similar to: MARK causes high CPU usage / using tc in conjunction with MASQ

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2001 Jun 07
RE: LARTC digest, Vol 1 #222 - 12 msgs
Message: 12 From: Gery Kahn <> To: "''''" <> Date: Tue, 5 Jun 2001 20:28:30 +0200 Subject: [LARTC] priority of class ->split traffic in 2 more classes ->tc class add dev eth0 parent 2:0 classid 2:21 cbq avpkt 1000 bandwidth ->100Mbit \ ->rate 70Mbit prio 3 maxburst 20 ->tc qdisc add
2005 May 05
TC breaking Virtual network connection
Good afternoon, I am a newbie to lartc. I have read the HOWTO. I set up a CBQ traffic control using the following commands, and it caused my VNC connection to break frequently. ======================================================================= **CBQ: cbq-1280.My_shaper /sbin/tc qdisc del dev lo root /sbin/tc qdisc add dev lo root handle 1 cbq bandwidth 20Mbps avpkt 1000 cell 8 /sbin/tc
2007 Jun 08
CBQ + Layer7 x Emule
Hi All , My first message and I have a little problem with my FC6 box trying to block emule traffic using layer7 . Here my network : Internet --------- ADSL Router ------------------- FC6 Box -------------------- Emule Box external ADSL : Dynamic Internal ADSL : external FC6 : internal FC6 : Emule Box : I guess that everything
2001 Feb 20
Incoming trafic shaping (depending on src IP)
Hi there, i''m trying to shape incoming trafic on my linux box. I want it to depend on the source IP adress of the packets (in fact, i got a VPN on an ADSL link and wanted to get at least/max 64Kbit/s for the VPN) So i tried this : tc qdisc add dev ppp0 root handle 1:0 cbq bandwidth 512Kbit avpkt 1000 cell 8 tc class add dev ppp0 parent 1:0 classid 1:1 cbq bandwidth 512Kbit rate
2006 Aug 13
trying to prioritize voip traffick
I am using a server with asterisk and I am trying to prioritize voip traffick -- I am a newbie at this traffic shaping, so please bear with me. I used the script below and what happens is thatall traffic in the bulk class stops after a couple of minutes. Also, should I include the ports for rtp in the filter statements with the ports 5061 and 4569? Note I have a fairly big pipe -- supposed to
2001 Mar 01
Bandwidth limiting a MASQed network.
Hi! I just recently entered the wonderful world of the so called "advanced routing" and decided to try and limit the bandwidth of a MASQed network here and ended up in trouble :(. The setup is (as far as I can tell) pretty straightforward. eth0 is connected to the "real" network with a proper IP, and eth2 is 192.168.10.x (the MASQed network). All of it is basicly right out of
2007 Dec 05
Adding qdiscs crashes kernel??
Hi all, I''m having some problems setting up qdiscs on a bridge.The config looks a little like this: ifconfig ifb0 up # Bring up the IFB for this bridge. tc qdisc add dev eth2 ingress tc qdisc add dev eth3 ingress tc qdisc add dev ifb0 root handle 1:0 cbq bandwidth 100Mbit avpkt 1000 cell 8 # Raw qdiscs on each bridge port tc qdisc add dev eth2 root handle 1:0 cbq bandwidth
2004 Aug 09
cbq dosen''t shape on MARK for one host.. strange!
Hello all, this is my first post here. Sorry for my english. Gentoo LAN router, 2.4.26-hardened-r2 There are 2 WAN links, one LAN link. I am doing some iptables/routing/tc magic in my scripts. What''s interesting is marking packets traveling from all IP''s in LAN. Interesting commands are: ------------- for ip in `seq 50`; do $IPTABLES -t mangle -A FORWARD -o eth2 -d
2004 May 04
Wrapping prio in tbf
The manual says (about prio): > Because it doesn''t actually shape, the same warning as for SFQ holds: > either use it only if your physical link is really full or wrap it > inside a classful qdisc that does shape. The latter holds for almost all > cable modems and DSL devices. I want to wrap prio inside of tbf. Here''s why: I have a server on a DSL line, which has
2004 Jan 27
Filter not listed for firewall filter - and not running!
