similar to: Wrapper Helper Help Please

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 900 matches similar to: "Wrapper Helper Help Please"

2007 Sep 30
Outputing to the browser, how?
Hello, I''m writting some helper methods to write forms, so I have this working code: class TableFormBuilder < ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder ["file_field", "password_field", "text_field"].each do |name| define_method(name) do |label, *args| @template.content_tag(:tr, @template.content_tag(:td, @template.content_tag(:label,
2006 Apr 11
content_tag can not work?
the tag helper "content_tag" can not work correnctedly on my enviroment: page.insert_html :bottom, ''body'', content_tag("div","id"=>"tag") then in body,i can only get "idtag" as the text! but if i use : content_tag("p","hello world") I can get it worked. From the rails 1.1 api document,i can find the
2006 Jun 19
content_tag question
Am trying to insert a link to delete via ajax in my RJS template. Can one use content_tag and link_to_remote like this in a RJS template? a = content_tag(''a'', link_to_remote("Delete", :update => "categories", :url => {:action => "delete", :name =>})) -Thanks. -- Posted via
2007 Jan 24
Removing empty class attribute from @template.content_tag
Hey all, I have a quick question regarding the @template.content_tag methos when creating a custom form builder. Currently have the following method in my AccessibleBuilder class: def datetime_select(field, options = {}) required = options.delete :required label = options.delete :label @template.content_tag("div", @template.content_tag( "span", Example Label ) +
2006 Jul 13
From the Agile book, page 144 regarding a div tag helper
Hi. in the Rails Agile book here''s what was happening: >>> module StoreHelper def hidden_div_if(condition, attributes = {}) if condition attributes["style" ] = "display: none" end attrs = tag_options(attributes.stringify_keys) "<div #{attrs}>" end # format_price method ... end Note that we cheated slightly here. We copied code from the Rails
2010 Mar 24
flash error & fade away
this is my current code: #notice { border: solid 1px #99cc99; background-color: #e2f9e3; color: #006600; padding: 5px; margin-bottom: 5px; } #notice.error { border-color: #e2f9e3; background-color: #eeaaaa; color: #cc0000; } <% flash.each do |key, msg| %> <%= content_tag :div, flash[:error] || flash[:notice], :id => ''notice'', :class =>
2002 Jul 12
Problem with checksums
I'm trying to write a program that reads an ogg stream and check all the CRC values along the way. But I have big trouble with computing the checksum, or at least I never got checksums that match the one that is in the ogg file. I do set the CRC field in the header to 0 before calculating it. I start with 0 and have no xor at the end. I feed page header with all lacing values and the page
2010 Aug 17
Rails 3 flash message problems
The following code in my application_helper.rb class either eats the flash message or escapes it and does not display properly: # Outputs the corresponding flash message if any are set def flash_messages messages = [] %w(notice warning error).each do |msg| messages << content_tag(:div, content_tag(:p, html_escape(flash[msg.to_sym])), :class => "message
2006 Nov 28
Partial matches in expectations
Hi ! I would like to ascertain the following in a test case: @template.expects(:content_tag).with(:fieldset, :__any_arguments__i_dont_care) Is it possible to do so ? If so how ? If not, is it something the community wants ? Is it useful ? Thanks ! -- Fran?ois Beausoleil
2010 May 17
Should an blank string be html_safe?
Just trying to implement a simple helper over the past few days had me really confused. messages = '''' messages << content_tag(:p, ''dave'') #=> &lt;p&gt;dave&lt;\p%;gt; Eventually I realised the original empty string was not html_safe message = ''''.html_safe message << content_tag(:p, ''dave'') #=>
2011 Sep 04
same html elements rendering twice on page
hey all, My index.html.haml: - wrap do - page_title "Teams List View" application_helper.rb: def page_title(title) content_tag :h1, title end def wrap(&block) concat(content_tag(:div, capture(&block), :class => "generic_header")) end I load in browser and get: <div class="generic_header"><h1>Teams List
2011 Nov 01
Railscast 262 different partial in helper
Hi RoR Community, in Ryan Bates Railscasts Episode #262 he put the index code <% for message in @messages %> <div class="message"> <div class="created_at"><%= message.created_at.strftime("%B %d, %Y") %></div> <div class="content"> <%= message.content %> </div> <div
2006 Mar 04
Using helpers from controllers ?
There is a solution to use helpers from controllers ? I have an error : |undefined method `content_tag''| class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base def test return content_tag("a","test") end end
2007 Jan 25
Need help for Helper
I need a helper, which will render a table in my customized style. I wrote a code like this: template.rhtml: <% @column_names = ["Name", "Age", "Sex"] %> <%= table_show @column_name %> helper.rb def table_show(names) for name in names content_tag ( :div, name, :class => ''table_header'' ) end end Which should give me an output
2005 Jan 21
I''m trying to use collection_select, but it''s not working as I expect. The list populates correctly but the current value is not selected. @question contains a topic (via topic_id), and @topics is the list of all topics. Here''s my attempt to create a drop-down list of the topics. form("question") do | form | form << content_tag("b",
2005 Dec 20
Can''t use mouseover with auto_complete_field
Good afertnoon. I''m trying to use a mouse over event: Event.observe("name_auto_complete", "mouseover", function(){alert("auto_complete")} ); with the auto_complete_field bellow. <%= text_field_tag("name") %> <%= content_tag("div", "", "id" => "name_auto_complete") %> <%=
2007 Mar 15
Helper content_tag and Blocks
The content_tag helper allows you to do things like: content_tag(:p, "Hello world!") # => <p>Hello world!</p> It can take in blocks, for functionality like this: <% content_tag :div, :class => "strong" do -%> Hello world! <% end -%> # => <div class="strong"><p>Hello world!</p></div> Unfortunately blocks
2008 Mar 31
Rails and Partials
Excuse my ignorance on partials but..... I am trying to use partials to create a uniform display box built with html tables. The only way I have thought about accomplishing this is to create two partials: _start_box.erb ---------------- <table id="box" width="<%= width %>"><tr><th><%= h(label_text) %></th></tr><tr><td>
2005 Dec 25
RJS not working?
I''ve been attempting to add a simple rjs ''delete'' method to my project. However, no matter what I try, it simply doesn''t work. Even the easy, easy stuff seems broken. (Yes, <%= javascript_include_tag :defaults %> is being included in the template.) For example, from: VIEW: <h1
2005 Dec 23
Overloading error_message_on method in ActiveRecordHelper
Hello all I would like to overload the error_message_on method in the ActiveRecordHelper module in order to emit a span tag instead of a div tag. I try to achieve this by way of plugins: Under vendor/plugins I''ve made a error_messages_on_fix directory, containing init.rb like this: --- require ''active_record_helper_fix'' --- ..and a lib directory with