Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Installation problem in rcov"
2009 Feb 17
install.rb:655:in `command'': system("make") failed (RuntimeError) (GatoLinux)
I am using ruby *1.8.4* (2005-12-24).
I added this code:
#define RARRAY_LEN(a) \
((RBASIC(a)->flags & RARRAY_EMBED_FLAG) ? \
(long)((RBASIC(a)->flags >> RARRAY_EMBED_LEN_SHIFT) & \
#define RARRAY_PTR(a) \
((RBASIC(a)->flags & RARRAY_EMBED_FLAG) ? \
2007 Oct 27
rake spec:rcov failing
Running rails 1.2.3, rcov (, rspec trunk (2865) -
When running rake spec:rcov, I''m getting the following:
Finished in 245.717813 seconds
856 examples, 0 failures, 48 pending
/usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/rexml/text.rb:292:in `normalize'': private
method `gsub'' called for 0:Fixnum (NoMethodError)
from /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/rexml/element.rb:1084:in
2008 Mar 17
RSpec and RCov with JRuby
I am using JRuby (trunk) and wrote a bunch of specifications for my
code. Everything works fine so far.
Now I am trying to integrate RCov in my test run. I have installed
RCov without the C extensions. I tried it with a simple script and it
worked (pretty slow, but it doesn?t matter).
But when I add the rcov options to my Rake task, RCov is not invoke
2007 Apr 09
RCov results seem to include the spec files
I saw the RCov page at http://rspec.rubyforge.org/tools/rcov.html and
decided to add it to my project. My rakefile looks like this:
require "rake"
require "spec/rake/spectask"
desc "Run all specs with RCov"
Spec::Rake::SpecTask.new("spec:rcov") do |t|
t.spec_files = FileList["spec/**/*_spec.rb"]
t.rcov = true
When I run rake spec:rcov,
2009 Feb 03
Rcov - Specifying rake tasks
I am trying to get a customized rcov rake task working. What I have so
far looks like this:
desc "Rcov code coverage reports"
require ''rcov/rcovtask''
require ''spec/rake/spectask''
require ''cucumber/rake/task''
task :rcov => "rcov:all"
namespace :rcov do
Rcov::RcovTask.new(:all) do
task :rcov =>
2009 Feb 02
[RSpec] rcov and/or rexml bug?
Running: Ruby 1.8.7 p72, RSpec 1.1.12 and rcov, I get the
following error message with $ rake spec:rcov
`[]'': no implicit conversion from nil to integer (TypeError)
2008 Dec 04
Cucumber and Rcov
I am now trying to get rcov to work for me, without much success. I
stole the rake task code from the cucumber site:
desc "Run all features"
task :features => "features:all"
task :features => ''db:test:prepare''
require ''cucumber/rake/task'' #I have to add this -mischa
namespace :features do
Cucumber::Rake::Task.new(:all) do |t|
2006 Mar 16
Re: rcov 0.2.0 - code coverage tool for Ruby
On 3/14/06, David Holroyd <ruby-talk@badgers-in-foil.co.uk> wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 15, 2006 at 02:23:04AM +0900, Mauricio Fernandez wrote:
> > On Tue, Mar 14, 2006 at 09:27:14AM +0900, David Holroyd wrote:
> > > On Wed, Mar 01, 2006 at 01:31:11AM +0900, Mauricio Fernandez wrote:
> > > > Source code, additional information, screenshots... available at
> >
2007 Sep 24
Is Rcov working with Jruby now?
Hello everyone:
I am currently assigned to test a big project which uses JRuby to build a
web application. The reason of using JRuby is the web application is
communicating with Java Service. I am writing test cases using Rspec and
looking for a code coverage tool. Rcov is no doubt a nice code coverage
tool. However, it is said that Rcov is not compatible with JRuby so far.
Sigh....I can not
2007 May 25
Sorry to be a newb about this, but I''m trying to integrate rcov into my
tests. I tried to follow the example located here:
But to my dismay, I just don''t understand what to do. I tried to run that
task in the rspec plugins directory, but it threw an error about pre_commit.
Regardless though, I want to be able to rcov all of
2008 Sep 13
RCov / RSpec segfaults on Ubuntu
Hi all,
I appreciate that this is not an RSpec question, but I wondered if
anyone out there can offer some pointers. We''re using the latest
versions of RSpec and RCov, and ruby --version says this (on the
Ubuntu build server):
ruby 1.8.6 (2008-07-17 patchlevel 279) [x86_64-linux]
We''re getting intermittent (yes, intermittent!) segfaults from the
build when running
2007 Sep 24
rcov including ruby lib
When I run spec:rcov on my continuous integration server, the rcov
report is including many other libraries in the report, including
some from standard lib and gems. Has anyone else had this problem or
have any ideas for how to limit it just to coverage of code in app/
and lib/?
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2007 May 17
strange results when using rcov with rspec
I have some specs tucked away inside my vendor/plugins directory that
I want to run when I run rake spec.
I''ve got the rake task working just fine, but for some reason rcov
seems to choke when I try to tweak the included/excluded files to
ignore any files in app/ but to include files in vendor/plugins/
The error I get is this:
No file to analyze was found. All the
2007 Aug 10
Using rcov and ouput to screen
I''d like to output my rcov data to the screen in ascii instead of
html...is that possible using the rake spec:rcov command?
Also, is there somewhere that will allow me to search the mail
archives...I''m pretty sure someone else has asked similar questions.
Thanks for the help.
Mike B.
This message was sent
2008 Jun 07
rcov causing a segmentation fault on rspec 1.1.4 and rails 2.1
Hello again :)
I''m trying to run rcov on my specs here but i''m getting a lot of
segmentation faults (and they usually happen at different places):
[BUG] Segmentation fault ruby 1.8.6 (2007-09-24) [i486-linux]
2008 Sep 14
rake spec:rcov => [BUG] Segmentation fault ruby 1.8.6 (2007-09-24) [i386-mswin32]
i have a rails app that tests fine with "rake spec" but gets a
segmentation fault when "rake spec:rcov" is run.
i am on windows xp, ruby 1.8.6, rails 2.1.1, mysql 5
my app is at
so maybe someone can try to replicate my error so i know if the
problem is with my code or something installed on my pc.
here is a copy of my shell
2007 May 11
[Somewhat OT] Integrating RSpec and RCov results in Gem''s RDoc
I have a Gem on which the testing is done with RSpec. I would like to
include the results of RSpec and the RCov html files in the RDoc.
The problem is that when I have RDoc include the files, it winds up
escaping all the html. Is there a way to get HTML into RDoc
unprocessed? Or is there some other way I can distribute the RSpec/RCov
results with my Gem integrated with RDoc? I can include
2007 Jun 15
Problems with RCov and Rails
Hey list,
I''m trying to use the rcov integration that rspec provides in my Rails
application. As per the documentation on the website, I''ve created
the following rake task:
require ''spec/rake/spectask''
desc "Run all specs with rcov"
Spec::Rake::SpecTask.new(''specs_with_rcov'') do |t|
t.rcov = true
2007 Nov 23
How to generate c1 and c2 reports for Rcov
Hi all,
I am implementing the Rcov stuff in my application and i was
able to generate c0 Report but i am in confusion about how to generate
c1 and c2 reports. Could some one please guide me for the same. Thanks a
lot in advance
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2007 Jan 05
RSpec 0.7.5 with Rails and rcov
I seem to be missing something because I am at a loss on how to get
rcov, RSpec, and Rails working together. Would someone mind dropping
some hints?