similar to: Rake Namespaces - How to keep them separate?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 40000 matches similar to: "Rake Namespaces - How to keep them separate?"

2009 Jun 06
Rake Tasks
Hi Everyone, I just need some further help clarifying a custom rake task I''m building and the logistics of how it should be working. I''ve created a custom rake task in libs/tasks called scraper.rake which so far just contains the following: desc "This task will parse data from and upload the data to our db" task :scraper => :environment do # code goes
2009 Jun 07
ActiveRecord Classes
I''m having a little trouble with understanding how to work out the schematic for some of my classes using ActiveRecord when a file is in my lib directory: Brief example: Here''s the outline of the files in use: ........controllers ............application_controller.rb ............rushing_offenses_controller.rb ........models ............rushing_offense.rb ....lib
2006 Mar 21
Automatic namespacing of custom Rake tasks
As you know you can create your own .rake files in lib/tasks and Rails will automatically find them - as Rake 0.7 adds namespace support and Rails is already taking advantage of these namespaces if you are on Edge Rails I thought it would make a lot of sense if Rails automatically namespaced your own custom rake files, so I raised a ticket for this and I''ve now implemented it
2006 Jun 23
Rake doc:app not including lib directory
Hi all, I have found a couple of posts about this issue, but no clear answer... I noticed that the rake task doc:app doesn''t include ruby files in the lib directory. How to change that? I have found the documentation.rake file in the rails gem, but thought there must be a better way than just hacking that file to include the lib dir. Also, I see you can add rake files to
2011 Apr 08
Can't 'rake db:migrate' keep getting dlopen mysql.bundle error
MySQL version: 5.5.10 Ruby version: 1.8.7 Rails version: 3.0.5 I''m trying to get a Mac OS X 10.6.6. development box up and going, and I''m having problems with ''rake db:migrate.'' This is how I installed the mysql gem $ sudo env ARCHFLAGS="-arch x86_64" gem install --no-rdoc --no-ri mysql --version 2.7 -- --with-mysql-dir=/usr/local/mysql
2008 Nov 05
My rake is broken - "no such file to load..."
Hey folks After doing an update from our svn server, rake is no longer working for me, though it''s fine for my team-mates. I get this error: no such file to load -- spec/rake/spectask /home/max/work/e_learning_resource/trunk/Rakefile:10:in `require'' when i try to do any rake task. The file it mentions looks like this, with line 10 being the last line: #Rakefile # Add
2007 Nov 17
rake errors
Folks, I have a rake task that runs via cron and calls a controller action. I was getting the ''config/boot.rb:28:Warning: require_gem is obsolete'' warning, so I ran rake update:rails. Now I''m getting a whole bunch of errors and the rake task bombs. The traceback on the errors doesn''t seem to make much sense to me. Help? rake task... require
2012 Apr 18
rake .rake subfolder not working
I read that if you create a .rake subfolder, you can run rake from any subfolder in and it will pickup the rake tasks as long as you put the -g option. I have this: /app/ /app/Rakefile /app/.rake/test.rake Now when I do: rake -g -T I only see the tasks defined in my Rakefile. Does this work like this or am i confused? Because I just tested, if I go to a subfolder, rake works fine. Not sure
2006 Feb 22
rake migrate problems
I''ve been trying to build an app with migrations: When I attempt: $rake migrate I get the following errors: rake migrate --trace (in /Users/intention/work/atlrugpoll_working) ** Invoke migrate (first_time) ** Invoke environment (first_time) ** Execute environment ** Execute migrate ^Crake aborted!
2006 Apr 12
Rake not finding lib/tasks folder?
