similar to: capistrano and rails edge

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "capistrano and rails edge"

2006 Apr 20
Capistrano not working for me
Hello fellow railers, I''m new to the whole RoR thing and I have finished installing and setting everything up on my OSX G4 Powerbook. I followed the step by step instructions at Hivelogic, running lighttpd and everything else. I''m having an issue with Capistrano. I''m following the tutorial at Apple: Everything in
2006 Mar 27
Capistrano deployment issues under Ubuntu Dapper
I''ve recently upgraded my box from Ubuntu Breezy to Dapper, and for the life of me can''t figure out why I''m getting this exception thrown. I''ve switched from Switchtower to Capistrano, and when I run rake deploy I get this output: ** [update_code] exception while rolling back: NameError, uninitialized constant Net::SSH::Transport::OSSL
2006 Aug 12
Capistrano deployment pathname error
When I try to do a deployment with Capistrano I get the error "No such file to load -- pathname" when Cap tries to execute reaper. Any ideas what''s causing this or how I can troubleshoot it? (Output follows.) Thanks. Evan -----BEGIN OUTPUT----- [evans-powerbook:~/Desktop/asktheguys] evan% clear ; rake remote:deploy (in /Users/evan/Desktop/asktheguys) loading
2006 May 25
Weird Capistrano problem
I''m having problems launching the spin process via the deploy.rb task. Everything works great when is run the script manually via: % ssh /Web/Rails/Example/current/script/spin However, when I run ''cap spinner'' or ''rake remote:exec ACTION=spinner'', I get the following errors: % cap spinner loading configuration
2011 Sep 10
rbenv and cap deploy
Hi, I have installed rbenv on my development machine and got it working. For now I run 1.8.7. But when I try to do cap deploy i get an error: /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/ruby/ 1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:31:in `gem_original_require'': no such file to load -- bundler/capistrano (LoadError) Doing rbenv rehash does not help in my deploy.rb: require
2009 Mar 15
Capistrano deploy errors
Hi, when I do cap deploy:cold I get this error: rake aborted! undefined local variable or method `acts_as_commentable'' for #<Class: 0x7fa1c34a2f10> /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-2.2.2/lib/active_record/ base.rb:1833:in `method_missing_without_paginate'' /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/mislav-will_paginate-2.3.8/lib/ will_paginate/finder.rb:170:in
2006 Mar 21
Capistrano: creating your own tasks
When I create a task within capistrano.rb I can call it using rake. When I create a task and put it in deploy.rb I can call it. Neither with or without the remote: namespace. Anyone have any insight into why it does not work? John Kopanas
2006 Apr 01
Saving images in shared directory w/ Capistrano/SVN?
Hi all, I''m using Capistrano and SVN to version control and deploy, but I''m not sure what to do about my images directory. I use file_column and RMagick to save images to the disk under a model called "Image", and they''re saved in public/image/... etc. Each time I deploy a new version, my image folder doesn''t exist anymore. I don''t want
2006 Mar 20
Capistrano, ftp user and svn user are different
What do you do when the ftp login username is different then the svn username? Every time I try to deploy it gets stuck right here: [] executing command ** [out ::] Authentication realm: <> ** [out ::] Password for ''jkopanas'': ** [out ::] subversion is asking for a password ** [out ::
2006 Apr 10
Capistrano with CVS repository doesn''t seem to work
All, Does anyone has any experience with Capistrano against a CVS repository? I am unable to successfully pull a revision onto my remote server when hitting a CVS repository. Here is the relevant output from the cap "update_code" task: * executing "if [[ ! -d ~dusan/eSimplyTest/releases/20060410205540 ]]; then\n cd ~dusan/eSimplyTest/releases;\n
2009 Jul 05
Deploying without capistrano, using git pull?
I''m NOT working on an enterprisey big time rails application; just something for my personal site. I''ve been deploying via local> git push origin master remote> git pull origin remote> sudo /etc/init.d/httpd restart Trying to decide if this is sufficient, or if learning capistrano and setting that up will give me any advantages over this? Thanks, Dave
2006 Jul 26
Capistrano - freezes & I don''t get prompted for password??
Hi, Just having a problem trying to get capistrano working to the remote server. I''ve set things up per the below to links, but when I enter "cap setup" (or "rake remote:exec ACTION=setup" - I assume they are the same) then things FREEZE and it never asks me for a password. I have to kill the "cmd" window. Is there a way to get some level of trace or
2007 Oct 22
I''ve deployed an application using Capistrano. But on my local machine I edited one of the earlier migrations. I''ve tried "cap deploy_with_migrations", but it looks like it didn''t rebuild the database. How can I do the equivalent of this using Capistrano? "rake db:migrate VERSION=0" "rake db:migrate" -- Posted via
2006 Apr 22
Capistrano - SSH Port
I''ve been deploying with Capistrano for a while now, and have had no problems... until now. When I try and do a "cap deploy", cap tries to connect to my remote server via SSH on port 22... even though in my deploy.rb, I''ve had the following set: ssh options[:port] = 8081 I did a "sudo gem update --remote capistrano", and I''m up to speed on the
2006 Mar 08
Rake error after installing Capistrano
After I uninstalled SwitchTower and installed Capistrano, I tried run rake --tasks and got the error message below: rake aborted! undefined method `namespace'' for #<Object:0x28a9258> ./rakefile:10 I''ve run "cap -A ." on my Rails application before running rake --tasks. The same thing happens when I overwrite my copy of deploy.rb. Hmm, what could be going wrong
2007 Sep 07
Fails to restart mongrel cluster after Capistrano rollback (PIDs not deleted)
Hi, I am deploying a Rails website using Capistrano to a VPS running the site through Apache and Mongrel. ''cap deploy'' works fine, and mongrels are restarted. When I execute ''cap deploy:rollback'', however, my script fails to restart the mongrels giving this error: !!! PID file tmp/pids/ already exists. Mongrel could be running already.
2006 Apr 12
Capistrano Issues
Well I finnally bit the bullet and upgrade to capistrano and have run into several issues that I can''t seem to find a fix for. Switchtower worked perfectly but I can not get cap to work especially with the change to the command to run a deploy. The following code worked fine in switchtower to deploy: switchtower -vvvv -S stage=stage -r config/deploy -a deploy The stage variable
2006 Mar 30
Capistrano Shovel onto Textdrive SVN error
I''m using the Shovel recipe to deploy my lovely app to text drive. everyhting seems to be ok apart from the deploy action which fails saying that there is "No such file or directory" I''ve included the full error listing below. The SVN definately exists because we''re using for development. Does any one have any ideas what might be going wrong? Thanks Tom
2006 May 16
Capistrano to deploy to Mac OS X?
We''re moving some "internal use" apps to a spare internal machine - instead of a public, shared host. I''m not sure if it''s relevant, but the new machine is running OS 10.3. I''m having a strange problem using Capistrano. It happens on both our development machines, and only when deploying to this server. I run ''cap deploy'' and get:
2006 Mar 20
Capistrano: cap show_tasks working but rake show_tasks not?
Does it make sense that if I type cap show_tasks it works but when I type rake show_tasks I get: rake aborted! Don''t know how to build task ''show_tasks'' /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake-0.7.0/lib/rake.rb:1287:in `[]'' /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake-0.7.0/lib/rake.rb:300:in `[]''