similar to: Exception backtraces for view plugins

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "Exception backtraces for view plugins"

2008 May 13
Problem geting web interface to work
Hi, i have installed CruiseControlRB 1.3.0. With no project added the web interface at localhost:3333 looks find. I have successfully added one of my projects (batch file which builds some c++ code) which is also building fine. But the web interface is no more working - i get the following message "Errno::EINVAL in Projects#index". I have attached a log (run with --trace) which
2006 Jun 21
MasterView rails-optimized (x)html friendly template engine plugin - Release 0.2.0
MasterView rails-optimized (x)HTML friendly template engine plugin - Release 0.2.0 The MasterView development team is pleased to announce the general availability of MasterView release 0.2.0. MasterView is a rails-optimized (x)html friendly template engine plugin that provides another option to the existing rails view templates (rhtml and rxml). The main idea is to provide a template engine that
2007 Nov 06
Why is this view spec failing?
I can''t figure out why I am getting a failure. It renders out fine in the browser. <h1>New member</h1> <%= error_messages_for :member %> <% form_for(:member, :url => members_path) do |f| %> <fieldset> <legend>Member Info</legend> <p><label for="member[first_name]">First Name:</label> <%=
2006 Jul 05
MasterView rails-optimized (x)html friendly template engine - Release 0.2.3
MasterView is a rails-optimized (x)html friendly template engine plugin that provides another option to the existing rails view templates (rhtml and rxml). The main idea is to provide a template engine that would provide all the power of layouts, partials, and rails helpers but still be editable/styleable in a WYSIWYG editor. It was also a major goal that the syntax of these attribute directives
2005 Oct 24
Custom View Location
Hi, I would like to have the ability for my application''s .rhtml files to be customized after I give my app to a client. However I don''t want them to mess with the existing templates. Basically I would like to look in a directory lets say "customize" which would be off the RAILS_ROOT directory. If a .rhtml is in the "customize" there use that one, if not
2007 May 30
Hi, I have a strange problem that only occurs on the production server. I''ve been banging my head for hours trying to figure it out with no success. Below is a copy of the error from the production log. ActionView::TemplateError (Expected /www/rails_apps/scanlan/current/ public/../config/../app/models/image.rb to define Image) on line #6 of app/views/admin/design/_record.rhtml: 3:
2010 Mar 20
Problem with videos on heroku
Hi, I have recently moved my RoR app on the Heroku platform, and almost everything works fine apart from the videos. It works fine when my app runs in local but not on heroku. This is the error log I''m getting, if anyone knows where it can be coming from: Processing VideosController#new (for IP at 2010-03-20 04:32:09) [GET] Session ID: 6abecf60c3369d7c7029e366bb801e08 Parameters:
2006 Jun 08
No rhtml, rxml, or delegate template found
hi , i''m having a problem with rendering a partial , the partial is in the apps/view/polls folder with the name : _antwoorden_user.rhtml in the view i''m rendering it with <% if @user %> <%= render :partial => ''polls/antwoorden_user'', :locals => {:poll => @poll, :user => @user} %> <% else %> .... gives me the error => No
2007 Oct 01
View Spec - Misbehaving
I''m trying to write my first view spec; I''ve done some controller specs with integrated views, but thought that isolating the views for some of these tests might be nice. So I wrote this: > describe PlayerContainer, "show" do > > PARENT_ID = 12 > CHILD_NAME = ''Child Name'' > PARENT_NAME = ''Parent Name'' > >
2007 Mar 08
Rendering a view from a model
Hi peoples. I have the following class method in a Rails model, in which I retrieve some objects from the DB... @bubbles = Bubble.find(:all, :limit => 30) # What is the limit? open( "public/xml_data/main_data_feed.xml", "w" ) { | l | l.write File.join( RAILS_ROOT, "app/views/rssfeed/bubbles.rhtml" ) ) ).result } When I attempt to run this
2007 May 24
Exception Notification Plugin Question
Hi, I have two questions re the Exception Notifier plugin (i.e. which you install via "ruby script/plugin install exception_notification") Q1 - In it''s current setup (where it uses /public/500.html) is it possible to remove the "Status: 500 Internal Server Error Content-Type: text/html" text which seems to mysteriously get place at the top of the page? Q2 -
2006 Jan 18
Partial Problems
Hey guys, I''m having a little trouble working out partials. I have successfully made a partial work in my list.rhtml, but as I see it on the 15min introductry video. They guy uses one partial on multipul pages. At the moment I am trying this in my show.rhtml, I write <%= render :partial => "journal" %> and I get this. NoMethodError in Write#show > > Showing
2006 Mar 22
Rendering partials in ActionMailer?
Hello, Is anyone out there rendering partials successfully in ActionMailer templates? I am having trouble with this, and wasn''t sure if it was my configuration or something with a version of Rails I''m running. We''ve got over 15 mailer templates, all working like a charm. But we have a piece of shared code, that we''d really like to not have to copy &
2007 Jan 11
nil object while the required parameter are in the request
I''m having an application as follows. I have all the parameters for as object appended in the url. And there is an action in the controller like this def newlet render :layout=> false @product = if request.get? @product.title= params[:title] @product.description = params[:description] @product.primary_link = params[:primary_link]
2005 Dec 19
Preserving fallback with RJS
Hi guys, I really like RJS. I think they''ll replace partials in alot of instances. Unfortunately, because they''re automatically used like .rhtml and .rxml and are hard to specifically specify it makes it messy to preserve fallbacks when using them. For instance, using partials instead of rjs, my create method might look like: def create post =[:post]) ...
2005 Jul 06
Composite Views
Hello: How do you create a composite view? I have a form based on the model "contacts" which consists the following models: - organization - person - address I was going to use partials to create the form; e.g: - organizations/_form.rhtml - people/_form.rhtml .etc ...and render them with the appropriate tag: <%= render_partial ''people/form'', @person %> I
2006 Jun 24
Staying DRY -- can views share partials?
Let''s say I have a "main" controller/view and a "sub" controller/view. If I have defined a partial in "main" for the site header (_site_header.rhtml) can I share it with "sub" or does "sub" have to duplicate it, use a symbolic link to the file, or convert the cool partial into an ugly helper? It would be nice to have a shared placed
2007 Nov 01
Using view helpers from a controller
Hi, I want to access a view helper from a controller. (Of course, you all want to know why??? -- See below.) To be specific, I want to access methods such as ActionView::Helpers::FormTagHelper -- form_tag and text_field_tag from either a controller or from a new class (in models? or lib?). If I create the new class then that class''s methods need to also be able to access the
2004 Sep 29
Oops from netlink or what?
I reported this previously and it was verified. Is this a bug in netlink or what? Who should I report this to? Original Oops report: Thanks. Linux rebecca 2.6.4 #1 Mon Sep 27 15:16:48 EDT 2004 i686 GNU/Linux Sep 27 19:02:58 rebecca kernel: Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 00000000 Sep 27 19:02:58
2006 Dec 08
UJS plugin incompatible with RSpec?
Hi all, Anyone using UJS with RSpec? I have the following view spec: ---- edit_spec.rb context "accounts/edit" do fixtures :users setup do assigns[:user] = users(:consumer) end specify "should display the user info to edit" do render ''/accounts/edit'' end end ---- end that causes this exception: ---- exception ActionView::TemplateError