Hi all, I''m attempting to set up a new Rails app using Typo. I''ve downloaded the Typo 2.6.0 edition which includes Rails 1.0 and it works fine. I''ve set up version control with SVN and checked out a new working copy. I''ve run Capistrano -A on the application and it''s set up my deploy.rb and lib/tasks/capistrano.rake. Rake doesn''t seem
2007 Apr 05
Question about Rake
Hello, How does Rake determine the list of tasks that Rake can execute?, in a Rails development environment. My problem has to do with the rake tasks that are provided by the Engines plugin (at least thats my current understanding that the Engines plugin provides additional Rake tasks that help manage vendor plugins). I''ve installed the latest version of the Engines plugin and
2013 Jun 29
rake db:create giving undefined method `' for nil:NilClass
My ruby version is 1.8.7 I have installed mysql-essential-5.0.90-win32 and using Fedena 2.3.5 List of all gems installed:* columnize (0.3.6) declarative_authorization (0.5.1) fattr (2.2.1) ffi (1.9.0) gem_plugin (0.2.3) highline (1.6.19) i18n (0.4.2) metaclass (0.0.1) mime-types (1.23) mocha (0.14.0) mongrel (1.1.5) mysql (2.8.1) net-ping (1.6.0) prawn (0.6.3) prawn-core (0.6.3) prawn-format
2006 Apr 18
extend doc:app rake task to Include lib/*?
I''ve never really done much with rake and I''m trying to figure out how to add some options to the doc:app task. For instance I''d like to include documentation for files in the lib directory. I can''t seem to figure out the proper way to do it short of changing the lib/tasks/documentation.rake in the rails distribution. After poking around in the rails tasks, I
2005 Dec 20
Patch lovin'' for #2018? ("rake appdoc fails on Windows systems")
Gurus (Guri? heh), We got burned today by #2018 ("rake appdoc fails on Windows systems"), and did a bunch of ferreting around (starting at the problems in rdoc,rake,rdoc.bat) and ultimately came back to the conclusion that the cleanest way to fix the problem is just a variation on a suggestion already posted in that ticket. I wrote up a patch against trunk from the suggestion there and
2009 Jun 13
Rake migration error
Hi, I am constantly getting an error when I use the rake command to do a migration or even use drop, this happened after I installed some plugins such as paperclip and seed-fu. The error is: rake aborted! uninitialized constant PKG_NAME /var/www/html/quote/Rakefile:10 The Rakefile looks like this: # Add your own tasks in files placed in lib/tasks ending in .rake, # for example
2010 May 28
Rake Aborted! db:migrate
Hello, I am trying do a migrate of my database but I have problems, I write this in the console: [console] rake db:migrate [/console] And say me: [console] (in /home/distriker/Documentos/public_html/crf) !!! The bundled mysql.rb driver has been removed from Rails 2.2. Please install the mysql gem and try again: gem install mysql. rake aborted! no such file to load -- mysql (See full trace by
2013 Nov 20
Railties-4.0.1 - what happened to rake tmp:clear
MRI-2.0.0p247 Railties-4.0.1 We have a standalone Rails-3.2.15 based application that we are upgrading to 4.0.1. It uses only the following components of Rails-4.0.1: * actionmailer (4.0.1) * actionpack (4.0.1) * activemodel (4.0.1) * activerecord (4.0.1) * activesupport (4.0.1) * arel (4.0.1) * railties (4.0.1) Bundler has a path setting which is: path Set for your local app
2009 Nov 07
wrong argument type Mysql (expected Struct) running rake with Ruby 1.9 / Rails 2.3.3
I''m use Ruby 1.9 via rvm and Rails 2.3.3. I''m on OS X 10.5 and I have the mysql 2.8.1 gem installed. When I run rake on my rails app, I get the error "wrong argument type Mysql (expected Struct)". I can run the app fine with script/server and script/console fine. Is anyone else having this problem or know what might cause this problem? Here''s the stack
2006 Jan 04
Newbie question abour Rake
I''m learning about rake, and have what is probably a silly question. When I run rake from my rails app''s top directory, what rakefile is it really running? I have rails 1.0, and in my top-level directory there is a small file called "Rakefile", which basically just includes a few other files: require ''rake'' require
2006 Jun 07
revised rake doc:app executes twice
I''m trying to create a new rake task that will generate slightly customized RDoc documentation for my Rails app. So I''ve created a new task (shown below) in lib/tasks/doc.rake. It generates documentation OK, but it executes the task twice every time I ''rake doc:custom''. namespace :doc do desc "Generate customized documentation for this application"