similar to: Relationship Proxies?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "Relationship Proxies?"

2006 Jul 26
Polymorphic Association with Single Table Inheritance?
Hello, is it possible to setup a model/table schema like this: Groupable --> Membership <-- Group ^ ^ | | User UserGroup I tried the following but failed: Groupable (table with ''type'' column) has_many :memberships, :as => :groupable has_many :groups, :through => :memberships
2003 Oct 02
3.0.0-2 on RH9 as domain member of win2k domain - not able to write to shares...
Hi, I'm unable to write to shares on the RH9 box from win2k clients. Have successfully joined domain with 'net join ads' getent passwd lists local unix users and win2k domain users successfully I've mapped a DOMAIN+user_group to unix user_group, which 'net groupmap list' shows successfully I have tried various ways to give access to the share, by changing
2020 Jun 13
It seems to have bug for @group to set in valid or invalid conf
No one care then i closed it. Thanks. On Fri, Jun 5, 2020 at 5:18 PM Jeremy <jeremy55662004 at> wrote: > Hi all, > > I am using samba 4.10.7 and it seems to have bug for using @group in valid > or invalid conf (?). And i can't find fixed patch in later release. I > describe this issue detail below: > > 1. Firstly, there is my samba conf below (Add
2020 Jun 05
It seems to have bug for @group to set in valid or invalid conf
Hi all, I am using samba 4.10.7 and it seems to have bug for using @group in valid or invalid conf (?). And i can't find fixed patch in later release. I describe this issue detail below: 1. Firstly, there is my samba conf below (Add @d_group in "invalid users"): (smb_share.conf) [f1] path = /home/f1 write list = "admin" "@Administrator_Group"
2008 Jun 06
joining tables
Hi I have 3 tables as 1) user_groups id | contact_id | group_id | group_user_type_id 2) contact id | name_first | name_last | 3)contact_email_addresses contact_id | contact_email_address_type_id | emailaddress Now I have group_id sa for example 68 What I want is from contact_email_addresses table get all the emailaddress with contact_email_address_type_id=2 for the contacts
2007 Dec 28
validation of acts_as_list in the model of the base class?
Lets say I have 3 models, user, user_group and user_group_nodes. A normal user has one user_group_id as a foreign key and a special user has multiple user_groups which are defined in the user_group_nodes. The user_group_nodes is a "acts_as_list" for user and contains a list of group_ids. When I build a form to get user input and I want to save it, is there a way to validate the
2009 Nov 06
Nested objects not propagating from view
I thought I had this fixed, but apparently not. It works okay from the console, but not from the view. I have the following: # partial schema create_table "users", :force => true do |t| t.string "login", :null => false t.string "first_name" t.string "last_name" t.string "email", :null => false
2006 Jan 19
Help with nested HABTM relationship
Hi, I am trying to perform a query with ActiveRecord that I want to put into a Rails application later. For now I just wrote it within a plain old Ruby script for easier testing. I am working with an existing database so I had to map some foreign keys myself. As you can see from the models below, the database has a structure of Prospectlists <=habtm=> Contacts <=habtm=> Accounts
2006 Apr 17
model.models.models or model.models.find(:first).models
I the following three models which all have has_and_belongs_to_many # User <-> UserGroup <-> Permissions class UserGroup < ActiveRecord::Base has_and_belongs_to_many :users, :join_table => "user_usergroup_join" has_and_belongs_to_many :permissions, :join_table => "usergroup_permission_join", :uniq => true end I can do this: permissions =
2006 Mar 28
Fastest way of adding " " around multiline text in RADRAILS
lets say i have the following SQL in my database editor : When i paste it into rad rails i have to add quotes and the ''+'' symbol to the end of each line. It is very tedious. What is the best method? select timesheets.employee, sum(items.hours) as hours, sum(items.hours*timesheets.cost) as cost, sum(items.hours*timesheets.charge*decode(activities.chargetype,0,1,0)) as charge,
2010 Jun 11
nested form & habtm
so i am trying to save to a join table in a habtm relationship, but i am having problems. from my view, i pass in a group id with: = link_to "Create New User", new_user_url(:group => 1) User model (user.rb) class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_and_belongs_to_many :user_groups accepts_nested_attributes_for :user_groups end UserGroups model (user_groups.rb) class UserGroup <
2006 Aug 02
Self-Referential has_many :through
Hello all. I am trying to create a self-referential has_many :through. I used the following site as a guide but it still doesn''t appear to be working. I have two models. Person and Relationship. A person has many contacts (Which is another person) through relationships class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
2006 Aug 15
observe_form not serializing form
I want to use observe_form to automatically save notes in a text_area. This is the code I have: <form id=''notes_form''> <%= text_area :contact, :notes, :cols => 40, :rows => 10, :id =>''notes_text_area'' %> <%= observe_form(''notes_form'', :frequency => 1,
2002 Jan 04
Fax from Widows
Hey Guys We've been using the respond program with SMB fax services and it's worked pretty good. But I have one need which is not addressed by this software, which I'm hoping maybe I can pay someone to hack into the windows code. I need Respond to send a cover letter prior to being sent out, independent of the program queueing the print job in windows. I was thinking I might be
2006 Nov 04
deleting associations
I have two class, client and contacts A client has many contacts class Client < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :contacts end class Contact < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :client end -------------------------------------------- I have the next data Table clients id name 1 John Table contacts id email 1 2 3
2006 May 06
Question about one-to-many-to-many
Guys, I''ve set up a 1-M-M relationship between 3 tables/models. I can''t get cascading deletes (haven''t tried updates yet) to work when the master record is deleted. I''m using MySQL 4.1.x, and the error message is: Mysql::Error: #23000Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails: DELETE FROM contact_addresses WHERE (contact_id = 1).
2006 Jan 18
alias for *table*_id
I have a table contacts, in another controller I refer to a particular contact_id as transfer_attorney_id or electrical_inspector_id - how do I create the necessary alias in the Contacts model?
2005 Nov 20
mySQL 5.0 upgrade - incompatible DateTime format?
I''ve upgraded to mySQL 5.0, and it''s gone pretty smoothly except that on doesn''t seem to return a value that mySQL likes any more, as seen in the following exception: Incorrect datetime value: ''2005-11-20T15:33:12-0800'' for column ''logged_at'' at row 1: UPDATE notes SET `due_on` = ''2005-11-20'',
2006 Mar 15
Through method problems with custom foreign_keys
A person has a many company_branches and A company_branch has many people. This join is represented using a "contacts" table. I am using a legacy schema so i am forced into using non-standard rails primary keys. I am using the new through relationship in rails 1.1. p=Person.find(1) b=p.company_branches # gives this error: ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: OCIError: ORA-00904:
2006 Aug 13
does rails enforce referential integrity???
Hi, Is rails supposed to support referential integrity? That is rails either support to be able to ensure that when a new contact is created this can only happen if a valid suberb is associated with it, and which mechanisms of the below are supposed to do this? (a) using DB foreign key constraints information as a basis? (b) using the "has_one" line in the model file to enfore? If