similar to: Modems: Cable or DSL digital blunders that lartc may help with.

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 9000 matches similar to: "Modems: Cable or DSL digital blunders that lartc may help with."

2007 Aug 29
Round Robin trafic shapping
I have this problem: I have an Internet line input with variable speed. I have a max speed and a min speed: Vmax and Vmin. The speed is always changing between Vmax and Vmin. I want to share the actual bandwidth (you don''t not how much, you only know the speed is between Vmax and Vmin) for N clients. The bandwidth should be shared so nobody can get more bandwidth than the others.
2004 Jun 29
Dual home gateway problem with redirect page
Dear Lists, I have problem regarding multipath connection to internet behind NAT. I use 2.4.26 kernel in RH-9.0 with Julian Anastasov patch, and version iproute2-ss020116 (Fedora RPM package). Dual homing and dead gateway detection work fine as we expected, the problem is , everytime we hit site that have redirect page address (URL no absolute), it''s doesn''t reply. (ex:
2004 Jun 02
Slashdot on WRT54G
Did anyone see the article? It''s the first time I really noticed that these little Linksys routers are such a fully fledged linux machine with a decent processor and a replacable firmware. I am now itching to get one to replace the multipurpose firewall desktop machine. Has anyone experimented with the current state of the firmware and how advanced you can get with tc rules? For
2007 Aug 06
Marking and remarking of incoming traffic
I can use DSMARK to mark on the Egress side. Is there a way to mark/change the DSCP value of an incoming packet on the ingress side? Thanks. Jon Flechsenhaar Boeing WNW Team Network Services (714)-762-1231 202-E7
2005 Jun 16
They''re killing me (the spammers)
Yes, last night it was 4Mbps the rate of incoming mails. I was wondering if I apply HTB to the following scheme: router -> gw-iface -> MX-server If HTB (new verb) the interface that communicates with MX, say, 2mbit, what will occur to the Input queue of gw-router-iface? Will I still get the link full for 4mbit or will it get lower to 2mbit too, as the inner interface? Appreciate
2007 Aug 23
Help about a QoS configuration
Hi, I would like to make a QoS configuration on a linux based dsl router. It is for a server, so I want to shape outgoing traffic, incoming traffic should not be a problem as long as I have a quite assymetric connection. I would like to achieve the following goals: 1) To have one class (p2p) having all the available bandwith if there is no activity on other classes. 2) If another class (ftp
2014 Dec 03
tinc vpn: adding dscp passthrough (priorityinherit), ecn, and fq_codel support
I have long included tinc in the cerowrt project as a lighter weight, meshy alternative to conventional vpns. I sat down a few days ago to think about how to make vpn connections work better through fq_codel, and decided I should maybe hack on a vpn to do the job. So I picked up tinc's source code for the first time, got it working on IPv6 as a switch in a matter of minutes between two
2014 Dec 03
tinc vpn: adding dscp passthrough (priorityinherit), ecn, and fq_codel support
On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 4:02 AM, Guus Sliepen <guus at> wrote: > On Wed, Dec 03, 2014 at 12:07:59AM -0800, Dave Taht wrote: > > [...] >> >> >> I successfully converted tinc to use sendmsg and recvmsg, acquire (at >> least on linux) the TTL/Hoplimit and IP_TOS/IPv6_TCLASS packet fields, > > Windows does not have
2007 Jun 25
RED to use ECN (or work at all?)
Dear Community, sorry for the somewhat dumb question. Maybe someone has any pointer to how to setup the RED queue to mark pakets with ECN. In particular what are appropriate parameter settings for limit, min, max, etc. All my trials end up with either "RTNETLINK answers: Invalid argument", although the command line (at least for me) looks fine in regard to what is said on the
2004 May 13
Hi. I wrote in a reply to a mail on here recently that you can''t set mpu (minimum packet unit) on HTB as you can on CBQ. I''ve just noticed that there is a patch on devik''s site which does mpu and overhead. For dsl users mpu is, for practical purposes going to be 106 - overhead is still variable though, depending on packet size.
