similar to: Dynamic relation with eager loading

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "Dynamic relation with eager loading"

2006 Apr 24
Checkboxes - Saving a Checked record to another table
I am displaying a bunch of records from a table called "assets". Next to each record i have a checkbox. When this box is checked i want to be able to save the id of the record into another table called "flagged_assets". All I need is the ID, nothing else. Im struggling with the logic to save to another table. I know how to do it if the asset_id is already in the
2007 Jul 23
ActiveRecord.find :group option
I have a very simple find call... @assets = Asset.find(:all, :group => ''asset_type_id'', :order => "name") I have 3 Asset objects in my database, all of which have asset_type_id equal to 1. Why does this query only return 1 object? -- Posted via --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because
2011 Jun 04
Rails 3.1 : Complex database query with Arel 2
Hi, I''ve search for documentations on queries with Arel 2 but there is pretty nothing and all I''ve found is for Arel 1 so I''ve run into NoMethodError: undefined method `[]'' for #<Arel::SelectManager:0x00000003f1b820> errors with join syntax. My query is barely simple but involve nesting queries. I have 4 tables. Assets, Deposits, Orders and OrderLines
2009 Mar 25
Optimise this association?
hey all In my schema, Lesson is many to many with Asset (through join table ''elements''), which are also many to many with Resource (through join table ''items''). This is all done with totally standard "has_many :through" - Lesson has_many :elements, :dependent => :destroy, :order => :position has_many :assets, :through => :elements,
2007 Dec 20
ActiveRecords Eager Loading
Hi, I am doing an eager loading in ruby on rails using below statement ------------------------ Article.find(:all, :include => [:asset, :vote], :conditions=>"assets.parent_id is null", :order=>"stat_final_ranking desc", :limit=>20) --------------------------------------- the above statement resulted in this expensive query.
2007 Jun 26
Can I stub a method on a belongs_to association:
describe Asset, " when destroyed" do fixtures :assets, :videos, :sites, :publish_settings before(:each) do @asset = assets(:test_asset) @mock_hook = mock("hook")!(:hook).and_return @mock_hook # error occurs here end it "should call the delete hook" do @mock_hook.should_receive(:update).with("test_video",
2010 Apr 05
Risk Assessment Application
I am going to be developing a Risk Assessment system for a secure environment whose database will double as an asset management system. Or at least the Risk Assessment stuff will be an outcropping of the asset management system. Has anyone had any experience with this or a similar project? This is my first attempt at a Rails project after spending a few weeks reading books and getting a general
2006 Jul 20
How can I make has_many prevent a delete that would lead to orphans?
e.g. class Asset < ActiveRecord::Base validates_presence_of :asset_number, :make, :model, :location, :name, :serial_number validates_numericality_of :asset_number validates_uniqueness_of :asset_number belongs_to :user belongs_to :location belongs_to :asset_type, :foreign_key => ''type_id'' end class Location < ActiveRecord::Base validates_presence_of :name
2007 Aug 30
has/belongs to many sql error
I have a model Asset which has_and_belongs_to_many :tags. Tag has only one field, name. There is a table assets_tags which only has an asset_id and a tag_id. I can add a tag to one asset. If I try to add the same tag to another asset though (asset.tags << tag) I get this error: Mysql::Error: #23000Duplicate entry ''4'' for key 1: INSERT INTO assets_tags (`tag_id`, `id`,
2005 Dec 20
validates_uniqueness_of on has_and_belongs_to_many
I am trying to create a model that allows only unique assets to be added to a category. However, they could be added again to a different category. Finally, an asset can be shared across many categories. So my question is how do you check the uniqueness across a join table? This does not compile.... has_and_belongs_to_many :categories, :foreign_key => ''asset_id''
2008 Mar 13
Refreshing a page gives a "stack level too deep" error.
I''m converting our app into restful rails. A couple of my classes (Resource and Asset) have a has_many relationship with each other - here''s the routes: map.resources :assets, :has_many=>[:resources] map.resources :resources, :has_many=>[:assets] I''m getting something weird in my view pages. When i go to /resources/4/assets it works. I go to the page
2008 Aug 01
image_path without timestamp
Every time I use an asset tag helper, there is a parameter appended to the end of my file name. e.g. <input src="/images/search.gif?1213816620" type="image" /> From what I am reading, this appears to be a timestamp for caching purposes. It works in most cases, but I want to use image_path to embed a flash file. .swf file in public/images/flash e.g.
2008 Jun 25
"Complex" Eager Loads
Hey gang. Is it possible to extend the eager load SQL at all? What I''m hoping to do is eagerly load an associate that, in turn, joins in some data from another table. Many thanks, James --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email
2006 Mar 31
Eager loading of polymorphic associations
Polymorphic associations work great until I try to do some eager loading through :include. In my example, the interface name is ":imagehaver". Here''s my little eagerly loading find line: Image.find(params[:id], :include => :imagehaver) All it gives me is an ActiveRecord::EagerLoadPolymorphicError with no further explanation. I haven''t been able to dig up anything
2008 May 08
Eager loading of association extensions
Hello all, Is it possible to do eager loading of association extensions? That is, the following code produces one SQL query: cat = ProductCategory.find(:first, :include => :pricing_rules) cat.pricing_rules But if in ProductCategory I have an association extension like this: has_many :pricing_rules do def applicable() find(:all).select(&:applicable?) end end the
2008 Jun 11
Resourse route in namespace with prefix error
Ok so I have this route map.namespace :trades do |trades| trades.resources :buys, :path_prefix => ''/trades/:contract_id'' end I want the contract_id variable to filter a list of buys then I try to open this route http://localhost:3000/trades/1/buys I get a strange error: ActionController::RoutingError in Trades/buys#index Showing trades/buys/index.html.erb where line
2012 Feb 26
Served asset /application.css - 304 Not Modified
Hi I am thinking to hide warning that is ”Served asset /application.css - 304 Not Modified”. How can I fix something if I change the settings? I''ve run that is less than server: rails new myapp cd myapp rake db:migrate rails s client: http://localhost:3000/books warning: Started GET "/assets/books.css?body=1" for at 2012-02-26 14:48:35 +0900 Served asset /books.css
2006 Jan 19
Limited eager loads and conditions on the eager tables
Hi, Why are limited eager loads and conditions on the eager tables incompatible? Doing a find(:all) without :include causes a select * query to be generated, which means the id fields everwrite each other if associated tables are included using :joins. But using :include, if conditions are placed on the tables listed in :joins then Rails throws an exception when :limit is included too.
2009 Aug 07
paperclip model fails while when updating with no attachment
Hi all, I have paperclip running in my rails environment. I setup a new model just for paperclip called Assets so that I could upload multiple files per item (even though I''m only using 1 attachment per item at the moment). Everything works except for the following: Updating an item record with no attachment in the form but having PREVIOUSLY attached an asset while creating or updating.
2006 Jul 31
Patch for #3438: Eager loading doesn''t respect :order of associations
Hello all, I still have a patch for #3438 (eager loading doesn''t respect association orders); it passes all unit tests, and has additional unit tests with full coverage. The patch is attached. == The Bug == Author.find(1).posts != Author.find(1, :include => [:posts]).posts if Author has_many :posts, :order => anything. This means that either one must avoid eager loading or