Hello all, I am having some trouble getting a firewall filter to work with TC. I am actually setting the mark via EBTables (which is working as far as I can tell, I am also logging the packet and my syslog reports lots of marks): ebtables -t broute -A BROUTING -p ipv4 -i eth1 -s 08:00:46:60:B3:57 -j mark --set-mark 7 --mark-target CONTINUE --log --log-level debug --log-prefix "EBFW Mark
2002 May 03
(no subject)
hi all, Iam using the following CBQs to limit the FTP bandwidth pease tell what changes are rquired to make it work.... tc qdisc del dev eth0 root tc qdisc add dev eth0 root handle 1:0 cbq allot 1514 avpkt 1000 bandwidth 100Mbit tc class add dev eth0 parent 1:0 classid 1:1 cbq allot 1514 bandwidth 100Mbit rate .4Mbit weight .4 prio 2 maxburst 20 cell 8 avpkt 1000 tc class add dev eth0
2004 Aug 06
CBQ + 802.1Q VLAN
I need to shape traffic from some IP on one LAN, but I''m in trouble. There is a linux 2.4.26 connected to the Internet (eth0) / LAN(eth1) doing NAT. I''m using VLANs in the LAN Interface, that is connected to a 3Com SuperStack II in a 802.1Q tagged port. I want to create a class that will limit the traffic at 384Kbit/s. I want to create two leaf classes that limit the traffic at
2001 Dec 24
Two u32 problems: module count and fw
Hi All, I found 2 unusual behavior with u32 classifier in Kernel 2.4.12. I’ve u32 compiled as module. 1> u32 filter seems not working if there is already some fw filter used for some other class. In order to get u32 working I’ve to delete root class, which in terms delete all fw filters too, and then same command for u32 works. fw is also compiled as module. 2> If I add u32 filter to my
2003 Jun 15
how to emulate large IP routing table
Hi all I am conducting the experiments comparing IP router forwarding delay and MPLS LSR forwarding delay, it is obvious in theory MPLS in Core should be faster than IP, but for small netork (only have several core routers), result show it is not, this is why I want emulate a large IP routing table in one core router. can I do it and how ? right now I use static routing table (by using command :
2001 Feb 05
bandwidth limiting when src and dst are on the same interface
Hello! I have a problem here. I set up a Linux 2.4 machine to do bandwidth limiting for some of our customers. Current setup is something like this: |--------| backbone |-------| |---------| |Internet|225.1-----------225.10|limiter|228.1----228.10|cust. gw2| |--------| | eth0 |-------| eth1 |---------| | 225.20
2004 Dec 23
does the inbound traffic affect the outbound on 2 different interfaces
hey guys i am regulating the traffic to & fro by my network through a linux gateway , its behaving strange. i regulated Downlink to 2Mbps & UPlLINK to 500Kbps. both perform well when those are done independent i.e. one at a time but when i do both from a client system ..the downlink however continues at 2mbps but the uplink falls down to 100kbps? is something wrong with my script or
2005 Jan 05
Best QoS Policy for VoIP
Hello all, I''ve got a couple redundant (Spanning Tree Protocol) boxes running FC1 minimal install + bridge-utils and they are working great for QoS + ntop monitoring. I''m wondering if I should handle the VoIP traffic a little differently. I don''t mind letting VoIP and Video lend out traffic when it isn''t being used, so that''s why I gave them such
2005 Jun 02
CBQ throughput and efficiency question
Hello all, I am testing CBQ and HTB these days and I got a lots problem which needs your help. It is a little long text :) Thank you! (All my test is based on Redhat Linux9.0) 1.Is isolated of CBQ working? I have read Mr. stef word that he never made cbq isolated work. 2. I have setup an environment to test cbq: one tcp flow which I should protect and a noisy udp flow who will eat much of the
2004 Apr 09
Bandwidth limiting for each computer in subnet
Dear members I''m new to this list and also new to tc command. I have a subnet with over 30 pc which have ip addresses from range.I want that each computer in my subnet can work with internet with maximum 6k for download and maximum 6k for upload.when i run the following tc commands from my bridge the first pc works well but the second pc can not work with 6k and it has an
2004 May 25
how to borrow bandwith
Hi,All I am using iproute2 to manage bandwith for ADSL router.High,medium,low priority are needed for different protocol port on the ADSL's upstream side,as following: LAN --- |ADSL Router|------WAN When there aren't traffic on the specific priority, its bandwidth should be borrowed by other priorities.But it doesn't work.Here is my script: /usr/sbin/tc qdisc del dev nas0 root