similar to: Questions about qdisc statistics

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "Questions about qdisc statistics"

2004 Oct 12
Qdisc statistics project
As a necessety for my job is to real-time monitor the bytes, packets, packet dropped etc of all the qdiscs working inside the kernel i''ve tried varius methods: 1. Parse tc -s command output and update a round robin database and use rrdtool to graphically display tc statistics. [varius perl scripts exist for the above job] 2. Unsuccesfully tried QoS SNMP extensions, in order to use a
2004 Sep 30
tc monitoring
I have managed to dynamically parse the output of commands: tc qdisc ls dev eth0 and tc -s class show dev eth0 Save statistics in an rrd database and display it via a php script. see and dload scripts from My next step in developing this monitoring software is to somehow manage to create a tree out of tc and then use it to greatly
2005 Jan 24
tc filter change/replace
I am wondering whether the commands ''tc filter change'' and ''tc filter replace'' are working. Googling around revealed a few emails on the LARTC stating that unfoirtunately they do not work. A quick check showed that they are still not implemented (properly). Some propose a solution to build a second tree of filters and apply the 2nd one when a need for it
2007 Jan 04
BandWidth Monitoring
Hi, I m using linux as a router and proxy on same machine , i want to monitor bandwidth usage per ipaddress , so plz suggest me the tool that i can use to monitor bandwidth used by which every ipaddress. thanks in advance Abhishek Kr. Singh System Administrator DSC. LTD. Mob.No. +91-9871563248 Send free SMS to your Friends on Mobile from your Yahoo! Messenger. Download
2005 Feb 16
DSCP, ToS and Egress
I''m successfully using HTB + GRED to shape traffic based on the DSCP field. I would like to strip the DSCP and possibly replace it with normal ToS bits on egress traffic leaving my network. Leaving DSCP set is pointless, and could potentially cause problems with some ISPs that use DSCP internally I suppose. Setting ToS bits would seem ideal as most networks still honor it to varying
2004 Feb 28
Hi all, please, tell me about security of Darkstat. Is it good idea to install it on firewall/gateway ? I'd like to measure our company traffic, but I do not have Apache running on the gateway. How could I redirect Darkstat's output to web-server inside company ? Or is there some other tool, which can measure in/out traffic and send output to another machine ? I know MRTG, but it uses
2008 Sep 12
Hi all. I am having an issue and quite frankly would rather not spend the entire next two days learning the entire snmp program. I am hoping someone out there has used MRTG and SNMP to make it work. I have both installed. Single server, polling itself. Question 1- does snmpd have to run as a daemon, or only run once so I can get OID and MIBs from it? Question 2- does anyone know the command
2002 Oct 31
ipac/iptables + mrtg accounting
i''ve installed mrtg to make graphics of the trafic from the interfece throw the snmpd, and the same with ipac witch put iptables accounting rules colect them and store, and gets the output, but the "problem" is that ipac graphics are 3 times smaller that the snmpd. Why??? i did catch all the trafic with ipac so no problem here, and i know that ipac/iptables is at level 3, and
2004 Jul 17
Re: QoS for Voip.
Hi! I answer to two messages from this thread (I use digest). wrote: > > Message: 3 > Date: Fri, 16 Jul 2004 10:51:37 -0700 (PDT) > From: ibro tj <> > Subject: Re: [LARTC] QoS for Voip. > To:, > > Hi, > > the hint from Martin A Brown which I am
2010 Dec 21
Graphing System Load MRTG
I check system load like so: [root at server cron.daily]# w 10:07:33 up 4 days, 15:01, 2 users, load average: 4.22, 3.17, 3.09 I would like to to graph the 3.17 5 minute average with MRTG. Anyone know of some examples of doing this?
2005 May 12
wanted A tool to measure bandwidth....
Hello Everybody, I have configured a Linux box that does traffic shaping. Its working wonderfully fine, just as expected...Now i want to measure the bandwidth consumed by each of my hosts....But I dont want SNMP to run on all the hosts[as required by MRTG] I used iptraf on my linux box, but it only measures the bandwidth on interface basis only.... I tried installing traffic-vis, its not working
2005 Nov 04
Open Source Project "Q*Box" Launched
Hello all. I created a "plug and play" kind of solution for bridge-based QoS LAN-WAN traffic shaping. Based on the LEAF bering-uClibc branch, I''m calling it ''QBox'' and the project site for now is located at: I''m interested in any feedback you might have. This is based off of experience I have over the
2004 Nov 27
Finally making some progress
I *think* we are finally making some progress in tracking our elusive performance problems. After employing a second 10Mb link from our ISP, along with another firewall box and proxy, we were able to determine the problem *is* our firewall. We don''t know exactly why yet, but our sporadic slow web access seems to have gone away since swapping a new firewall in this morning. The
2002 Nov 22
TC HTB Traffic Shaping
Hi guys, I''m new to TC HTB traffic shaping.... I installed it at my first try on my Bearing Leaf Router/Firewall I use the tc -s class show dev eth? To see my output All looks dandy and nice, but it''s figures, of which at current momment looks like French to me, I would like to see exactly what these figures looks like in a GRAPH style... I know I can use MRTG, I do have
2007 Jul 27
MRTG with 14all.cgi on centos 5
Hi, I have setup MRTG with 14all.cgi cgi script. I downloaded it from below URL. and did only below 3 changes to that file. those can be seen in BOLDletters. # if (from mrtg) is not in the module search path (@INC) # uncomment the following line and change the path appropriatly: #use lib qw(/usr/local/mrtg-2/lib/mrtg2); use lib
2008 Oct 26
any help/tips/document/link to setup and configure MRTG under Centos. Thanks
2009 Dec 21
Monitor Network Traffic
What is the best way to monitor the total incoming / outcoming network traffic of CentOS server. I think that the solution is to monitor the network interfaces and to send SNMP packets to remote server. But is it possible? regards -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2011 Sep 04
mrtg 2.16.2 ipv6 on centos 6
Hi, i'm running CentOS 6.0 on my server and installed mrtg from the rpm-package mrtg-2.16.2 . I also installed the depending packages perl-IO-Socket-INET6 perl-Socket6 .... mrtg works fine with IPV4-Addresses. When i specify a Target by IPV6-Address (or hostname resolving to a V6-address) mrtg fails. Here i have a small sample-config for V4 which is working: LogDir: /tmp ThreshDir: /tmp
2009 Jul 13
CentOS/SNMP update breaks MRTG?
I got itchy fingers over the weekend and decided to fix what wasn't broken and upgraded one of the older servers from Centos 5.2 to Centos 5.3. Following the recommended process of updating glibc and such before the rest, it appeared to work perfectly and rebooted without problem. However, MRTG 2.15.2 started complaining about unexpected values. I installed/updated both MRTG (2.16.2) and
2004 Jun 19
QoS net-snmp ?
Hi I''ve patched net-mrtg with sucefully Also I''ve copied QOS.TXT to /usr/local/share/snmp/mibs when I make a normal use of snmp, with mrtg in order to monitor all traffic on eth0 and eth1, it works OK. But, how must I do in order to get monitor for a specific class ? If I make a snmpwalk (like README suggest), I get