similar to: can''t understand howto example

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "can''t understand howto example"

2004 Nov 16
tc rules for Internet Radio
I am currently using the ultimate-tc script from and I want to make sure that internet radio packets (mp3 streaming audio) will always get through no matter what. I have added some iptables commands like this: iptables -A OUTPUT -t mangle -p tcp --dport 8000 -j TOS --set-tos Minimize-Delay iptables -A OUTPUT -t mangle -p tcp --sport 8000 -j
2002 Oct 28
Fw: wondershaper kills eth0 :(
Hi, When i do ''wshaper start'' the interface i have defined stops routing traffic for some reason. It resumes routing when i do ''wshaper stop''. I''m using debian stable (3.0 woody) with debian''s default 2.4.18-686 kernel. When I run the script I get no errors, and when I do a ''status'', everything looks correct. Can ANYONE
2005 Apr 05
Qos with 2 internet connections problems
Hi all, ive got 2 internet connections set up via the nano howto (which are working great) and we are running NAT. Was looking in to qos mainly to stop large http downloads/ftp downloads from hogging the line so that browsing for other users doesnt slow to a crawl, but if the line is free and no one is doing anything then for it to use the available bandwith. The wondershaper sounded exactly what
2007 Sep 01
complete linux and shaping newbie needs help
Hi there good people, I''m a newbie in what concerns running Linux on machines other than desktops, so I need help from all you gurus out there :-) I have Linux installed on an old computer (Winchip C6, Pentium clone), acting as a router/firewall for two other computers. Both these machines are connected to the firewall via a dedicated ethernet card each, on different subnets,
2004 May 06
imap problems
Hi, I''m really new to traffic shaping and try to implement the wshaper.htb script. I have a linux box that serves as vdr, mldonkey, samba, apache and mailserver (imap), connected to my LAN with 100mbit. I''m connected to the inet via adsl with a hardware router/firewall, got 384k downlink 64k uplink. When I have mldonkey running, imap (via Outlook) gets *very* slow (mails with
2007 Jun 24
Traffic shaping on multiple interfaces
I''m trying to setup traffic shaping on my linux gateway/router. The system has 3 interfaces: eth0 - My LAN - with IP address eth1 - The ethernet connection to which my ADSL modem is connected. This has a 10.25.x.x IP, more on this later. The ADSL link has an upstream of ~1.2mbit. ppp0 - The PPP connection which is my WAN connection, with a real world IP. The system acts
2004 Jun 10
Shaping incoming traffic on the other interface
Hi, I have a typical configuration for my firewall/gateway box: single network card, with a pppoe connection to the DSL modem. I''m already successfully shaping the uplink (how come that the wondershaper.htb doesn''t use the ceil parameter? It should implement bandwidth borrowing!) but i found the ingress policy a little bit rough. I''d like to keep the traffic categories
2004 Dec 25
Hi! Could somebody tell me, what is difference between these two prio parameters in 1) tc class add dev $DEV parent 1:1 classid 1:10 htb rate ${UPLINK}kbit burst 6k prio 1 ^^^^^^ AND 2) tc filter add dev $DEV parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 10 u32 match ip tos 0x10 0xff flowid 1:10
2004 Sep 28
Shaping not working
Hi folks, I''m trying to shape two clients in my LAN when accessing the internet. Actual situation is that EVERY traffic goes into 1:40, so the client which should fall into 1:30 does not get the lower uplink it should have, but the uplink defined for the client defined as 1:30 When I disable the definition of 1:40, every traffic falls into 1:30 (except for the traffic defined to be in
2005 Feb 16
VOIP Challenges...
