar 09
how to make two forms on the same page???
I can get the forms to be displayed, but i want to have only one "create" button. i''ve tried everything i can think of... -- Posted via
2009 Sep 29
rails 2.3.3 upgrade shows error
You have a nil object when you didn''t expect it! You might have expected an instance of Array. The error occurred while evaluating nil.<< any ideas ? Application works fine with rails 2.1.0 Sandip -- Ruby on Rails Developer (Latest project released) --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~
2009 Apr 12
Multi-button form
It cannot be this difficult, especially in rails. Here is my form code in a partial for the index action of a controller: <% form_tag({:controller => controller_name, :action => ''index''}, {:method => :get, :class => ''form''}) do %> <div class="columns"> <div class="column left"> <p>
2007 Oct 05
Trouble with text_field_tag
I am trying to implement a basic login page: login.rhtml 1 <fieldset> 2 <% form_tag do %> 3 <label for="name">Name:</label> 4 <%= text_field_tag :name, params[:name] %> 5 <label for="password">Password:</label> 6 <%= password_field_tag :password, params[:password] %> 7 <%= submit_tag
2008 Jan 25
form formatting
If I want to use fbml elements and rails tags, is there a way to do within a fb:editor? if I do: <% facebook_form_for(:task, at task,:url => create_task_path) do |f| %> Assign Task To: <%= fb_friend_selector %> <%=f.text_field :ttype, :label=> "Title"%> <%=text_field_tag :newrnumdays, ndays, :label => "# Days"%>
2007 Aug 03
Does collection_select work in list.rhtml?
Hi, I have 2 models: Model 1: er, Columns: <er_id, er_name> Model 2: er_process, Columns: <er_id, er_process_name> er_id is a foreign key for Model 2. When I am creating a new er_process or editing an existing one, I have been successful to use collection_select to show the available er''s so that the user can select a particular er by its name (to populate the er_id
2008 Feb 20
text_field_tag - different parameter name
Hi, I have one problem with validation I am creating e-shop and I have products. This view look like this: <% for product in @category.products %> <div class="produktyBox"> <%= product.title %><br /> Price: <br /> <div style="color:red; font-size:large; font-weight:bold; margin- bottom:5px"><%=
2012 Apr 18
RoR - Search Forms with Checkboxes, display appropriate results
I have a form that allows me to search a hotel by city or name and by rating through radio buttons. It all works. However, my hotel model has_one :facility, this facility model is composed by several boolean fields (for example, roomservice:boolean restaurant:boolean and so on) The question is, I want to add checkbox fields for each facility I have and in the search form, when the user selects
2006 Jun 30
If / Else Form layout question.
Hello all, I''m using the following _form.rhtml layout for a number of pages, including edit record and new record (which each has it''s own definition in the controller). I''d like to display a different author form field depending on which page they are using. I''d rather keep using _form.rhtml as a layout template, instead of customizing each separate page.
2006 Jan 13
Form field naming semantics question
Hi, I have a question today regarding how the various form elements in _form.rhtml are named. I understand that for a database table "persons" with a column headed by "name", then in _form.rhtml it will probably be like: <p><label for="person_name">Name><br/> <%= text_field ''person'', ''name''
2006 Apr 28
beginner - default form values
I want to build a simple calculator with 1 form and a results page. The form will be redisplayed with an error message upon an invalid value entered. I won''t be using any database/active record for this. The problem i have is when i return to the form page i want to redisplay the values already entered in the form fields. Should i use text_field (which seems to be tied to a model) or
2006 May 19
pass text_field to controller when using periodically_call_r
Hi. Can anyone help with this? In a view, I have a text_field_tag( :mytextfield ). I would like to pass the current value of that text_field_tag to a periodically_call_remote - something like periodically_call_remote( :url => { :action => :do_it, :thetextval => :mytextfield.value } ) - Any idea how can I pass and/or access the value of the text_field_tag in my do_it controller?