similar to: Running php from RoR

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 30000 matches similar to: "Running php from RoR"

2007 Oct 24
validates_confirmation_of not working
Hello to everyone, Well, very frustrated with this one because I am following the example straight from the documentation and it is not working. First when I try: validates_confirmation_of :password, :on => :password_update (password_update is a def in my User model which works fine without this validation in please) I get the following error: TypeError in UsersController#update_password
2007 Oct 09
Backticks wrapping SQL values in polymorphic associations...
Hopefully the subject line didn''t scare you. That said... I have a simple polymorphic relationship (is that possible?): class Part has_many :attachments, :as => :attachable end class Attachment belongs_to :attachable, :polymorphic => true end Calling Part.find(:first).attachments yields this SQL error: ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: Mysql::Error: Unknown column
2008 Sep 15
Can't get script/server (or any script to work) in beginning ROR installation
I have been following the instructions found in Apple''s Developer Guide to developing ROR with Leopard found here: I''ve gotten to the point where I''m supposed to execute "script/ server" (specifically, from the XCode run menu, but I get the same error doing it from the console)...the result should be
2008 Feb 07
Sharing Sessions between Ruby on Rails and PHP
Hi there, I have a RoR app but for one of the funcationality (photo uploads) I am using PHP. I need to know how I can share/access session information from RoR in PHP since the PHP also updates the database and the entry information is contained in the RoR sessions. Please advice. Thanks in advance. Adil --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because
2007 Jun 11
Mocking system/`
This drives me insane on a regular basis. How does one mock system(''blah'') or `blah` ? Adding expectations on Kernel doesn''t do it. Adding expectations on Object just makes me sad: Object.any_instance.expects(:system).with(''ls'') # => #<Mock:0x12b584e>.system(''ls'') - expected calls: 0, actual calls: 1 And this really
2008 Oct 08
Using image_tag and send_data
I am using image_tag to load an image that I''ve saved to the database (using attachment_fu if you''re curious but that''s probably not relevant here): VIEW <%= image_tag ''/photo/get_image/5'' %> CONTROLLER def get_image @photo=Photo.find(params[:id]) send_data(DbFile.find(@photo.db_file_id).data, :type =>
2007 Dec 23
Help with error "undefined method `downcase' for nil:NilClass" after migration
Hi all, I have a rails 1.5.2 application. I''ve frozen the application via the "rake rails:freeze:gems" command. This application worked well on a server I previously had it installed on. My server was getting really slow, and I requested that I be moved to a new server. When I perform a "gem list rails" command on my new host, I receive only version 1.2.6. Since
2008 Apr 06
about the form_for ..
question one: is there any select box tag for form_for? now,perhaps i just can use the select or select_tag? question tow: i have a A model,it has one B such as: class A< ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :B when i use the form_for tag,how can i output the variable name?like this: <%form_for :a,@a,:url=>{:controller=>"a",:action=>"save"} do |f|%>
2008 Apr 16
how to accomplish pagination in RoR
Hi Folks, I am just trying to get started up in RoR, I have done a simple application of add, edit, delete.... I am now trying to accomplish pagination in RoR, I referred a few tutorials, however none of the examples that i tried from there, seemed to work error free..... I have heard that lots of things have deprecated in RoR, can someone please post me a detailed report of how i can
2008 May 21
before_filter with multiple roles
I have multiple roles in my application. Now I want to block a method for all users except the administrator and a manager. When I do this: before_filter (:check_administrator_role), :only => [:administration] before_filter (:check_taskmanager_role), :only => [:administration] The user must have both roles. How can I change that to an "OR" combination? -- Posted via
2009 Mar 01
Ajax in Rails
Hi All, New to the group, and new to learning rails. I''m having some trouble, i''ve done a few tutorials on creating some small apps with rails and am now starting to play around myself. I''ve been trying to create a simple form which when a user enters any data that data is displayed as a preview elsewhere on the page instantly, just like when creating an advert with
2011 Dec 05
About Latest version of ROR
hi all, i have application developed in following ruby ,rails and gem version i want to upgrade it with latest version,can anyone tell what are stable version for ruby,rails and gem ? and also with compability for Ruby and Rails version with latest gem version ? gem version:1.3.7 ruby version:ruby 1.8.7 (2011-02-18 patchlevel 334) [i386-mingw32] rails version:Rails 1.1.6 thanks in advanced
2008 Jul 15
Beginner Question.
I''m just getting into RoR, coming from a long PHP background. So far I LOVE IT! I''m hitting a roadblock with updating my mysql database. For simplicities sake, I have 2 tables and here are the relevant columns. Table Users id name email Table Issues id createdby assignedto reportedby In my models I have everything mapped properly I believe. When I try to update the
2008 May 29
Drag/Drop finding droppable's properties?
Hi All, I am trying to develop a dynamic form creator application, whereby we can drag objects from a "palette" and drop them onto a "form" to build the design of our form. To achieve this, when I have dragged the object, and dropped it onto the "form" area, I want to get the position of where the object was dropped. I have a droppable area:
2008 Dec 31
Understand submit_tag
Hi everyone, I was following the book Agile Web Development with Rails 2Ed. by Dave Thomas. So, at some part of my studies, I decided to try to create my own application based on what I''ve learned... Now I''m in trouble in a simple form. I tried to create a form to register new users. I''m sending attached the files that I created for this. but my view don''t
2008 Feb 14
How do I access this parameter?
Hi, I have a form for creating users ... <% form_tag ''userconfirm'' do -%> <!-- more code --> <p><label for="user_login">Username</label><br/> <%= text_field ''user'', ''login'' %></p> <p><label for="user_password">Password</label><br/> <%=
2008 Feb 27
older version of rails -- Unknown action error
Hi, I''m using Rails 1.2.3 (constraint of the hosting company). I''m getting this error Unknown action No action responded to subscriber upon visiting I have these files: app/controllers/super_admin_controller.rb app/controllers/super_admin/subscriber_controller.rb app/views/super_admin/subscriber/search.rhtml and below is my
2008 Dec 20
Upgrade to Rails 2 - problem with "save" (MySQL boolean issue?)
I have been working through an upgrade of my 1.2.6 application to 2.2.2. I am almost there but I have hit a problem with ActiveRecord. Before the upgrade, the following code was working fine. def create_root(administrator) root = create_root_collection(self.pingee_name, administrator,
2008 Jun 22
Routing Error No route matches "/employee/list" with {:method=>:get}
hi, I am very frustrated by this error when I just put together a very simple project from one of the textbook on RoR: Routing Error No route matches "/employee/list" with {:method=>:get} For your reference, #The following is EmployeesController.rb class EmployeesController < ApplicationController scaffold :employee # create scaffold code for controller #
2006 Apr 18
PHP and Rails integration
There a few php solutions that I would like to integrate with my Rails app. Namely PHPBB(No offense RForum) and WordPress. Is it possible to use these in a Rails environment, and what kind of issues/stumbling blocks would I face if I attempted to? Thanks, James -- Posted via