Greetings - I''m new to QoS, so please be gentle (and yes, I''ve RTFM, though I don''t understand every bit of it) Here''s the thing; I''ve tried several scripts--simple and complex--for classifying my Vonage traffic into a high-priority queue, but no matter what I do it doesn''t seem to work. Right now I''m using the HTB script
2004 Jul 10
limiting doesn''t work
Hi folks, I read the fantastic LARTC How-to and after that i tried to limit one host in my LAN for both down-and upload bandwidth usage. I took section 15.9. and added uplink-limiting as I understood it from the previous chapters. Unfortunately it doesn''t work. I ran the script and went to the specified PC, started a download, and watched the rate. The rate was always about 2000 kbit/s,
2006 Nov 20
Fwd: Traffic Shaping on a Transparent Bridge not working!
I''m trying to shape traffic on a Devil-Linux box. This note was originally sent to their maillist, because the LARTC list appears to have been down for the past few days. My mailbox was just flooded with a half dozen or so confirmation requests in response to my repeated attempts to subscribe to this list. ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: drew einhorn
2006 Aug 21
QoS on a bridge+NAT
I have a setup where I have three NIC in a Debian box. I have eth1 conected to internet and eth0 NAT''ed to eth1 and eth2 are bridged together, given ip What I want to achieve is to perform traffic shaping on the bridge as well as prioritizing the traffic from eth0 very low. (This is from trental flat ...) However it seems that I am unable to perform thhe
2004 May 07
Re: LARTC digest, Vol 1 #1714 - 5 msgs
Hi I''m looking for a quick recipe for a newbie to control http traffic in my linux gw. My internet is overloaded already and vpn external clients are experiencing troubles (disconnecting in peak hours). Any suggestions ? Regards Guillermo Caracas/Venezuela On Thu, 2004-05-06 at 14:40, wrote: > Send LARTC mailing list submissions to >
2007 Aug 29
tc not matching
Dear all, I''m having real problems getting tc to do anything useful at all. I''m also under pressure to get this fixed before the students start arriving later this month (I work in a university). In short, I want each IP address to be hard limited to 128kbit down, 64kbit up, never to be allowed more bandwidth than this. It is also important that the latency remains
2004 Aug 04
Asterisk QOS working perfect using sveasoft 3.11g
As seen on my post at: This works very well... It does NOT work with stable 4.0! sveasoft will be issuing a bug fix for this (4.1) in the near future. Final Rev of working script w/ asterisk support I'm not going to run alchemy on production machines until it is stablish. Remember to set your uplink properly and to set
2006 Jan 26
tc qdisc ingress problem ?
Hi, all I''ve got problems with tc qdisc ingress. I''m using vanillia kernel patched with, and iproute2-2.6.14-051107. i am using ingress to limit incoming traffic : (DEV is eth1 / DOWNLINK is 7700) # attach ingress policer: tc qdisc add dev $DEV handle ffff: ingress # filter *everything* to it (, drop everything
2003 Aug 08
Looking for a good htb traffic shaping script to prioritize incoming traffic
I am looking for a good htb traffic shaping script to prioritize incoming traffic over outgoing traffic for my machine. I have a 100mbit line, ftp up, backup data comming in, but whenever mirrors starts grabbing it they use all the traffic and the backup data comming in (the important data) drops to like 300kb/sec. I was thinking some script doing sleep 60 [if downstream > 1mb/sec, limit
2007 Jul 30
tc n00b
Hi everyone, I''m new to tc but I need to use it to set up shaping on a new NAT box. In short: Each user must have their upload limited to 128kbit and downlink limited to 256kbit. Global bandwidth to be limited to 100Mbit Interactive packets to have higher priority 200+ users, so need to match packets fast So far I have managed to get the download limits working. However I need to
2006 Sep 16
Wondershaper Errors
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Hi all! when I activate wondershaper on my dsl connection (pppoa vc mux), i get three errors: # sh -x /usr/sbin/wshaper ppp0 + /usr/sbin/xmlstarter setenv tc_downlink + DOWNLINK= + /usr/sbin/xmlstarter setenv tc_uplink + UPLINK= + [ -z ] + cat /proc/avalanche/avsar_modem_stats + grep Connection Rate + awk {printf("%d", $8)} +