2002 May 28
QoS graphical interface ?
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Hi, Is there any grapical interface for the QoS (Quality of Service) Traffic Control in Linux ? Greetings. - --- Carles Xavier Munyoz Baldó Descom Consulting Telf: +34 965861024 Fax: +34 965861024 - --- -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: PGP 6.5.8
2005 Jan 04
Scheduler Mechnisms!
Hello, Normally, in addition to such qdisc scheduler mechanisms as FIFO, PQ, WRR, WFQ, are there any more? Then, there is a confusion on scheduler in Linux enviroment: Assume there is a qdisc, such as RED as a leaf qdisc in a router, we know, if there is packet which want to enqueue the packet, the Function red_enqueue is called, but when the packet leave the queue(when the Function red_dequeue
2004 Oct 12
Classful Queuing
OK, I''m stumped. I''ve read through most of the LARTC HOWTO and have yet to find a basis for what I need to accomplish. I have a Linux box that controls access to and from the Internet at my workplace. We have a number of remote employees that connect via PPTP and IPSEC to the office''s internal network. Some of these remote employees are currently using SIP phones.
2005 Jan 15
No TCP trafic though tunnel
Hello, I have been using shorewall for a long time now. I find it a great piece of software and I am looking forward to the IPv6 version that Tom is planning to start working on. I do however have a problem now that I do not seem to be able to solve. On my firewall system I have a Fedora Core 2 installation with Shorewall (2.0.13) running fine with kernel 2.6.6-1.435.2.3. When I however use a new
2001 Dec 22
Need Help --- Sambaserver is not accessible
Sambaserver is not accessible I have a problem connecting to SAMBA from Windows/ME systems (using samba--2.2.2 on Red hat Linux 7.1) What I would like to know is - What can I change to get this to work properly? SETUP I have a simple network - three Windows/ME systems and 1 Red Hat Linux 7.1 system all on the same subnet. There is a linksys router on the same subnet that provides WAN
2017 Oct 25
Re: Need to increase the rx and tx buffer size of my interface
Hi Michal, What I found was that when I restarted the machine and did a virsh edit command to see the xml config, I see that it is was not actually changed. This suggests why I saw 256 again after restarting. So now I tried again to edit the xml via virsh edit command and used the following to set the parameters. <driver name='qemu' txmode='iothread' ioeventfd='on'
2017 Oct 26
Re: Need to increase the rx and tx buffer size of my interface
Hi Ashish, I have tested with your xml in the first mail, and it works for rx_queue_size(see below). multiqueue need to work with vhost backend driver. And when you set "queues=1" it will ignored. Please check your qemu-kvm-rhev package, should be newer than qemu-kvm-rhev-2.9.0-16.el7_4.2 And the logs? tx_queue_size='512' will not work in the guest with direct type interface,
2003 Jan 09
Setup IMQ on kernel 2.4.20
Hi, does someone have setup IMQ succesfully on kernel 2.4.20? If so, how did you do that. I only see the diff for kernel 2.4.19. Can I use that? Thanks, Martijn _______________________________________________ LARTC mailing list / HOWTO:
2017 Oct 25
Need to increase the rx and tx buffer size of my interface
Dear Users/Developers, I am using a KVM Ubuntu VM as a degrader to apply specific delays to incoming packets. As the delay for my packets can be higher than 7.5 seconds, there is not enough buffer on my interface to buffer all the packets. Therefore those overflowing packets are dropped in the machine and not forwarded. When I tried to use the command ethtool -G ens8 rx 512 to increase the
2004 Aug 05
HTB mpu and overhead settings for PPPoE ADSL?
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Hello, I''m using HTB to shape my outgoing traffic over a ADSL-link with PPPoE with a nominal bandwidth of 128kbit/s. My goal is to favour small packets like ACKs and interactive services like ssh; in other words, I want to achieve low lantency. If there are some big packets going over the wire, everything works fine. But if there are