similar to: Link_to popup divorced from controller?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Link_to popup divorced from controller?"

2007 Oct 05
Trouble with text_field_tag
I am trying to implement a basic login page: login.rhtml 1 <fieldset> 2 <% form_tag do %> 3 <label for="name">Name:</label> 4 <%= text_field_tag :name, params[:name] %> 5 <label for="password">Password:</label> 6 <%= password_field_tag :password, params[:password] %> 7 <%= submit_tag
2006 Sep 25
acts_as_ferret highlight
I am getting nil returned when doing the following: r.highlight(@condition, :field => ''body'') ''r'' is an instance of the a_a_f model. ''body'' is a tokenized saved field. I am running latest ferret and a_a_f trunk. Am I doing something wrong? -- Posted via
2007 May 07
attachment_fu seems to be searching the wrong location for my images
I just installed attachment_fu and for some reason, it seems to be looking in the wrong location for my images. I have a Product model that belongs to a photo model. the photo model has the attachment_fu installed and configured like so: class Photo < ActiveRecord::Base has_attachment :content_type => :image, #Allow standard image formats :path_prefix
2007 Oct 08
Rails reverses apostrophes
Hi, I am quite new to Ruby on Rails so this might have a very simple answer... My problem gives the following error message when I try to call the count function for an item. Mysql::Error: Unknown column ''TournamentTemplate'' in ''where clause'': SELECT count(*) AS count_all FROM action_logs WHERE (action_logs.loggable_id = 1 AND action_logs.loggable_type =
2007 Jul 19
NoMethodError in partial driving me mad
Hello, i simplified have a news model, a news category model and a news controller. my _news.rhtml partial renders a single news entry. in my controller there are the actions show and show_category. if the "show" action is called, a single news item is rendered through my partial with no errors. if the "show_category" action is called, i get a NoMethodError while displaying
2007 May 30
Hi, I have a strange problem that only occurs on the production server. I''ve been banging my head for hours trying to figure it out with no success. Below is a copy of the error from the production log. ActionView::TemplateError (Expected /www/rails_apps/scanlan/current/ public/../config/../app/models/image.rb to define Image) on line #6 of app/views/admin/design/_record.rhtml: 3:
2008 Dec 20
IMAP_Authenticatable Problem
Good morning all, I''ve been using the imap_authenticatable plugin for about a year now without incident. All of a sudden, I tried logging in this morning and this error is showing up in the logs. Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this or how to fix it? Thanks, Pete NoMethodError (undefined method `disconnect'' for nil:NilClass):
2007 Nov 29
4 or collection.create gives "ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (1 for 0)"
I have a Project that has_many Tasks. Tasks belongs to a Project. When I try the following: project = I get: >> s = => #<Project:0x25f9e28 @attributes={"name"=>"", "end_at"=>nil, "updated_at"=>nil, "published_at"=>nil, "user_id"=>nil,
2007 Oct 24
NameError in CustomersController#index
I''m new to Rails. I finished the Cookbook tut. no problem. I''m trying to start a project of my own, follow the same instructions but the difference is I created the database myself. After I create the scaffolds and try them out I get this error NameError in CustomersController#index uninitialized constant Customer RAILS_ROOT: ./script/../config/.. Application Trace |
2007 Aug 19
fastcgi issue on production
I just deployed my rails app to my production server. It''s all working locally, but when I switched it over to the production server (at dreamhost) I get this error: # Logfile created on Sun Aug 19 15:22:48 -0700 2007 by logger.rb/ [19/Aug/2007:15:22:48 :: 1841] starting [19/Aug/2007:15:22:48 :: 1841] Dispatcher failed to catch: You have a nil object when you didn''t
2008 May 07
I am just learning some about web service. But many guys still use Java (Jws). But I wanna try ROR. There are less information about it. I can''t get install plugin in the ROR 2.0.x. So I followed the standard textbook("Agile_Web_Development_With_Rails-2nd" and "Ruby on Rails for PHP and Java Developers") I almost finished it. However, I can''t find my api
2007 Jun 22
problem with AR and 'virtual' multiparameter attributes.
Hello, I have a model which I would like to have a ''virtual'' date column. This column wouldn''t exist in the database, but would exist for validation, etc. The data would be provided in the form of a date_select in the view. This produces a multiparameter attribute. My problem is that the ''execute_callstack_for_multiparameter_attributes'' method in
2009 Feb 25
local variables in partials lead to NameError
I know I must be doing something dumb, but I can''t seem to send a local variable to my partial. The below code leads to the following error: NameError in Residential_listings#new undefined local variable or method `foo'' for #<ActionView::Base: 0x3fb53f8> I am trying to call the variable ''foo'' in a partial called _attachment.html.erb, which is nested in
2008 May 18
When should you restart a ruby server?
Hello everyone, While walking through AWDWR, Task D: Add a Dash of AJAX, I was initially unable to let the AJAX magic work. Hitting the Add to Cart button doesn''t yield to any output on its own; I had to manually refresh the pages to witness the change. But when I tried to restart the ruby server, and load the application again, everything worked fine. Any explanations to behavior
2009 Dec 24
Hi, In a few words, can someone explain to me the NoMethodError. Googling for answers will get you to something but a direct answer from experts will give you something. NoMethodError in Book#new Showing app/views/book/new.html.erb where line #4 raised: undefined method `title'' for #<Book id: nil, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil> Extracted source (around line #4): 1:
2006 May 05
exception_notification plugin not sending mails in development on localhost
Hi everyone, So, I''ve got exception_notification working now, but not in development mode on localhost. In my ApplicationController, I''ve added: local_addresses.clear Shouldn''t that be enough? Thank you! Sean
2010 Jul 16
Added associations but don't see generated methods
Hi, I''ve got a Rails app working that includes two two classes, etc.: Expense & Vendor. I eventually learned that the mental concept I had of their relationship should be express in Rails as: class Expense < ActiveRecord::Base; belongs_to :vendor; end class Vendor < ActiveRecord::Base; has_many :expenses; end
2006 Aug 02
Model still using mysql
When calling a Result.find_by_content on my model, I get the following error: Mysql::Error: Table ''db.results'' doesn''t exist: SHOW FIELDS FROM results Yes, I remembered to put acts_as_ferret. Any ideas? Trace:
2006 Aug 17
Ferret locks up when adding items to an index
I''m running Ferret 0.9.5 on a MacBook Pro (OS X 10.4.7) under Locomotive 2.0.7. I have a problem where Ferret is hanging when I try to add items to the index. It doesn''t happen with every object that''s being indexed, and I''m not sure what the objects in question have in common (they are not all instances of the same ActiveRecord object). The process
2007 Dec 03
undefined methods page_count
I''m getting "undefined method `page_count'' for #<Array:0xb7073e1c>" when I tried to run my rails application after installing will_paginate. Details are as below: undefined method `page_count'' for #<Array:0xb7073e1c> Extracted source (around line #7): 4: <%= a.text%> 5: <% end %> 6: 7: <%= will_paginate @announcements,